
What would be your counter-intel to Putin?

  • Area 51 is developing vampire catgirl hybrids for the army.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Give me a yacht first and I'll send you a postcard when I'm safe.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I slept with all your daughters to give them a virus.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We have this timemachine using free energy.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The USA don't really exist. It's just a meme joke that went too far.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, they did fake the moonlanding to tease you.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Our agents have infiltrated every part of your government.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Our newest nuke called the compensator has a hundred yottatonnes of force.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If Putin wanted to buy intel from you, which crazy story would you give him?
I would tell Putin about my TimeFlippers fully approved, World Wide patent for a magical scabbard (shown below) that while he is wearing it, nothing can harm him such as bullets fired at him or anything thrown at him such as knives...I would also tell him i want 150 million Rubles for it :geek:



The meme that started the USA myth in Russia, because they had no real enemy to show their population on television. Millions of actors practicing a fake accent, sattelite images showling land where there is ocean, 3D rendered cities...

Now we must teach this alternative opinion in schools.
"American Nano Tech and Agriculture had joined forces well back into the 60s when the maintenance of a yard
had accidentally combined an edible oil from a sandwich onto a pair of gardening shears (sloppy eater syndrome) and
left them on the grass. The grass literally grew over them and the metal very slowly combined WITH the living grass/oil to even more slowly create a new form of Living material called Blue Kentucky Hybri-Steel. (BKHS)."

Sixty Two years later Mr. Putin, Americans have this hybridized entity GROWING in their own yards without ANY knowledge!

This TERRESTRIAL/NANOTECH (or BKHS) is quite Literally the Biggest SECRET defense weapon the American Military Intelligence have ever made.

I have no pictures of proof, yet, but what It does is ASTONISHING.

Lob a grenade into a yard where this grows and the BKHS Nano-Tech comes ALIVE by quickly forming a counter measure
of a large, Hand-Like Protrusion that literally Throws The Grenade Right Back at the assailant with 99.9% accuracy.

Sir...This technology NOW works on:

List of modern Russian small arms and light weapons - Wikipedia



It's unprogrammable by usual means but we, my colleagues and I,
have just concluded our third successful attempt at re-programming this Grassy Metallic tech (or BKHS)
to allow the common Dandelion and Clover to completely invade their lawns and by doing so,

If interested simply Falsify Your Personal Health by using both Corporate and Indie Media Circuits
so the world sees you as suddenly sick...or something....

Followed by $ 14,000,000.00 American Dollars sent to :

10538 Dingle Dangle Ave. NE
Apartment 413

The rest of our information can be deciphered by renting this movie.


Homeland Depends Upon You Mr. Putin.

Blue Kentucky Hybri-Steel (BKHS) infringes upon the rights of
unwary citizens all across our globe...Help me (cough)..I mean us..

be rid of this infiltration of our peaceful lawns.


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