(Data Dump) UFOS, Bizarre Stuff, and More!


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UFO and Alien Experiences, Dreams, or Everything Else Unusual (Data Dump)

Post your UFO or alien experiences or dreams.

This is the subjective personal experiences forum so please be tolerant of all views.

PLAN: I want to post as much information in this thread for others to publicly have access to. I want to post multiple journal entries (around 10 per day) maybe like every two days or so because if I dump it all at once, posts or entries might not be read and I want to give people some time to look at the material and read it. The reason is that I believe it will help other researchers and investigators have a better sense of what is going on. Also, I invite all members to post and share their journal entries of their experiences, encounters, and interactions with UFOS, UAP, Dreams, predictions, or any unusual activities that might not fit the mainstream norm.

I'm still 29 as I am typing this, but between 300+ Bizarre Happenings + 300+ Dreams + 1,000+ EVPs + Videos and Other Content, it will be too overwhelming for most people, so I plan on just posting typed entries.
[Let us start with this for now. These actually happened and I got to observe.] :)

I have seen multiple strange things in the sky that do not belong. I have one super incredible UFO event that is burnt into my mind to share with you. First before I get you all wondering what happened and making you need to find out what happened, I want to go back to the “Falling Star Phenomena” again.


I have seen the “Falling Star Phenomena” a few times in New Hampshire. I was usually outside in the back yard or walking on the road when I saw these phenomena on theses different occasions. I remember a significant time when I had seen this. I remember I was young and in middle school. I had a telescope. I was using my telescope to look at the stars and moon on the back porch. I remember it was a chilly night because the metal of the telescope was cold to the touch. After about an hour, my dad told me to bring the telescope in because it was too late. So I did. When I put the telescope back in the bag I was ready to go back inside the house. Then a bright light behind me grabbed my attention. There I saw, just like in the Dominican Republic, a bright light pulsing. The object spun in a clockwise rotation heading down vertically as it continued to spin. Then the light went out. I stood in amazement. Then my dad called me back in the house. I hastily scampered inside our home with my telescope in the bag.


One clear and frigid bitter New Hampshire night, my mom and I came back from picking me up at the end of martial arts class. There was snow on the ground when we arrived at home in the minivan. There was about six inches of hard snow. The snow was as if it had an icy glaze over it.

It was about 8:00PM. I got dressed to play in the snow. The moon lit up the yard and the snow sparkled from the moon’s reflection. I enjoyed making crunching sounds with my boots crushing the hard snow. It wasn’t very long until I saw it.

I was outside for 4-5 minutes and I saw this thing! It flew from one corner of the property to the other side of the property. The object was all black. It reminded me of a racecar driver wearing a helmet and racing suit. However from the shape of the helmet shape to the body I saw what looked like at least a 12 inch long neck. It had trapezoid wings that appeared fixed. The long side of the wings was toward the front and the short side toward the rear. The human body shape reminded me of a bowling pin shape. It was about 6 feet long and had a wing span of 6 feet. It flew just above the tree tops as if it was trying to avoid radar.


Now for what you have been waiting for! The super incredible UFO story! Hooray! It was dark and stormy! Water was jetting off the roof of my family’s house. The water was slapping the ground. Booommmkkkkkk! Lightning flashed and the power went out. I grabbed the battery operated lantern, so I could see. The light emitting diodes brightened up the room. As soon as the storm started, it stopped. We were still without power and it was nighttime. I decided to walk on the road outside, now that the storm has passed.

It smelled, felt, and looked like a tropical rainforest, even though it was just summertime after a storm in New Hampshire. I walked up and down the road a few times watching out for puddles. I walked past my house again and something flew over me. A UFO! It was bullet shaped and the bright light was radiating from the rounded part of the bullet shape in the front. The flat side of this bullet UFO was dark and had no light emitting from this section. It flew very low over the trees. I believed it was flying below radar detection. It flew from the direction of Pease International Tradeport. Also there was no noise from the UFO. I was so excited I ran back home and told my parents! Then as I rushed back outside and walked up the street. I saw a police car rush with its blue strobes on headed down the road towards Pease International Tradeport. I figured I should stay here a little while and see I if I would see anything else cool. I did!

I saw a convoy. The convoy consisted of one sedan in the front, a flatbed truck with its headlights off, a SUV only with its positioning lights on, and another sedan that looked the same as the first. All the vehicles including the flatbed were painted black. The convoy was headed in the opposite direction of the police car about 4-5 minutes after I had seen the police car. The convoy was never with the police car or headed in the same direction as the police car when I saw it. As soon as the convoy past, I heard a buzzing like sound. Then it got louder. Chahhp-Chahhp-Chahhp! I saw two helicopters heading in a similar direction of the convoy with spotlights pointed at the ground. It appeared that the helicopters were black. I couldn’t tell if there were markings or not on them. It was really dark so I can’t say for sure. However it sounded like there were 4 or 5 helicopters coming from all directions, but I only saw the two.

Then it clicked in my mind. Somebody was planning on retrieving this UFO! I waited for about 15 minutes and saw nothing. I went home. The first thing I did when I got back to the house was that I drew a picture of the bullet shaped UFO I had seen.

I have seen many UFOs. Most of them have been in Florida. In fact, I have traveled the world in search of paranormal phenomena. However, for some reason, I keep experiencing the paranormal within the state of Florida more than anywhere else I have traveled. I had traveled to Florida when I lived in New Hampshire and I experienced the paranormal on vacation. Now I live in Florida and I have had some of the most bizarre stuff happen to me. I would walk outside from 8:00PM to 10:00PM every night including when it rained. I noticed that nobody else would walk outside at this time. My belief is that because I continued this routine, I was able to see more UFOs than the average person.


From October 2015 – December 2015 I would see UFOs almost every single night. I saw these 3 foot long, straight, penny diameter cylinders of pure white light. I had seen lots of them. There were some above cloud level looking like tiny flashes of white light, some below cloud level, and many below tree top level. In fact one came so close to me it was about six inches away from my nose. That particular one light was where I got the estimate for its size. I noticed this particular one coming off the ocean, over the beach, and over the boardwalk where this thing could have hit me in the head! I was walking on the boardwalk and I was shocked by the near miss.


One night, I drove to the boardwalk with my cell phone and camera. My original plan was to take pictures and video of these things. I had seen them so often that I knew they would be there. I parked my car and I got this feeling. I felt like I would be disrespecting these things if I took pictures and video of them so I left my stuff in the car. Immediately as I climbed the stairs, three of these lights flew over me as if saying thank you for not taking any pictures or video. I got a warm fuzzy feeling. I continued my walk with excitement. I kept seeing them. I ended up seeing more than a dozen of them throughout the night. The most I had seen at once was four at one time that night. These four flew right over the gazebo attached to the boardwalk. Around this time I got the idea to start recording the dates I saw stuff.


On 8/21/15 I was walking near my family’s house. It was unusually dry inside my nostrils. It felt like my capillaries could crack at any moment, resulting in a nosebleed. I had been walking outside for an hour. It was around 9:00 PM when I saw something shocking and puzzling. A small aircraft like a UFO, I had seen this night. It had the front wings of a glider and the rear of a F-5 fighter jet with its distinctive duel narrow afterburners. The craft did not use the afterburners when I saw it. In fact, I would call this UFO slow. It flew faster than a bird, but slower than a propeller plane. I could hear a whining noise after it had passed me. It sounded like an electric motor.

It flew from east to west over the backyards of nearby homes. Even though it was night time, the street lights lit the area revealing the UFOs color. It was definitely dark blue, not black. It had a matte finish and there were no markings on it at all. It was 40-50 feet in the air. The wingspan was 4 times the size I was tall about 24 feet from wing tip to wing tip. Then something really weird happened. What happened next made me classify this as a UFO. A static like white light came from the tail and engulfed the UFO to the nose, as the UFO was flying forward. As soon as the light covered the object, the light went out and the object disappeared from view. Did I just witness some advanced optical camouflage? Was the UFO some kind of projection? Did the UFO disappear into a portal? I do not know the answers, but nothing could prepare me for what I saw the following night!

It was 2005. My family and I went on vacation. It was myself, my mom, my dad, my little brother, my uncle, my grandmother, and my grandfather. We left in the bitter cold of a New Hampshire February escaping the frosty landscape. I was age 10, getting ready to turn 11 in April. We were in the airport heading somewhere warm. I was wearing my brand new “Tommy Hilfiger” sneakers my family bought for me from “Marshalls” on this trip. The plane took off and we headed for paradise!

We landed in the beautiful Dominican Republic. We stayed at the “Viva Wyndham Resort” in La Romana. Sand, sun, and smoothies! This place was and still is a great place to visit! The Dominican Republic was much better than the cold bitter weather and cold bitter people from New Hampshire! Trust me!

One clear and windless night my little brother and I wanted drinks. Dad was thirsty too. My dad and I headed to the bar leaving my little brother and mom at the room. My dad got some kind of alcoholic beverage, and I got virgin “Cocoa Locos” for my brother and I. On the way back I looked up and gazed at the stars gleaming in the sky. Then I noticed it. Something was not quite right!

I saw it with my own two eyes! There was an unusual light in the sky. The bright light in the sky would pulsate very bright to very dim, but never going out. Then the light moved vertically straight down while it spun clockwise. Imagine a pinwheel moving vertically in a straight movement, but made of light. This is the best way I can describe it. The object seemed as if it was in freefall while spinning, then the light went out. I asked my dad if he had seen it. He said (and I am paraphrasing) “Yes, it was a meteor.” I knew at that moment my father had no idea what he was talking about. I knew that meteors did not display that kind of activity. We flew back home and I was anxious to access my computer. I needed to know what I saw that night! I searched online to find out what I saw. I found a match. It was called the “Falling Star Phenomena.” I had never heard of that before now. I learned it was common in New Hampshire to see this phenomenon. I was from New Hampshire, but I saw this thing in a foreign distant land. I tried to search more, but I could not connect the “Falling Star Phenomena” to the Dominican Republic. I got really excited to tell my “know it all” dad that he was wrong! He did not know what we saw that night. However 13 years later I asked him about the incident and he does not remember.

On 8/22/15 at the boardwalk I saw 5 lime Green versions of the falling star phenomena strait up above me possibly 2,000-4,000 feet above me. I didn’t have anything to really compare it with for size and the 5 of them came down strait vertically from my perception. Later that evening I saw a stoplight green fireball coming off the ocean about 40 – 50 feet in the air. This green fire ball went out right above the water’s edge of the shoreline. I was heading towards my car walking on the boardwalk before I went home. I had seen a solid black triangle. It was blacker than the surrounding night sky and blocked out the lights of the stars. The triangle almost appeared as a 2-d shape and looked flat on the bottom. I could not see the top. It appeared a plane was chasing it. It looked like a single engine fighter jet was following the black triangle because if it was a duel thruster displacement you would notice the Y shaped smoke pattern from the thrusters. I knew it was fighter jet because of the shape and sound. It was high up and the jet looked about the size of a half dollar coin. The black triangle was about 7 times wider at the base in comparison to the full wingspan of jet. When the jet was moving, it occasionally would use it’s after burner in short bursts. Seeing three different phenomena was amazing. Out of the three I would say that the stoplight green fire ball was the most interesting because it seemed like it came from nowhere.

After I moved to Florida with my family I was just as bored in New Hampshire as I was down here. So I decided to make my life more interesting. That’s right! I watched some “Youtube” videos on how to do so. I learned from a video that I should look up things that interest me. I did, and I found some paranormal stories on “Youtube.” I clicked on the side where it showed relevant videos to the watcher. The video I clicked on was a Steve Huff video. It showed a person using technology to speak with the dead through EVP. It featured an app called “Murmur Box” by “Paranormal Shadows U.K.” I used the app and started collecting EVPs right away. I was fascinated by getting words to come back. Then I noticed there were eight separate frequencies coming in through the app on the same recording. Many entities were trying to communicate with me. This discovery hooked my attention. Then there was an update to “Murmur Box” and I could only get two frequencies at once. Then a third update happened and I could not get any frequencies. I was frustrated so I got other apps, but none of them were as effective as the original Murmur Box app. I made many discoveries and had many awesome experiences but I am going to save them for the EVP Florida Chapter. After not getting very good EVPs, I tried collecting recordings without the apps. I was amazed that spirit voices could still be heard. Around this time I learned about reverse messages in music songs on “Youtube.” Then I listened to my spirit recordings in reverse, and found out that some sounds I heard playing forward were in fact speech in reverse. I also noticed that forward and reverse speech put together could make full sentences or messages.

I was amazed. Then I started playing board games with the spirits and recording them. I could get voices that were not hearable in real time on the recordings. Sometimes I would get a message in reverse speech when I talked. The most interesting thing was if I said a repeated phrase on the same recording that I would not get a message except on one or two of my repeated phrases each with a separate message using my own voice in reverse!

Then I tried quizzing the spirits. I played “Need For Speed Most Wanted” (2005) on my Playstation 2. The PS2 did not have wi-fi connection and I never set up the internet with the special disk needed to do so. I recorded a question. “What color is the car on my screen?” I received more than what I expected as an answer. The voice recorded said “That is a turquoise Lotus Elise.” By the way I should mention I only heard this on playback of the recording. This proved to me that spirits are real and somehow they can see. You can’t guess a turquoise Lotus Elise on your first try, an obscure car with an obscure color. How do they see? I am not sure and I want to find out. This is what changed my life to seek ghosts.

In 2015, weeks before I moved to Florida, I saw a ghost. This being was just kind of there. It did not appear. It was in plain view. Imagine a female with long white strait hair. Her skin was as white as sour cream and was very slender. Her face was slender too. She had soft gentle looking eyes. The eyes themselves were white like a living person’s eyes, but her irises were light gray and her pupils were medium gray. Her left shoulder was perpendicular to the wall. She was standing on one side in the middle staring blankly at the corner of the room. She was wearing a white gown and white Dutch wooden shoes. She stood still like a statue. I was looking at her. Only her eyes moved in my direction as if she could not move her body. I came closer to her. I noticed her eyes; sometimes they would face forward and then look back toward me. She looked like a real living person; I could see the texture of her skin. I said to her “I want to help you.” Then a voice came from behind me and exclaimed my name “Anthony!” I turned around and immediately one of my videogame cases fell out of my closet as if it was pushed off the shelf in the closet. I turned back to where she was, but she was no longer there. I heard a woman’s voice say “Thank you.” I think this lady and the unknown voice that said my name knew each other. Was one of those ghosts dangerous? Perhaps both of them needed help? What would have happened if I ignored the videogame case falling and kept looking at her?
I have seen acid green colored ghosts. They all were wearing clothes, but you could see through the clothes and their bodies to the other side. I have seen them standing and floating. Even though these ghosts were see through, you could tell their facial features apart and know their fashion sense. I have seen three of them on separate occasions. The best one I saw was standing in the road of a gated community wearing a tuxedo and a bowtie. Then the ghost took of flying in the air. It flew head fist into the sky. I could not believe my eyes at how easy flying was for it. It reminded me of the character “The Flying Dutchman” from “Spongebob Squarepants”, a children’s television program. “The Flying Dutchman” was an acid green ghost, but the real acid green ghost I witnessed had clear distinctive legs which the fictional character did not have. Another acid green ghost was really fat, wore a suit and a tall top-hat. The final acid green ghost was a boy wearing cargo shorts, a t –shirt, and a baseball cap.
It was daytime and I was at home. I was at the computer in my home. This computer was in my bedroom. I used my computer to record audio clips to get EVPs. I plugged in my cell phone to a speaker box while the computer recorded the session. I was using an application on my phone to induce hearing spirit voices to see what I could record. My closet has slide open doors. I do not like to close them and usually leave them open. The closet is next to the computer. I recorded nearly two hours of content in this session. After recording, I listened to the recorded audio and analyzed it. I was around the 30 minute point of the recording when I noticed something in the closet that did not belong. I saw a see-through article of clothing in an area where I had no clothes hanging up. It was a woman’s dress. It was the bottom half of a dress torn at a 45 degree angle. What was most impressive was the detail of the torn dress. I could see a five petaled flower pattern all over it. There were hundreds possibly thousands of repeated five petal flowers on this garment. Everything about the dress was gray-scaled out and clearly did not fit with its surroundings. I knew immediately there was a ghost in my closet. I could see the wall through the dress. I waved at it and said “Hello, how are you doing?” After I did this, the ghost moved about 7 feet out of the closet and behind my computer chair. The ghost did not stop moving and headed to the center of the closet then though the wall. I called out to it “Please come again!” I never saw that ghost again. Did I spook the ghost? How do I induce more moments to see more ghosts, more of the time?


There was a day when I saw a ghost. This ghost was not your typical kind of ghost. The sun was setting and I needed something to eat. My dad told me he was going to get pizza. My dad left and I took out my cell phone. I used an application called “Murmur Box.” I tried to see if I could get spirit voices in live time. This entertained me until my dad got home with the pizza. My dad opened the door with a pizza box in his hand. I eagerly grabbed a plate for myself and waited for my dad to open the box. My dad opened the box; I reached in, and slapped a slice of pizza on my plate. When I did this grease splattered all over the place. I brought my plate to where I always sat. Before taking a bite, I turned on a different application called “Ghost Radar.” I invited the spirits in to come to my exact location and enjoy spending time with me at dinner. I chomped down on a slice of pizza as oil and grease oozed out of the slice. I got eight blips on my screen. This was amazing because I have only ever had one blip on it at a time. The blips seemed to move around and surrounded me. I was astonished to see when I looked up. There was a ghost standing in the dining room! There was a man with a long beard; a fat nose, wide cheeks, a hat, miner’s clothes from the 1800s, gloves, and boots. His eyes were solid gray. In fact everything about the man was solid gray like a statue. Unlike other ghosts, I could not see through the man at all. He had a pot belly and was 5 to 5 ½ feet tall. My eyes widened. I looked at him as he looked at me. He turned 90 degrees to his right and floated strait into the wall that went into the pantry. I got out of my seat to see if the ghost was in there. I saw nothing. I went to the other side near the garage. I saw nothing. I did not know where the ghost went. Where did the ghost go? Will it ever come back? My dad called to me “Are you going to finish your pizza?” I replied “I will be right there.” I never saw that ghost again.

One afternoon I was inside the house. I was in the kitchen preparing myself a pepperoni sandwich. I would use two slices of Italian bread, slices of large pepperoni, pecorino-romano cheese, and brown mustard. It was an Italian lunch. I was putting my brown mustard on when a royal blue human shaped ghost appeared near me by the butcher-block in the kitchen. I am nearly 6 feet tall and this royal blue ghost was equally tall. It walked past me as if it didn’t see me. It walked around the counter and passed the table. I followed it. It walked through the doorway of my parent’s room. I went into the bedroom and I watched the ghost walk through the wall. This meant the royal blue ghost could see objects and avoid them. However it still walked through a wall. Why did this ghost show up in the kitchen? Where was it going? Did this ghost want me to see it?


One night I was on my usual walk. My hope that night was to see UFO. I ended up seeing something else. I walked down the sidewalk away from my home. I came to an intersection. It was on the same side and corner that I was on. It came out of the bushes, but made no sound. It was a royal blue ghost. This ghost was about my height. The royal blue ghost came on the sidewalk in front of me. It got to the edge of the road and paused. I could not believe my eyes when I saw what happened next. It turned its head right, then left. It crossed the road at the crosswalk as if it was alive. When it got to the other side of the crosswalk, it headed off-road into palm trees and bushes. It then disappeared. Did I just see a ghost being safety conscious of cars? Like a person who lost their appetite, I decided not to cross and turned around and walked somewhere else. What would have happed if I crossed the road that night?


It was late afternoon. I wanted some animal crackers as a snack. I left my bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, I opened the closet door. There I saw it. It was an open bag of animal crackers. Somebody opened the bag. That somebody was me. I opened the animal cracker bag a few days ago. I poured the recommend serving size of animal crackers into a bowl. Then I put the bag back where I found it. I turned to my right. I must have been lucky. At that moment I saw a humanoid ghost float down the hallway leading to the garage and into the kitchen. It passed me heading towards the far side of the kitchen then disappeared. I could tell from the masculine face shape and hair cut it was male. The appearance of this ghost reminded me of ginger ale soda. The whole ghost was this color. I did not see a ghost like this again until 2018. Where did it come from? What made this ghost appear in this unusual color?

One night in the fall of 2015 I was seeing those long skinny lights again at the boardwalk near the flag pole. I saw something I have never seen or heard of before. They were bird size, cough drop shape objects. They were intense royal blue light centers with dark blue edges. There were 5 of them and were following an inline pattern. It was odd to see them do a 360 helix like a rollercoaster. Then they did some “s” curves and flew over the beach to the south east over the ocean. Where were they headed? Where were they going to? My mind raced. I continued my walk. I reached a dead end of the boardwalk near a condo with a swimming pool next to the park. I saw one more, white light streak. I kept going back and almost every night I would see these three foot long, penny diameter cylinders of light until the end of December 2015. I have not seen them since 2015.

In September and November of 2015 I saw stoplight green fireballs. The first one was in a nearby gated community, walking distance away. The other one was during Veterans Day week. Imagine a flare with a long fiery tail with the intensity of the go signal on a stoplight. This community didn’t have many houses in it yet. It was mostly empty lots at the time. It was nighttime and I was walking around. I came up to a corner and there I saw coming in the sky parallel to the road was this green fireball. It was odd to me because on this road there were only a few houses and the fireball came over from an area with no houses. The one in November I saw in the community I lived in. The exact same fire ball, but this time it flew diagonal to the road.

I also want to report that I saw the falling star phenomena again in the same week of Veterans Day. The white light twinkled, rotated clockwise, and dropped vertically.

It was the night after Christmas. Nothing was stirring, except for me and a UFO. I was on my walk at the boardwalk enjoying the night air. I remember it was a little breezy on this night. The sound of ocean swells sounded like thunder and the waves slammed against the seashore. It was a fireball, red and orange in color coming from the southwest heading northeast. I would say it was about 4 times the size of the green fireballs I had seen. It was flying about the same height as the green fireballs would at about 40-50 feet above. I saw it clearly. It was a sphere with red and yellow flames with a white core and had a grayish smoke tail behind it. It flew over the nearby lagoon. The light was intense enough to add extra light to the park. Then it changed trajectory and headed northwest. I was astonished when it changed course completely!

In my parent’s house during the day, I was just walking in the living room. I saw a seven foot tall ghost man wearing a silver suit; silver shoes, a silver top hat, and a white button down shirt. The man looked like he was in his 70’s and I could clearly see the wrinkles on his face. He had bushy eyebrows and a mustache. His hair and facial hair were blond. His chin looked freshly shaved. His eyes were hazel. The whole time I saw this ghost, he was see-through. I waved at the ghost. The ghost waved back to me and then vanished into a cloud of white smoke that drifted and disappeared into the nearby wall. I thought it was really cool.

One night after a cruise to the Bahamas, I searched for pictures of George Washington. I wanted to make a poster to hang up on my wall. The poster represents taking initiatives. I took the initiative to write this book and I wanted more motivation. So I made this poster. I invited George Washington or any other spirits to come into my room as I sat on my bed. Within seconds I saw a ghost uniform. It looked as if it was on a manikin because I saw no human body or head. What impressed me was the detail of the uniform. It was olive green and had tons of decorative stuff all over it. The shoulder tops had a gold rectangle with the decorative frayed string things, which you should remember as epaulettes. It had decorative patches and medals attached on the front uniform jacket. However I do not remember the shapes of them that well. Within about 10 seconds the uniform vanished.

On 8/18/18 before my UFO Sighting, I saw multiple ghosts. As a part of my in-depth research I continue to conduct field tests to try to understand ghosts, spirits, and the dead. I am fascinated by this subject so it makes allot of sense to take the initiative to try to find out answers even if it results in more questions than answers. I invited the spirits to go on a walk with me like I usually do and proceeded with our walk. I saw ghost human shaped entities. I saw a white one, a light gray smoke colored one, a dark gray almost black one, a royal blue one, and a ginger-ale colored one. The white was on the road on the cul-de-sac. The light gray smoke one I saw in a person’s empty driveway. The blue one I saw next in a person’s drive way on a different road. On this same road I saw the ginger-ale colored one stand on the grass as I walked passed it. The only ghost I saw move was the last one. The dark gray almost black ghost was at the circle at the end of the street there was not a dead end road. It floated past me faster than I could walk. It appeared at the circle then glided to the other side of the road and disappeared. I walked another lap before having my UFO sighting.

I am sure there will be skeptics in my future that will criticize because it always seems like skeptics are flapping their gums saying ridiculous things like “I don’t believe in it so that must not make it true.” My grandmother told me that. In this case my grandmother is the skeptic not making any sense to me.

One of the best sightings I had was when I was walking on the boardwalk right in front of the ice cream stand walking to the north. The weather was cloudy then turned to drizzle. I would say that this object was 2 ½ feet at its widest width. It was shaped like↓

It was see through and rounded like a blown bubble. The most incredible thing was it actually had a red iridescence on the corner like a real soap bubble; however the object seemed structurally sound as it flew right over me on the boardwalk. Next it flew at an incline over the roof of the condo south of the ice cream stand then disappeared. Immediately as this thing disappeared while the drizzle is wetting my face; two white orbs a little larger than base balls, more the size of softballs, flew the exact same flight pattern. The spheres looked like glass balls with white sparks inside. The orbs flew side by side as if they were attached to each other, but I could not see anything attached. I immediately remembered a “Blue Man Group” performance. I learned that human eyes can only pick up red, green, and blue spectrums of light. I wondered to myself if I saw a full single UFO and the other part of the UFO is in a spectrum of light that humans cannot perceive. Maybe it was two separate UFOs following a certain flight path. Then I remembered that everything I heard was silent from the UFOs, but I could hear droplets of rain on the boardwalk as I saw them. These things were odd to see under the clouds about only 10 feet above my head while standing on the board walk.

The scariest UFO experience was in early March of 2017. I left my house and there was a light drizzle. When I was inside my house, I felt like I needed to grab my umbrella from my car because I might need it in the morning. My umbrella was in my car because I left it there. However my car was parked a few houses down at my grandmother’s home. This was where I parked my car because there was no room in the drive way at my parent’s house and the community rule states that cars will be towed if parked outside between midnight and 6:00AM. I do not know what made me feel like I needed to get my umbrella for the morning. I just went. I walked in the drizzle to my grandmother’s home. The drizzle was starting to sting my face as I opened my car door. I reached inside and took my umbrella out of the car and opened it. I closed the door and locked the car. Then all of a sudden, a downpour of rain came out of nowhere as I stood next to my car holding the umbrella. It made me feel as if I was in a motion picture and the heavy rain happened right on cue as I opened my umbrella. I was still next to my car when I saw a rainbow orb. The orb was not solid. It looked like a regular rainbow, but with a sphere. Then a yellow beam shot out of the sphere. It shot out as fast as lightning, but it was a full cylinder of yellow light. The yellow color reminded me as a Dixon Ticonderoga pencil. The sound of this beam seemed to be 10 times louder than thunder. I could feel the sound through my whole body. I felt the ground wobble just like the time I ate at a restaurant in Rancho Marriage and there was a small earthquake. I nervously walked back to my house grasping the handle of the umbrella. The orb floated to the center of the community. It had gotten closer to me. Just like before, it blasted its beam into the ground. It made that super loud thunder like noise. The beam must have been hot because it seemed to be able to create a thick fog around where it hit. I was in front of my parent’s driveway and I saw the rainbow orb in the middle of the road behind my car in my grandmother’s driveway. The orb launched the beam down to the ground, shook the ground, and a loud blast sound was heard. Imagine huge plumes of white smoke before a car catches fire, but it was vaporized water vapor from the heat of the beam. The mist flooded the air. Then it started to come down the road closer to me. This was the first time I had ever felt like I was in danger from a UFO. I ran into the house. I did not look back. My shoes and umbrella were soaked. I am still puzzled on what happed to me that day. The next day was clear and sunny, all day. What made me have the urge to go outside in the drizzle the day before? Did the UFO have something to do with my desire for the umbrella?

On 5/6/17 I was driving home from 7-Eleven. I was in my car and I spy what some people call a UFO. This unidentified foreign object was a Mercedes Benz SLS AMG Roadster. It was black and its fold down roof was up. The convertible top was black. The SLS took a right turn and I followed in my car. We were heading west on the bridge over a river. I was admiring the SLS while driving upward on the bridge. This time I saw a real UFO in the sky. It was massive. It was circular with a flat top and flat bottom. Imagine an “Oreo” cookie with the diameter of three jumbo jet wing spans around 600 feet. The object was gold in color and had what looked like weld lines. The height was about 200 feet. I was now at the top of the bridge and the AMG super car I was to my left and the UFO was to my 10:00 position in the sky. I was headed down the bridge and in about 3 seconds the UFO faded into the sky as if its surroundings were being mirrored on the craft. I could still see the outline of the craft. I was at the bottom of the bridge and the trees are now blocking my view. I arrived home without incident. On 5/12/17 NASA claimed that they were testing a top secret aircraft. This raised a red flag because nobody tells about secret operation of any sort in the government. I was and still not sure if the two incidents were related, but I smell a conspiracy in development.

In October of 2017, I was on a cruise ship. Everybody had to gather at our muster station outside. I was standing in a crowd of people they are all focused on the musterer for a safety briefing. The musterer was showing how to put on the life-vest in case of emergency. At this time a commercial jetliner flew near a cloud and a gold disk shaped object appeared just below the front landing gear area of the plane. I thought the UFO appeared because the plane got close to it. I thought there was going to be an accident with the plane and UFO because of how close they were together. I would say that the disk was about 10 –15 feet long in diameter and reminded me of the shape of a hamburger made out of gold. The musterer was talking about life rafts and I saw two more of the same craft. The UFOs were zipping and zooming, similar to how wild animals play with each other. They were flying all over the place. Another commercial jet took off and barley missed another UFO again in a different spot. It was as if the UFOs were playing chicken in the airways of the sky. The three UFOs then flew in formation and headed for some nearby clouds. The safety briefing was over and I left with the crowd. This happened in Fort Lauderdale Florida.
In my parent’s house during the day, I was just walking in the living room. I saw a seven foot tall ghost man wearing a silver suit; silver shoes, a silver top hat, and a white button down shirt. The man looked like he was in his 70’s and I could clearly see the wrinkles on his face. He had bushy eyebrows and a mustache. His hair and facial hair were blond. His chin looked freshly shaved. His eyes were hazel. The whole time I saw this ghost, he was see-through. I waved at the ghost. The ghost waved back to me and then vanished into a cloud of white smoke that drifted and disappeared into the nearby wall. I thought it was really cool.


One night after a cruise to the Bahamas, I searched for pictures of George Washington. I wanted to make a poster to hang up on my wall. The poster represents taking initiatives. I took the initiative to write this book and I wanted more motivation. So I made this poster. I invited George Washington or any other spirits to come into my room as I sat on my bed. Within seconds I saw a ghost uniform. It looked as if it was on a manikin because I saw no human body or head. What impressed me was the detail of the uniform. It was olive green and had tons of decorative stuff all over it. The shoulder tops had a gold rectangle with the decorative frayed string things, which you should remember as epaulettes. It had decorative patches and medals attached on the front uniform jacket. However I do not remember the shapes of them that well. Within about 10 seconds the uniform vanished.


On 8/18/18 before my UFO Sighting, I saw multiple ghosts. As a part of my in-depth research I continue to conduct field tests to try to understand ghosts, spirits, and the dead. I am fascinated by this subject so it makes allot of sense to take the initiative to try to find out answers even if it results in more questions than answers. I invited the spirits to go on a walk with me like I usually do and proceeded with our walk. I saw ghost human shaped entities. I saw a white one, a light gray smoke colored one, a dark gray almost black one, a royal blue one, and a ginger-ale colored one. The white was on the road on the cul-de-sac. The light gray smoke one I saw in a person’s empty driveway. The blue one I saw next in a person’s drive way on a different road. On this same road I saw the ginger-ale colored one stand on the grass as I walked passed it. The only ghost I saw move was the last one. The dark gray almost black ghost was at the circle at the end of the street there was not a dead end road. It floated past me faster than I could walk. It appeared at the circle then glided to the other side of the road and disappeared. I walked another lap before having my UFO sighting.

I am sure there will be skeptics in my future that will criticize because it always seems like skeptics are flapping their gums saying ridiculous things like “I don’t believe in it so that must not make it true.” My grandmother told me that. In this case my grandmother is the skeptic not making any sense to me.

On 11/7/17 I saw two different UFOs that would be classifiable as two different types of UFOs. Slow-walker and fast-walker UFOs are the categories I am talking about. I was still in the gated community walking down the street. I was on my nightly walk when I decided to stop and look in the air. There were some planes flying in the sky, but I thought they were too high to see to what I saw. All of a sudden I noticed a bright white light and I thought it was a plane with its landing lights on. Oh my goodness, it was flying too low! Then it accelerated and went down almost as if it hit turbulence and lost control. It turned yellow and red in front of my view.

I call it a stove pipe UFO. The front was bulky with a slight slope behind the stovepipe that went straight up briefly with a 90 degree corner closer to the body and a long straight pipe going to the edge of the rear of the UFO. It had silver decks and glass like walls in-between the decks. Inside looked like a lava lamp of yellow, orange, and reddish orange. Then the most amazing thing happened. A silhouette of dark purple showed up in front of the UFO. Imagine an acute triangle with a circular end like a pizza slice. Then the UFO flew into it and disappeared. I remembered I left my home at 8:00PM and it was about 8:05 PM. There was still a little bit of sunlight left.

I continued my walk. It was an uneventful two hours of leisurely walking time. I arrived back in the community. I noticed something round and black in the sky. It was out of place in the sky and was blacker than the night sky. I continued to look at it. I began to speculate. Then I thought it must be a UFO. Within nanoseconds of my thought, the object glowed bright white like neon. The object moved forward, and then the light came to a point like a sharp pencil. It took three seconds for the UFO to go from white glow stationary to completely gone. The object was gone as if it was going to light speed as in a “Star Wars” movie. I was impressed by how fast it was going. I thought to myself that I wish I could go that fast. I walked home. The first thing I did was I drew and colored the first UFO I saw. Later I drew the second UFO over a three second time span.


_3 Seconds Time Span


I made an incredible discovery on one warm clear Florida evening. I was doing an open air spirits session as I walked down a dark pathway of cracked concrete. It was 12/5/17 and I was asking the spirits about UFOs. I was amazed that there were just as many skeptics of the UFO phenomena in the afterlife as there were living. I told the skeptics in the afterlife in a joking fashion that they would be going to see a UFO tonight. I pointed to a nearby airplane flying low and teased the spirits that the plane was a UFO. Immediately a white silvery ball was launched into the sky from the east. To my astonishment, it was heading upward and almost hits the under belly of the plane. The ball was about 1/3 the size of the plane. I could see the reflection of the object in the glossy paint of the aircraft. This unusual UFO kept flying a straight path, higher and higher until it was too far to see. There was no tail to the object like a comet nor was it falling down like a comet. It was astonishing because the spirits saw it too. The skeptics in the afterlife could not believe what they had just witnessed. My discovery was that the spirit phenomena and the UFO phenomena are two totally different aspects of the paranormal entirely. If the spirits all knew about the UFOs, there would not be any skeptical spirits. I have learned from previous tests with the spirits that they can see, just like the living. I found this out when I started seeking ghosts. To have skeptical ghosts that never believed in the UFO phenomena and they see a UFO with me is absolutely incredible.


I was on the sidewalk in the cool of the night in Florida. On 12/9/17 my right ankle gave out. I ended up scraping my left leg on the hard rough concrete very badly. My leg was bruised and cut. The skin looked like as if it had been lacerated and small bubbles of blood had been beginning to drip out. I quickly rushed back to house and it took me about 10 minutes to get there. I rushed in the bathroom. I franticly rub anti-bacterial soap on my wound. It stung, but I knew the soap was doing its job. Then I used some paper towels, soaked in water, to clean it up. It was 8:30PM and I continued on my walk even though my leg ached a little. The scrape did not hurt at this time. I walked back to where I had fallen which took me about 15 minutes to reach it. I walked a little further and I got to a pond. I saw an object hovering over a pond. The illuminating object looked like ice in the shape of a handmade Native American spear head or arrow head. It was about 2 feet long and had illuminating purple and white lights from the inside. It flashed almost like a police light bar pattern. I could also see a reflection in the water of this thing. Then all of a sudden my injury on my leg was in so much excruciating pain. It felt like my injury was being stabbed and twisted by a dozen knives ripping apart my flesh. It was so painful I ended up throwing up in my mouth a little bit. The taste reminded me of what I had for dinner. Then I watched the UFO move slowly across the pond and its reflection followed. The pain stopped immediately. I had a sigh of relief. I felt the object was checking me out to see if I was a threat and I hadn’t been. I felt like the object was looking for all vulnerabilities I had. After getting to the edge of the pond I felt like the object felt like I was not a threat. The UFO turned off its purple and white lights. Then the primitive ice like spearhead shaped UFO turned on bright lights at the front just like headlights on a car. It was a bright as LED high beams. The UFO launched into the air and the bottom of the craft reminded me of purple under-glow neon for a custom car. As it took off into the sky I wondered, did this thing help my wound or what? Did the UFO have interest in me from the beginning or was it just luck for me to encounter it?


It was 12/11/17 I saw the exact same UFO I saw two nights earlier. It appeared to me when it was over the peak of a roof on a nearby house. It flew over two houses than over the road I was on then flew over a third house. I lost sight of it. This UFO never randomly appeared or diapered. It flew like a tangible object or plane. About an hour later I saw a royal blue baseball sized orb that landed in the center top part of a palm tree. I tried to climb the tree to get it. I failed to recover this object.


On12/19/17 I saw the same object as the last one, but this time I noticed a green hue to the color. I told the spirits at the beginning of our EVP session that if I saw a UFO on that night, that I would invest for my future. This ice spearhead thing was really odd. I kept seeing it. I was doing an open air spirit session talking about the Belt of Orion and Zeta Reticuli. According to my EVP, somebody said “Zeta Reticuli just means beyond our solar system,” during the spirit session. At this exact moment I rubbed my dry flaky scab on my left leg with my smooth skin hands. Literally 10 seconds after me rubbing my scab, the icy spearhead UFO showed up. I felt like this UFO was watching over me and I claimed it to be my UFO buddy for showing up so much. I got the idea that a good investment of my time was to right a book. I wondered what I should write about for over six months. I did not think of writing a book on my paranormal experiences until June of 2018. This was my first investment in myself. Now you are reading this book!


On 12/22/17 I saw the UFO on my usual walk. I asked out loud to see my UFO buddy. I really felt like this UFO and I were becoming regular associates. It appeared, immediately slowed down, and just like a racecar driver clipping an apex of a hairpin turn, the UFO flew in a checkmark shape as to communicate that we were buddies. It disappeared into the surrounding night. It was quite clear it was watching me and could understand the English language. It must have been observing me as if I was a specimen of interest for the UFO. Later that night at the same intersection I saw this UFO I found two letters sealed on the ground. They had liquid on them and I did not want to touch them with my hands. I walked home, grabbed a plastic shopping bag, and drove my car to the intersection. I assumed they must have fallen out of a careless postal serviceman’s truck. I put them in my mail box with the red mail flag up so the mail could be properly delivered. That was my holiday season good deed. I wondered if the mail and the UFO had any connection.


It was in the about 60 degrees Fahrenheit and dry on this clear calm night in Florida. Being January, Florida has awesome warm weather unlike the cold frostbitten state of New Hampshire where I used to live. Also there are more UFOs in Florida. On my walk that night I observed two. I was walking down a cul-de-sac not too far away from where I lived. There were houses still being developed here. I saw in the air a strange light about 15-20 feet above. The light headed downward at about a 45 degree angle. It looked like a green light that widens becomes bright white and then back to green again, then disappeared in somebody’s back yard behind a corner of a house.

I had been walking for close to a half a mile. I saw two police cars parked in front of a church, in the church’s driveway. I have never seen police there before and I have been consistently walking by there, at the same area, at the same time, for more than two years, every night I had a chance. I walked down a perpendicular road to where the police were. This road led back home.

I walked for about five minutes and the church and police cars were out of sight. This was when I noticed something in the sky to my south east in the sky. It was chicken egg shaped, but it looked like condensed static, similar to television static with white and black speckles. This strange shape was about 20 feet at its tallest and about 16 feet at its widest. It reminded me of the game “Ace Combat” when a flying fortress used optical camouflage. It was not completely invisible and you could see the outline of the flying fortress. This was the concept of this egg shaped UFO I saw. I continued walking, not taking my eyes off the UFO. I walked about a tenth of a mile then the UFO flashed a doughnut shaped light at me with a solid black center. The doughnut light hit me like LED high beams on a car and the center black was darker than the surrounding sky. I was still looking at this thing and it flew upward slowly like a Harrier Jump Jet and flew to the south east quite quickly. I kept watching until the nearby houses and trees blocked the view. It was incredible to see two UFOs in one night.
It was a clear night on 3/6/2018. It was a bit humid and my clothes were sticking to me. I was walking down a dead end road. Most of the houses were undergoing construction. I was doing an open air spirits session while walking down this usual road on my trip. I was fooling around with the spirits. I teased the spirits and ask them which way I should go, while on a straightaway road. I already knew exactly which way I was going. Immediately, in the sky was a silver mist. It looked like a tiny cloud had formed, but it was shimmering with silversih speckles. It was about 40-50 feet off the ground. This gleaming glittery silver cloud moved in the exact direction I had planned on continuing my walk. It moved at about 15 to 20 miles per hour. Then a radiant basketball size and shape yellow light turned on for about 3-5 seconds then turned off. It was really weird because it turned on and off like a lamp. This happened as the silvery cloud was moving. Then the cloud sparkled with silver light. It reminded me of shiny confetti, but it did not fall. After, the shiny silver cloud of mist passed several houses it evaporated and disappeared. This UFC also know as an unidentified flying cloud, made me remember other UFO sightings. I remembered in this area I saw other UFOs and even saw a ghost here once. I continued my walk towards the dead end. I then get to the end, turned around and finished my walk. I was overjoyed I saw something new.

It was clear and extremely humid. The air seemed heavy and when I took a breath in, it was like eating soup. It was uncomfortably sticky, but being a true man of integrity, I did not give up. I told myself long ago I need to do exercise every night. There were clouds of tiny sized flies as I walked along. The stars were twinkling in the sky, just like that song we all used to sing. For a brief moment, I paused to catch a breath. There in the sky, red and orange lights slowly pulsed on aircraft. Imagine an upside down rice bowl with red and orange neon. It was a spectacle to see the craft rotate. The diameter would be about 40 feet at its widest. The object seemed to rotate itself counter clockwise as it moved strait. Then it came to a hover while still rotating. Then just like a car making a U-turn, it headed back in the same direction it came from. It flew over the nearby highway then disappeared from my view because of the two-story house blocking my view. It was so bizarre because of its unique shape. I have never seen a UFO like that one before.

I remembered a night when I was walking down the cul-de-sac about a 15 minute walk from my home. I have been down this way many times before. In the air out of nowhere came a thin green light. It got wider and turned white than slimmed down to green light and disappeared. I have seen this phenomenon before. Tonight was no exception.

I had been walking down a sidewalk. I was walking alone in the dark. The sidewalk was torn up and brittle. The Florida night sky was clear as ever. The temperature was warm and humid. A golf ball size royal blue round light flew over from my left in the air about 25 feet off the ground. The object flew perpendicular to the road. It flew across the road. Then it made an unnatural 30 degree descent. After that it made a 60 degree descent strait down and into the canal on the other side of the road. It was very odd.
It was a calm cool night on April 10th 2018. I was on my usual walk. I was enjoying the evening. The fresh clear air surrounded me and I inhaled and exhaled. It was so refreshing. Walking along down the sidewalk with what seemed to be freshly cut grass, I continued on. The warm and humid climate of Florida really makes you feel like you are in a tropical destination. I turned down the corner and headed down a different road. Then I saw something. It shot across the sky from behind me. It looked like the white light of a firework going off before it exploded. What it did was amazing. It acutely exploded like a firework, but there was something way off. For starters it was completely silent. I could not here a thing. There should have been a noise, but there was no such noise at all. The odd thing when the UFO exploded it made five silvery metallic chrome like ribbons that seemed to flow like water in a stream in the forest. The streams of chrome kept on flowing downwards, then vaporized into the air before touching the ground. Infact, all these strange ribbons vaporized about 4 feet above the ground. I was more puzzled than a kindergartener with a Rubik’s Cube. I was baffled.

On 8/10/18 and 8/11/18 I saw the same flash of bright with light in the same exact location around the same time in the same exact spot, flying horizontally about 30 feet above ground level. This light was about 2 feet long, but that was how long it looked while flying. This meant this UFO would be shorter. I have seen more UFOs then most people and that is an anomaly in itself. However I am starting to believe that this airway around a certain road has more anomalies then other areas. I have seen UFOs on this specific road in the years of 2015, 2017, and 2018.
I want to report on 8/18/18 I saw a UFO coming from the Southeast heading Northwest towards me. I did not get a clear view of the object. It looked like a plane with its light on in the distance. It did something odd that the other planes did not do. Even though I it was too far away to judge the height of where the object was flying or the distance away it was, I knew that it was a UFO when I saw what it did next! It turned bright stoplight red! No plane that far away has ever made a red light shine that bright. The whole UFO was coved in red light. Then it turned to the right and headed west. The red light got even brightener then disappeared. While it was accelerating westward, a missile like UFO shot from the ground at an 80 degree angle from my left to right barley missing the UFO that got away safely. There is prequel to this story, but I will put it in chapter 7.

I was doing some research in 2018 and found declassified material that the Central Intelligence Agency had investigated the UFO phenomenon from 1947 – 1990. When skeptics claimed that there was no UFO phenomenon, then why would the CIA at the top level of the government investigate for 43 years using tax payer money to do so?

Check it out at https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/home

