Committee of Correspondance

Judge Bean

Senior Member
Committee of Correspondance

We will need to be having some serious discussions on this forum about what we plan to do together if the results of this election are up in the air or deliberately skewed by either side. The Constitution will not survive contested national election results, and the rest of the story will write itself.
Committee of Correspondance

I agree. I think we need to have a serious discussion incase the worst case scenario does happen. If the net, or even this forum was to go down, we need a way to communicate with each other, don't ya think? Yeah Brandon, better safe than sorry.

Committee of Correspondance

There are three sides to every situation/coin. You have two sides where there are opinions as to what they think happened, then you have the edge of the coin/situation where the reality rests.

I hope the only thing we need to discuss is how long to make the christmas stockings. Lets have those GOOD VIBES!!
Committee of Correspondance

We will need to be having some serious discussions on this forum about what we plan to do together if the results of this election are up in the air or deliberately skewed by either side. The Constitution will not survive contested national election results, and the rest of the story will write itself.

Paul, you are absolutly right. We do need to set up a committe of corispondance. I think the first step is to figure out where everyone lives. For now lets keep it to general area. I'll start. Northeast Colorado.
