

<span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>Happy Birthday Poppy!</span>

>:D< @);-


I have a crick in my neck from all those dah da dahhhhs........ Happy Birthday!!! It's still up hill from where you are, enjoy it while it lasts!!!

Yes Dad has hit the Prime ( :cry: ) of his life. He is old enough to be sagacious, yet young enough to be allowed frivolity in his everyday dealings with the rest of humanity. He should have the financial power to realise the dreams of his youth and the wisdom to enjoy them.

Dad: Go buy an RC car and rip up the lawn, safe in the knowledge that you can pay to have it repaired. :D

BUT: 3 and 8 = 11, there is a mystic dimension to your age now... Beware. :devil:

