Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Those lines in the church are derived from the svastika. They are magic seals for warding off unholy. Its like a world scale mirror of pure soul of the universe. But the universe of light fights/judges evil, like a mirror or a diamond cutting... Now i get it why that woman, that was scared of templars, was sitting in the church keeping the feet off the ground!!!

Same svastika pattern was the Sol Niger at the Wewelsburg tower. This is high scale magic, not stuff for kids. When i think of all those younger people who wanted to do break in to do rituals on it...
But Himmler does not appear to be far from being like them! How could Himmler send L. M. to the valle without making him a man of the church is just astonishing. Either he was naiv/very reckless/a stupid fool or he was hypnotised...? How could he even do rituals on the black sun without being ordained, was he crazy? But i think there was a very secret group of church people doing them. The svastika works like a punisher of evil, impure. Everything that attacks gets an equal force back at him BUT IT IS NOT ONLY THIS: our bodies themselves are impure, we don't have bodies that can shift through dimensions/time at will... think of the sages of the past disappearing with their bodies! They made their bodies light! I doubt that even the Armenian Monk was capable of doing that without an help from the phoenix! Otherwise if L. M. or others were supermen they wouldn't have borrowed the same powers from the Romitone! They wouldn't have followed those lines...with the risk of making unholy steps! Failures! And think of the reckless evocators looking for L. M. which disappeared on those lines! Dimensions shifting but unintended!
But again i am speaking to myself, they are just observing and judging like the svastika. This whole discussion is a svastika.
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And Mayhem the real question, without answer is for whom we are here, in this discussion. The answer is hidden, can only be observed indirectly. Maybe the black sun drove you here too, for good or for bad.


Never was a senet chess board so big and so bloody. In place of the normal 30 squares, 30 battlefields were used to play a game to the death of the romitone and the captain. The blood that flowed was that of ignoring pawns of a challenge between a god and a soldier. The Romitone for the occasion granted to Leale Martelli the choice of half of the 30 battles where "lead" the son of the lumberjack. Not all battles were accessible to the captain, the Romitone, with good reason, wanted to exclude some strategic battles that allowed him to maintain dominion over the whole story. Among these were excluded all battles of the fifth crusade from 1217 to 1221. It was also excluded the battle of looting Ayrivank of 923, also the captain was precluded the possibility of participating in the siege of Montsegur ended in 1244. Finally were excluded all battles that saw the protagonist General Wilhelm Stemmermann, in order to avoid contact with the captain that would have triggered the beginning of his primary mission. Among the 30 battles, the captain wanted to choose some that he would always want to fight and among these he also chose the battle of San Giovanni d'Acri in 1291, where the son of the woodcutter had his baptism of fire in the guise of a knight. Then he chose the battle of Beersheba of 1917 and also the battle of El Alamein of 1942, until arriving at the battle of Gela of 1943. Finally the captain tried his luck with the last battle of Berlin. We must note that during his stay in the Valle Benedetta, the captain had learned of the place where Leontino the young man had hidden the helmet stolen from the knight of the two helmets, so, with a stratagem, the captain asked the romitone to also include some battles that took place over the centuries on the island of Pantelleria, so as to become familiar with the territory for a possible search for the helmet. The battles in question were some looting played over the centuries by the Spaniards first and then by the North African pirates.
The last battle that took place in Pantelleria chosen by the captain was that of June 1943, when the Allies conquered the island after a bombing. On that occasion the captain and the son of the woodcutter were very active and managed to defuse a powerful explosive charge that would surely have razed the medieval castle "Barbican".
After this the two wanted to fall back in search of the helmet, but this was not possible because the captain and the son of the woodcutter were hit by a sudden American bombardment that took them by surprise, in fact instead of bombs from sky fell sacks full of sand that prevented him from continuing. The captain immediately understood that all this was the work of the Romitone, a mocking joke to prevent them from continuing their research. The captain could not recover the helmet of Leontino, a helmet with powers of clairvoyance that would allow him to anticipate the moves of the Romitone. But where the captain failed, later succeeded the son of the woodcutter who returned to the island of Pantelleria exactly in 1983, with complete peace of mind, this time in a patrol mission framed in the Folgore. A patrol that yielded the discovery of the helmet of Leontino, but this is another story ....
A more recent story linked to another epic challenge to senet. This time the chessboard is represented by the whole territory of the Benedetta Valley up to Livorno, a challenge that could turn you reading into pawns as well as myself .....


I foresaw that every single "piece" you paint is sort of a chessboard square. It would be boring you would just sit on your old elder chair with a cup of hot tea from Russia.

Strange anecdote, I was thinking these days how my movements in Livorno felt observed even though I was not at the Valle yet... something feels strange in Livorno. Is it the Romitone or something underground or the steps I wonder. Is under livorno some kind of big being too?? Like the one sealed under the church.. the map of Livorno seems a seal too. I iheard people disappearing in some tunnels under livorno...that then got closed. Or maybe are the churches filled with magic.


LD is hiding something. I smell something is off... are you really you, are you really there? Where are you? Where is the story? Who are the characters? Is it really them? Are they really different characters or not!?


Senior Member
Over 6000 years has the spinning swastika of the black Sun been the use of the Indians.

Before we know what occurred.

From Mein Kampf
" "I myself, meanwhile, after innumerable attempts, had laid down a final form; a flag with a red background, a white disk, and a black swastika in the middle. After long trials I also found a definite proportion between the size of the flag and the size of the white disk, as well as the shape and thickness of the swastika."

"The first time the swastika was used with an "Aryan" meaning was on 25 December 1907, when the self-named Order of the New Templars, a secret society founded by Lanz von Liebenfels, hoisted at Werfenstein Castle [de] (Austria) a yellow flag with a swastika and four fleurs-de-lys.[151] "

steven chiverton

Senior Member
There has been in the past year a series of videos up on youtube with title " chronovisor immagine 1909-1944 Andreas Martell" I have been fascinated with these for awhile now and wonder if anyone can shed some light(no pun) on these? They show still images of German soldiers which if you look closely you can see line striation patterns as if it had been filmed off a tv.I've some cryptic clues from someone posting in the comments about how a chronovisor ws discoved by a Captain Leale Martelli inside a church in Leghorn Valle Benedetta in 1945.
Any comments most welcome! heres the links

i tried to have a look at these videos but they are all unavailable


Another idea linked to the layout of some buildings in Valle Bendetta that could be aligned with the Jerusalem map ... the Cenacle, a sacred place for Christianity, is the name given to the famous congregation of artists always present in Valle Benedetta.

Therefore there are
San Gualberto Church = Church of Holy Sepulchre
Radio Station with the Dome = Dome of the Rock
Radio Antenna similar to cross = Golgotha
Cenacle (the Valle Benedetta's artist congregation) = Cenacle (the one of the last supper)


I also remember that we had already written about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of Pisa (a city near Livorno, for those who were not Italian). This church is where Antonio Martelli was to be buried, but his funeral was not officially done and there is no burial place.

Coincidentally, another Church of the Holy Sepulcher, in addition to the chapel of Valle Benedetta.

Last consideration, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher of Pisa was built on an octagonal base (Templar symbolism) and in Armenian style.
