COVID Natural Immunity: What You Need to Know

walt willis

Senior Member
Natural immunity may last as long as three years!
The shot there are pushing last about three months and has not be proven to be safe and effective as required by regulations.
Yet some parents will have their children risk their health and life to go along with government dictators?
More proof that there are far more stupid people then there are smart people!
The "Piped Piper" lives and there is No cure for "Stupid"! 0ekk7hccaasz.jpg


Temporal Engineer

This steers way left from the 200 years of medical knowledge we already have. The article is pure propaganda. Natural immunity is for life.


Temporal Engineer
There are 200 cold viruses you can get. That is a verifiable fact. The news media started this bullshit that you can catch the same virus over and over without any medical proof to validate their claims.

I stopped believing the bullshit after the first month. No people dropping dead in the streets. Basically we were fear mongered into believing that. Then the 100 news media deaths that didn't pan out. Still no overrun hospitals. The CDC just recently admitted that 93% of the reported deaths were with comorbidities. Like gunshot wounds, car accident injuries, heart attacks, strokes, all causes for death. That leaves 50,000 people with just covid. Or maybe not! Since that number looks surprisingly similar to the number of pneumonia deaths we have every year.

But I suppose you can choose not to believe facts. The choice is yours.

I have been infected 9 times in the last 2 years. Does that mean I can say I had covid 9 times. It started with a medium flu. 2 full weeks. And then 7 weeks for my lungs to recover from a cough. I did not go to a doctor. I never do. Then 6 one day infections like I was getting sick, and boom! I'm all better. And two 3 day infections. I actually had a real drippy nose and a sore throat with one of those.

Nothing said on the news even comes close to the medical knowledge base.


97 % of the fear mongering.. Came from the media....Not the Medical Professionals.

Sensationalism vs Herd Mentality when faced with the Fear of the Unknown.

I have been shown more than enough proof in my lifetime that you cannot fully trust the media outlets anymore.


Natural immunity may last as long as three years!
The shot there are pushing last about three months and has not be proven to be safe and effective as required by regulations.
Yet some parents will have their children risk their health and life to go along with government dictators?
More proof that there are far more stupid people then there are smart people!
The "Piped Piper" lives and there is No cure for "Stupid"! View attachment 13295


I have some really bad news.

My best friend told me today that his co-worker and close friend, just lost her 26 year old son
to a heart condition exacerbated by catching SARS-CoV 2.

I really do not and will NEVER understand how some people lose their respective humanities
when someone dies, whom had lived a full life with such a condition....until contracting SARS-CoV2.....
...That they would have the NERVE to belittle the cause as..

"They don't die from Covid-19.....It was because they had a Pre-Existing condition."

This person died from catching covid you heartless Prats.

Go right ahead send your respective PMs to me telling me how wrong I am.


This steers way left from the 200 years of medical knowledge we already have. The article is pure propaganda. Natural immunity is for life.

No....Not ALL is "For life..."

Covid is going the way of the cold by mutation....isn't it?
Whom amongst us have the exact same DNA? (Maybe identical twins?)

One of the reasons for the vax is to weaken the strains......I personally never took the vax as a 'Cure'
that is just silly and shame on the media sources for saying so....(If they ever did).

We become immune to a variety of cold.....Three months later give or take, you could catch a different variety.

We do have built in immune systems which are of course 'Natural'...But that's where it ends.

And sometimes it needs a boost.

Go ahead and fact check this.


Temporal Engineer
No....Not ALL is "For life..."

Covid is going the way of the cold by mutation....isn't it?
Whom amongst us have the exact same DNA? (Maybe identical twins?)

One of the reasons for the vax is to weaken the strains......I personally never took the vax as a 'Cure'
that is just silly and shame on the media sources for saying so....(If they ever did).

We become immune to a variety of cold.....Three months later give or take, you could catch a different variety.

We do have built in immune systems which are of course 'Natural'...But that's where it ends.

And sometimes it needs a boost.

Go ahead and fact check this.

Sure! Should I use CNN as my source? Would that satisfy your claims?
