Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Senior Member
I will look at the content you have shared via videos, on the the other subject we all know that Germans and the USA made trips to Antarctica.

Whether Chan Thomas was right in his book about Polar shifts, could it be possible down south wasn't always covered in ice just like the north pole?


The content is quite amazing although on the wiki the author of the 1870 book is said not to be part of the masons. If Hitler was really involved with "radiations" it would mean the British already knew of the aliens that are mentioned later on by the Nazis. Ever heard of the British bombs on a small island at the north coast of Germany? Helgoland (Heligoland): Attempts to Destroy a German Island and its Inhabitants


Senior Member
I havent heard that, but my father was left by his older sisters when the Germans bombed Dublin in the Phoenix park in around 1941.

It seemed at that point they were giving a message stay neutral.
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Junior Member
I tell you but you tell me something in return. It seems they are all vedettas/watchers who scattered additional infos on the net. What I would like someone to explain to me is how come there seem to be people who are following but already fought and now are retired from the war!? Some are not even at the Valle.
There is even a guy in the east who knows secrets on LDs way of writing!? Just how many people are you!? Its not only the confrere reading this.
Martin , in exchange l can tell you , that even the Order of Malta of Livorno sponsored an event at the Valle Benedetta , on 8 September 2019 ,perhaps they too will send lookouts ? for more info. only in private .
