Cows truly have animal magnetism


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Cows truly have animal magnetism

That's interesting, I heard about the way birds travel over thousands of kilometers, but never about cows and other big animals being sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field.
German scientists using satellite images posted online by the Google Earth software program have observed something that has escaped the notice of farmers, herders and hunters for thousands of years: Cattle grazing or at rest tend to orient their bodies in a north-south direction just like a compass needle.

Studying photographs of 8,510 cattle in 308 herds from around the world, zoologists Sabine Begall and Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen and their colleagues found that two out of every three animals in the pictures were oriented in a direction roughly pointing to magnetic north.
Cows truly have animal magnetism | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times
Click on the link for the full article.
I wonder if a scientific study can be made out of Google Earth pics !

Just a thought: Could the Earth's magnetic field influence some animals in other ways we don't suspect at all ?
Are we influenced ?

Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

First of all, taking into account that there are hundreds of millions of cows in the world, I think it would be safe to say that eight thousand five hundred, and the very important ten cows studied; does not even account for .5% of the worlds cattle population. Yes, these cattle were spotted facing NS...but I am sure you could find 20,000 randomly facing NE or SW for that matter.
I think commonsense may be needed here....

Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

Maybe it's totally random that 2/3 of the cows use in the study were facing NS.
If ye consider that 2/3 of cows are facing N or S, the question is, are they truly influenced by the Earth's magnetic field, or are they just facing a random direction ?


Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

Who knows?....
Has it been proved that migratory animals are attuned to electro magnetic fields or is it just widespread speculation?
I've never looked into the matter.
Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

I remember seeing something about an experiment done with birds... They attached magnets to them or something and the birds ended up in the wrong place when they migrated. It's horrible that I recall seeing all this stuff but have no specifics to offer.

I'll look it up and reply when I find it.
Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

EachPeachPearPlum said:
Who knows?....
Has it been proved that migratory animals are attuned to electro magnetic fields or is it just widespread speculation?
I've never looked into the matter.

I do not know about cows. I took a light plane up to check on this and it was completely negative. The cows were grazing in all directions and of the 4 or 5000 cows in the two herds I observed no particular direction was favored. May be as the scientists observed them there was a strong wind blowing.
Re: Cows Truly Have Animal Magnetism

jurgen36 said:
I do not know about cows. I took a light plane up to check on this and it was completely negative. The cows were grazing in all directions and of the 4 or 5000 cows in the two herds I observed no particular direction was favored. May be as the scientists observed them there was a strong wind blowing.

There could be so many factors that we don't know about that could cause them to point in a certian direction at a certian time.

Unless they do more studies and take all the factors into account, we'll never know.
