Classified Nasa Photo Released


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This was posted on a few alternative topics forums and websites over the past few days. I have no idea if it's legit or not since it's now so easy to fake those pictures with a simple piece of software.


What is this bright disc ? Most people say it's some "alien thing", but it's not the sun for sure. If NASA call this thing a bright disc, they likely don't know what it is, right ?

Any idea what this thing is ?
It's possibly because of the exposure level of the picture that the moon looks kinda purple/blue. Have you noticed how bright the "unknown disc" is? It's normal that the moon looks darker behind it. And I don't really think this was the point of this post anyways.

Here's a hi-res version of the photo:

I don't see how this disc could be a lense flare or any other artifact. Plus, the picture was taken from the Apollo 13 spacecraft, so it can't be an object in the Earth's atmosphere.

Are we really going to start to belive NASA at this point? If any part of the "Disclosure Project" was legitimate, than NASA has been the king of disinformation when it comes to the UFO/ ET phenomena. The only reasons they would declassify information of any kind to the general public would be to:

1. Send everyone on yet another wild goose chase while they hold on tight to the cards.

2. To slowly break us into the point of Disclosure.

I think from the history of this issue that option 1 is far more likely.

Sounds about right since NASA would be pretty dumb to release pictures with actual clues of ETs and such. I mean yeah, this pic might be a clue regarding ETs to some people but it doesn't prove anything.

What seems the more interesting to me is what we can read on the picture. It sounds like they don't know what they're looking at and they called it a bright disc.

Does that make sense ?
Why would the moon be Blue?
What do you mean ? It seems to me that the moon appears blue because of the exposure level of the picture. When you take a picture with an old 35mm camera and the foreground is very bright, everything behind it appears darker and bluish, right ? I'd bet that's why the moon appears bluish compared to this bright yellow/white disc.

What do you think ?
NerdyGirl said it was taken "from" the spacecraft. I do remember reading this information as well while browsing pages of info about this photo.

What I don't know though is if the camera was in fact really inside, or actually outside the spacecraft, attached to it, pretty much like they do today.
