Comaparison to Facism.
Let us draw a comparison to facism shall we? And then we'll take a brief dip into history, for that is where all of this is spinning from.
1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
I would quite honestly say, that we are fairly nationalistic people. We will not tolerate any anti-America slongans, presidents, etc. However, why not? Are we not free people, are we not saying we are "liberating" the Iraqi people, or are we just purging our tyrananical government onto them? Who wants too face the oppression of the United States?
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
The Patriot Act, there in lies, the disdain of our human rights. They are now making it their obligation to be "spies" upon our, privacy. Wanna look into my life, go 'head, you'll notice that I don't have much of a life.
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
Well, I'll be. We had the 9/11 terrorist attacks, shocking. As I stated in another thread, our president thought we were safe because of an Ocean. Thats the President that I want running this country, someone that thinks an ocean can protect us, when information alone could kill us, particullary the information about the government. We are using the terrorists as a scapegoat, and they have unifed us, you say 9/11 was a government created thing, you are automatically a cyncial guy/gal. The truth may hurt, but I would rather be told the truth, over their lies, and then their deceit as well.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
I'd say we use our military way too much. And they're already over-extended. Just pass the freakin' National Selective Service Act already. I ain't going to serve one damn hour for you fools. Make it you're wish to lock me away. I refuse to fight for a tyranical government, i'd fight for my damned enemy before I fought for THIS administration.
5. Rampant sexism.
Hello Gay-Marriage ban. Its against the bible! Take you're bible and shove it up you're tooter. Thats about all its worth to me, you think by justifying you're encouragement of the ban, that you should use the Bible. If I find the apprpriate Amedment in the Constitution, it clearly states "Seperation of Church and State". Right there, are the means for impeachment.
6. A controlled mass media.
I'd say the neocons have got this one solid lid. They get FoxNews to display whatever they choose, and then the American Public automatically belives it. There used to be a time, when the truth mattered, apparently people are too busy with sex, and drugs to care.
7. Obsession with national security.
Oh Lawd. After the 9/11 attacks, the Patriot Act was passed. Which was supposed to protect us, not hurt us. I beg to differ, they're trying everyone, and using racism against us. Ridiculous.
8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
Well, I'd say President Bush makes it his viable duty to use the Bible to its fullest extent while hes in office. I don't care if you're a Christian, do you're job right for once. If you want to practice Christianity within the Oval Office, good for you, 'bout the only deed that you can do in there, without being told what to do.
9. Power of corporations protected.
This ain't my expertise, but from what I hear, they are protecting corporations, non-stop. Giving them fedearl aid, just so they can stay alive. Too much money in the Federal Reserve for them to go bankrupt.
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
They're getting there. Thats all I can say, give them a few days, and they'll surely do so.
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
Too funny, Thats all I have to say. Just wait till they start crackin' and puttin' people in their FEMA camps.
12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
Their obession with crime and punishment is too funny. Too bad they can't fess up too the truth, and admit themselves to the US Supreme Court, but then again, the USSC, is in on it too. So they'd get pardoned.
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
The word corruption, can only deal so little justice. Our government is beyond corrupt, they are inexplicably far out there.
14. Fraudulent elections.
Flordia 2000, other stations said that the state went to Gore, when FoxNews, which is run by the necons, said it went Bush. Well, if I don't smell a conspiracy then, i'll be. Heck, we just experienced another election, inwhich was probably more fraudlent than the last one. Ohio, I'm sure that the neocons stuffed the ballot box full of Bush ballots, with the names Goofy, and Minne Mouse. Give me a break, if you want to further you're PNAC goals, let Kerry do it.
In Conclusion, in no way am I saying that the US government, is indeed a Facist lying sack of mush. Indeed, it may appear to be that way, but as soon as you add the bible, they're good GOP members. Give me a break...
Here is where I got the Bulleted points, the writing was done by me, and what I see:
Just remeber one thing, "smile, it gets a lot worse from here".
Let us draw a comparison to facism shall we? And then we'll take a brief dip into history, for that is where all of this is spinning from.
1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
I would quite honestly say, that we are fairly nationalistic people. We will not tolerate any anti-America slongans, presidents, etc. However, why not? Are we not free people, are we not saying we are "liberating" the Iraqi people, or are we just purging our tyrananical government onto them? Who wants too face the oppression of the United States?
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights.
The Patriot Act, there in lies, the disdain of our human rights. They are now making it their obligation to be "spies" upon our, privacy. Wanna look into my life, go 'head, you'll notice that I don't have much of a life.
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause.
Well, I'll be. We had the 9/11 terrorist attacks, shocking. As I stated in another thread, our president thought we were safe because of an Ocean. Thats the President that I want running this country, someone that thinks an ocean can protect us, when information alone could kill us, particullary the information about the government. We are using the terrorists as a scapegoat, and they have unifed us, you say 9/11 was a government created thing, you are automatically a cyncial guy/gal. The truth may hurt, but I would rather be told the truth, over their lies, and then their deceit as well.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism.
I'd say we use our military way too much. And they're already over-extended. Just pass the freakin' National Selective Service Act already. I ain't going to serve one damn hour for you fools. Make it you're wish to lock me away. I refuse to fight for a tyranical government, i'd fight for my damned enemy before I fought for THIS administration.
5. Rampant sexism.
Hello Gay-Marriage ban. Its against the bible! Take you're bible and shove it up you're tooter. Thats about all its worth to me, you think by justifying you're encouragement of the ban, that you should use the Bible. If I find the apprpriate Amedment in the Constitution, it clearly states "Seperation of Church and State". Right there, are the means for impeachment.
6. A controlled mass media.
I'd say the neocons have got this one solid lid. They get FoxNews to display whatever they choose, and then the American Public automatically belives it. There used to be a time, when the truth mattered, apparently people are too busy with sex, and drugs to care.
7. Obsession with national security.
Oh Lawd. After the 9/11 attacks, the Patriot Act was passed. Which was supposed to protect us, not hurt us. I beg to differ, they're trying everyone, and using racism against us. Ridiculous.
8. Religion and ruling elite tied together.
Well, I'd say President Bush makes it his viable duty to use the Bible to its fullest extent while hes in office. I don't care if you're a Christian, do you're job right for once. If you want to practice Christianity within the Oval Office, good for you, 'bout the only deed that you can do in there, without being told what to do.
9. Power of corporations protected.
This ain't my expertise, but from what I hear, they are protecting corporations, non-stop. Giving them fedearl aid, just so they can stay alive. Too much money in the Federal Reserve for them to go bankrupt.
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated.
They're getting there. Thats all I can say, give them a few days, and they'll surely do so.
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts.
Too funny, Thats all I have to say. Just wait till they start crackin' and puttin' people in their FEMA camps.
12. Obsession with crime and punishment.
Their obession with crime and punishment is too funny. Too bad they can't fess up too the truth, and admit themselves to the US Supreme Court, but then again, the USSC, is in on it too. So they'd get pardoned.
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption.
The word corruption, can only deal so little justice. Our government is beyond corrupt, they are inexplicably far out there.
14. Fraudulent elections.
Flordia 2000, other stations said that the state went to Gore, when FoxNews, which is run by the necons, said it went Bush. Well, if I don't smell a conspiracy then, i'll be. Heck, we just experienced another election, inwhich was probably more fraudlent than the last one. Ohio, I'm sure that the neocons stuffed the ballot box full of Bush ballots, with the names Goofy, and Minne Mouse. Give me a break, if you want to further you're PNAC goals, let Kerry do it.
In Conclusion, in no way am I saying that the US government, is indeed a Facist lying sack of mush. Indeed, it may appear to be that way, but as soon as you add the bible, they're good GOP members. Give me a break...
Here is where I got the Bulleted points, the writing was done by me, and what I see:
Just remeber one thing, "smile, it gets a lot worse from here".