COVID vaccines cause miscarriage & birth defects

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Senior Member
This is from licensed medical professionals who have observed it first hand.

If you're pregnant or thinking of having kids in the future, don't get injected with this shit.


This is from licensed medical professionals who have observed it first hand.

If you're pregnant or thinking of having kids in the future, don't get injected with this shit.


I know I said don't get tested, but I have to get tested today because I'm really sick (every symptom in the book) and I would like to know if I will have Covid immunity and to know how long to stay away from my parents if I have it. My stances have not changed. No regrets with no vax. I do want to figure out how to get the antibodies locally, because whatever this is, it is severely kicking my ass. Quercetin has kept it out of my lungs. Middle of night and early mornings are the hardest. And if I don't have Covid, then I DO regret not getting my flu shot.

I have 2 heart conditions, so I won't even consider the vax. Getting sick sucks, but it is what it is. Saltines and mountain dew for breakfast. (Can't handle coffee and don't want caffeine withdrawal).


Senior Member
I know I said don't get tested, but I have to get tested today because I'm really sick (every symptom in the book) and I would like to know if I will have Covid immunity and to know how long to stay away from my parents if I have it. My stances have not changed. No regrets with no vax. I do want to figure out how to get the antibodies locally, because whatever this is, it is severely kicking my ass. Quercetin has kept it out of my lungs. Middle of night and early mornings are the hardest. And if I don't have Covid, then I DO regret not getting my flu shot.

I have 2 heart conditions, so I won't even consider the vax. Getting sick sucks, but it is what it is. Saltines and mountain dew for breakfast. (Can't handle coffee and don't want caffeine withdrawal).
For goodness sake Paula, please get well soon..

start at edge

Active Member
I know I said don't get tested, but I have to get tested today because I'm really sick (every symptom in the book) and I would like to know if I will have Covid immunity and to know how long to stay away from my parents if I have it. My stances have not changed. No regrets with no vax. I do want to figure out how to get the antibodies locally, because whatever this is, it is severely kicking my ass. Quercetin has kept it out of my lungs. Middle of night and early mornings are the hardest. And if I don't have Covid, then I DO regret not getting my flu shot.

I have 2 heart conditions, so I won't even consider the vax. Getting sick sucks, but it is what it is. Saltines and mountain dew for breakfast. (Can't handle coffee and don't want caffeine withdrawal).
I say that there is nothing to worry – when acting quickly, anybody gets well with TREATMENT, under no circumstances “vaccine”. If you discovered the symptoms in an early stage, there is nothing to worry about. Your family doctor knows exactly what medicine to prescribe. Be thankful you have such medicine available … where I live, the government blocked all the shipments of medicine (Arbidol) in custom at the border, just because they came from Russia. They want to impose “vaccine” because for a population of about 12 million (including children), they bought 120 million “vaccine” doses and the money already changed hands a few months ago. The PEOPLE accuse them of genocide, the whole resistance accuses them for genocide and the only patriotic party accuses them of genocide. I think it will come to massive decapitations soon.
Anyway, get well soon and let us know.


I say that there is nothing to worry – when acting quickly, anybody gets well with TREATMENT, under no circumstances “vaccine”. If you discovered the symptoms in an early stage, there is nothing to worry about. Your family doctor knows exactly what medicine to prescribe. Be thankful you have such medicine available … where I live, the government blocked all the shipments of medicine (Arbidol) in custom at the border, just because they came from Russia. They want to impose “vaccine” because for a population of about 12 million (including children), they bought 120 million “vaccine” doses and the money already changed hands a few months ago. The PEOPLE accuse them of genocide, the whole resistance accuses them for genocide and the only patriotic party accuses them of genocide. I think it will come to massive decapitations soon.
Anyway, get well soon and let us know.

Here, you don't get to see a doctor. They test you from your car and then tell you to go home.

Cosmo Girl

Junior Member
I tested positive, but my county is out of antibodies because of Biden.
Oh no I hope you get better soon :( I think I had covid like 3 weeks ago , I looked everywhere to get tested in time but it’s hard to find a place recently.

I had a fever , back pain , cough , chills , migraines , nausea , the worse for me though was the migraines and the back pain .
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