Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


There is something more important and precious than all the rest, this is the time, the time that has passed, the time that will pass and the time that is going on, so precious to be collected by the gods. Man is delighted to collect all sorts of objects, the gods collect only time, because those who dominate the time will be immortal. Telling the past time is a duty and a mission because nothing that has happened must be lost. Unveiling the future, knowing it, imagining it is an opportunity that the gods sometimes grant to men to facilitate very important decisions. But telling the present, especially in our case, can be very dangerous, both for me and for those who will read, but the gods have arranged that everything happens, and everything will happen. Over the centuries an endless list of illustrious personalities have followed one another in the Valle Benedetta in order to discover truly the source of the mysterious energy that dominates the whole area, what secret hides such a pleasant place. Many have tried, paying their daring sometimes at a high price. Some have approached the truth. Each of them has only had insights or perceptions of everything that was hidden in the Benedetta Valley. Many of them died before they could account for their mistakes. Others surrendered by abandoning the game with a bitter taste. But if in the past everyone had failed, in the present someone has managed to understand the arcane that lurks in the Benedetta Valley.
No one had ever approached the truth as much as the scientist Massimo De Santi, a nuclear physicist, professor at the University of Pisa.
A man with great intuition and intelligence. In addition to being a sensitive and knowledgeable of the human mind, Massimo De Santi was also a profound connoisseur of ancient and modern history. Like the old sages of the past, De Santi decided to retire in great solitude on the heights of the Benedetta Valley. The professor rented an apartment inside the courtyard of the Valle Benedetta church, very close to the room that once hosted Captain Leale Martelli. De Santi did not use means of transport, he moved only on foot to reach all those places where he felt a strong energy coming from. The professor was highly esteemed by the locals who occasionally provided him with valuable information. A mind so enlightened could not go unnoticed, in fact every move made by the scientist was followed by the "romitone", who had established that De Santi could be a danger and that he would soon be part of his collection of finest mirrors. The romitone was weaving the canvas around De Santi. Everything happens in early November 2017. One afternoon, during a religious service held at the cemetery of the Valle Benedetta, a place where the power of the Romitone is practically unlimited. That morning the professor got up early, aware that this day would not be like the others. An unknown force led him to participate in the ceremony. He felt that in that context he would have a meeting that would have left him with many surprises. So it was, the Romitone could not desert the meeting he wanted, for the occasion took human form, assuming the appearance of an inhabitant of the village ...


Hi All, just to give a confirmation on one of the varius historical mentions made by Mr. Little Doctor. Posts ago we read that Livorno,
at time of the Templar's voyage , was called LivornA (I didn't understand why) : Livorno, the ancient Labron, in armenian language is :
ALIKOWR^NA. This comes from a very old time.


Dear Tourist, it's a while since you wrote. Is it all right? Still following us?

For a series of randomness, I came back to bump into the word Alikwor^na...

It is an ancient armenian word, probably deriving from the same language in which Avesta is written.
Avesta is an ancient indo-european language also used for sacred purposes and is related to proto-Sanskrit

Avesta Sacred Books are the sacred text of Mazdeism / Mazdayasna (also called Zoroastrianism) and from a certain point of view one could say that their role correspond to that of the Indian Vedas. From this religion are then derived / influenced others like: Zurvanism, Manichaeism, middle-eastern Gnosticism.

In Avestan language there are some word similar to Alikwor^na and probably this word could mean “power”, “power of the king” or “place of great power”.

Some other interesting sparks:
1) Mazdeism / Zoroastrianism was the religion of the so-called Magi, famous magician in the antiquity.
2) Zurvanism developed a “twin brother doctrine” and… I would like to remember the importance of the Magdalena’s twins in the Little Doctor history.

3) Mazdeism, and the religions born by Mazdeism, are one of the roots of Gnosticism… from which born… Catharism and therefore, here you are the connection with the Cathar Bible!

4) In these religions the sacred fire was very important.

5) In Mazdeism / Zurvanism were build special religious building called… Tower of Silence, similar (but bigger) to the Valle Benedetta’s wind mills. This towers were used for excarnation practice of the deads, similar to what is done in Tibet.

6) Mazdeism / Zoroastrism was the religion of Armenia before Christianization and its role was very important also for the formation of armenian mythology. The firsts Tigran King were probably believer of this religion and, officialy, until the first world war and the armenian genocide, there were still some mazdean armenian and they were called Arewordik / Arevordik, meaning children of the sun.


Nice Nitro i was in Croatia once as a Traveller. You are welcome.

The magi story is fascinating.
Manicheism is also very interesting. They even have it in China..
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The Physics Prof was travelling the same way as the two pilgers, the Preacher and the Armenian Monk, when they were initiated to the milky way of Santiago De Compostela.
There are others stories related to steps like in the painting of the four Templars of V. F. they are actually flying and in the Campino it is said that it is cleaned by parachuting on it. Tourist mentioned that the Romitone can transform even in metereological events so it could be that she is in some way related to making steps.
Pica said that when approaching the Villa one has to pay attention to every step as if the own child might die. Maybe he means to have a lighter step? Lighter soul? A pure soul? In fact that Villa hides the well of souls as LD said.

In the following something about Compostela and Milk.
The reason for this is because when walking el Camino de Santiago at night you can see our galaxy the Milky Way directly over you. In other words, you are walking from East to West in the same direction as the Milky Way.

According to a common medieval legend, the Milky Way was formed from the dust raised by traveling pilgrims. Compostela itself means "field of stars". Another origin for this popular name is Book IV of the Book of Saint James which relates how the saint appeared in a dream to Charlemagne, urging him to liberate his tomb from the Moors and showing him the direction to follow by the route of the Milky Way.

The Irish translation is interesting. I wonder where the cow came into "the way of the white cow". You could possibly trace that back to pre-Christian times in Ireland.

Walking beneath the Milky Way - different languages

There are tales in Welsh and Irish folklore in which the milk of white cows heals the wounds of warriors, or acts as an antidote to poisonous arrows; and there is the tale of the “seven white kine” that produce enough milk to satisfy “the men of the whole world”; and the even stranger tale of the “300 livers of white kine” that when spread on a plain inundated with snow magically clear it—to name a few. One very characteristic myth is that of the “Magical Welsh White Cow”, a legend related in Carmarthenshire and recorded in the Welsh Sacred Book:

In times of old there was a band of elfin ladies who used to haunt the neighborhood of Llyn Barfog, a lake among the hills just back of Aberdovey. It was their habit to make their appearance at dusk clad all in green, accompanied by their milk-white hounds. Besides their hounds, the green ladies of Llyn Barfog were peculiar in the possession of droves of beautiful milk-white kine called Gwarthe y Llyn, or “kine of the lake”.

One day an old farmer who lived near Dyssyrnant, had the good luck to catch one of these mystic cows, which had fallen in love with the cattle of his herd. From that day the farmer’s fortune was made. Such calves, such milk, such butter, and cheese, as came from the milk-white cow never had been seen in Wales before, nor ever will be seen again. The fame of of Fuwch Gyfeiliorn (which was what they called the cow) spread through the country round.

The farmer who had been poor, became rich; the owner of vast herds, like the patriarchs of old. But one day he took it into his silly noddle that the elfin cow was getting old, and that he had better fatten her for the market. His nefarious purpose thrived amazingly. Never, since beef steaks were invented was seen such a fat cow as this cow grew to be.

The killing day came, and the neighbours arrived from all about to witness the taking-off of this monstrously fat beast. The farmer had already counted up the gains from the sale of her, and the butcher had bared his right arm. The cow was tethered, regardless of her mournful lowing and her pleading eyes; the butcher raised his bludgeon and struck fair and hard between the eyes; when lo! A shriek resounded through the air awakening the echoes of the hills, as the butcher’s bludgeon went through the goblin head of the elfin cow, and knocked over nine adjoining men, while the butcher went frantically whirling around trying to catch hold of something permanent. Then the astonished assemblage beheld a green lady standing on a crag high up over the lake, and crying with a loud voice:

Come yellow Anvil, stray horns
Speckled one of the lake
And of the hornless Dodlin,
Arise, come home.

Whereupon not only did the elfin cow arise and go home, but all her progeny to the third and fourth generations went home with her, disappearing in the air over the hill tops and returning nevermore. Only one cow remained of all the farmer’s herd, and she had turned from milky white to raven black. Whereupon the farmer in despair drowned himself in the lake of the green ladies, and the black cow became the progenitor of the existing race of Welsh black cattle

That a legend about white cattle should explain the origins of a breed of black cattle is a characteristically odd twist of the Welsh mind. But apart from that, the strange tale captures the exalted place the white cow has occupied in the imagination of the Welsh people. This Welshman still patiently awaits the day when he through his “mystic” white cows will one day become “…rich… like the “patriarchs of old”. “ It’s not bloody likely!” as they would say in Wales. Ah well then, but on the positive side, the green lady of the lake has yet to appear hovering above Turkana Farms to shout out her terrible summons each time we with our “silly noddles” decide to send one of our “elfin cows” off to market.
The White Cow in Welsh and Irish Folklore: The legend of the Elfin Ladies – LIGHTGRID - Lichtnetz - REDDELUZ
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Related to milk we have the two twins of the facade of the Armenian Church. Arcetri and the sun station is related to La Leccia, to the Armenian Church and to the San Felice brot. of hunters and gatherers.
There is a Captain who went to Arcetri once and liked very much the sun observation tower there that wanted it the same way on Poggio La Leccia and a Deacon helped out. On Arcetri there is a Villa called Poggio Imperiale where we have a statue of Bartolini.

It is the carità, the third theological virtue.
This man says it is the same as the woman with an heart or an head in flames or a fired torch. After 1600s it became the woman breastfeeding two or three children
St. Augustine said Mary gave birth from the ardent carità of faith and hope. (the perfect union of faith and hope in the carità as S. Paul says).
Lorenzo Bartolini: analisi vita e opere.
I want to remember that Ronconi said once "have faith" when he was waiting for the Captain to come back so that he could die and fight in the after death (there seems to be a war maybe the same war as the eternal war?) and the same said also Montechiello.
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The nuclear physicist De Santi was attracted by the religious ceremony dedicated to Ognissanti which was celebrated inside the cemetery of the Valle Benedetta. The Romitone wanting to subjugate the professor took human form, those of a descendant of the Martelli family, very well known in the village. The two met outside the cemetery as if they had made an appointment for some time. Prof. De Santi followed the romitone as a mouse following the Pied Piper. The Romitone conducted the prof calmly in a house owned by another belonging to the large family Martelli in the country, where he made to view some documents to De Santi where it was supposed to be documented evidence of the same descendants of the Valle Benedetta Martelli family with that of Martelli of Florence. The Romitone took Professor De Santi for a walk around the country for a minimum of two hours. The two trusted secrets. When the Romitone understood that De Santi was very close to the truth he led him to the church of the Valle Benedetta under the bell tower, he looked mockingly at the bell tower and immediately the bells began to sound madly outside the conventional hours, so as to astonish the professor, who even lived nearby, had never heard the bells ring that way. The sound of the bells grew louder and louder until it reached the heart of the professor who was very frightened. The sound of the bells had cracked the heart of the professor, sickening him forever. Suddenly, before the professor's heart stopped, the Romitone raised his arm and the bells suddenly stopped playing.
Prof. De Santi was very surprised by all this and realized that something terrible had happened to him. From that day the professor did not return to the Benedetta Valley and took away all his discoveries that will remain secret forever. The romitone has meant that if the professor were to hear again the bells of the Valle Benedetta church bell tower would have died instantly. In this way the Romitone is sure to keep De Santi away from the Benedetta Valley. Very recently, in addition to Professor De Santi, other characters went to the Benedetta Valley clearly perceiving the same energy that De Santi spoke about. A man in particular has come in contact several times with the Romitone, first at the sambuca then at the Valle Benedetta cemetery. This character is surely reading this writing now and can realize that he is reading himself.
But this is another story that will still have to happen ... "non nobis domine, non nobis, sed nomini tua da gloriam".
