In my parent’s house during the day, I was just walking in the living room. I saw a seven foot tall ghost man wearing a silver suit; silver shoes, a silver top hat, and a white button down shirt. The man looked like he was in his 70’s and I could clearly see the wrinkles on his face. He had bushy eyebrows and a mustache. His hair and facial hair were blond. His chin looked freshly shaved. His eyes were hazel. The whole time I saw this ghost, he was see-through. I waved at the ghost. The ghost waved back to me and then vanished into a cloud of white smoke that drifted and disappeared into the nearby wall. I thought it was really cool.
One night after a cruise to the Bahamas, I searched for pictures of George Washington. I wanted to make a poster to hang up on my wall. The poster represents taking initiatives. I took the initiative to write this book and I wanted more motivation. So I made this poster. I invited George Washington or any other spirits to come into my room as I sat on my bed. Within seconds I saw a ghost uniform. It looked as if it was on a manikin because I saw no human body or head. What impressed me was the detail of the uniform. It was olive green and had tons of decorative stuff all over it. The shoulder tops had a gold rectangle with the decorative frayed string things, which you should remember as epaulettes. It had decorative patches and medals attached on the front uniform jacket. However I do not remember the shapes of them that well. Within about 10 seconds the uniform vanished.
On 8/18/18 before my UFO Sighting, I saw multiple ghosts. As a part of my in-depth research I continue to conduct field tests to try to understand ghosts, spirits, and the dead. I am fascinated by this subject so it makes allot of sense to take the initiative to try to find out answers even if it results in more questions than answers. I invited the spirits to go on a walk with me like I usually do and proceeded with our walk. I saw ghost human shaped entities. I saw a white one, a light gray smoke colored one, a dark gray almost black one, a royal blue one, and a ginger-ale colored one. The white was on the road on the cul-de-sac. The light gray smoke one I saw in a person’s empty driveway. The blue one I saw next in a person’s drive way on a different road. On this same road I saw the ginger-ale colored one stand on the grass as I walked passed it. The only ghost I saw move was the last one. The dark gray almost black ghost was at the circle at the end of the street there was not a dead end road. It floated past me faster than I could walk. It appeared at the circle then glided to the other side of the road and disappeared. I walked another lap before having my UFO sighting.
I am sure there will be skeptics in my future that will criticize because it always seems like skeptics are flapping their gums saying ridiculous things like “I don’t believe in it so that must not make it true.” My grandmother told me that. In this case my grandmother is the skeptic not making any sense to me.
On 11/7/17 I saw two different UFOs that would be classifiable as two different types of UFOs. Slow-walker and fast-walker UFOs are the categories I am talking about. I was still in the gated community walking down the street. I was on my nightly walk when I decided to stop and look in the air. There were some planes flying in the sky, but I thought they were too high to see to what I saw. All of a sudden I noticed a bright white light and I thought it was a plane with its landing lights on. Oh my goodness, it was flying too low! Then it accelerated and went down almost as if it hit turbulence and lost control. It turned yellow and red in front of my view.
I call it a stove pipe UFO. The front was bulky with a slight slope behind the stovepipe that went straight up briefly with a 90 degree corner closer to the body and a long straight pipe going to the edge of the rear of the UFO. It had silver decks and glass like walls in-between the decks. Inside looked like a lava lamp of yellow, orange, and reddish orange. Then the most amazing thing happened. A silhouette of dark purple showed up in front of the UFO. Imagine an acute triangle with a circular end like a pizza slice. Then the UFO flew into it and disappeared. I remembered I left my home at 8:00PM and it was about 8:05 PM. There was still a little bit of sunlight left.
I continued my walk. It was an uneventful two hours of leisurely walking time. I arrived back in the community. I noticed something round and black in the sky. It was out of place in the sky and was blacker than the night sky. I continued to look at it. I began to speculate. Then I thought it must be a UFO. Within nanoseconds of my thought, the object glowed bright white like neon. The object moved forward, and then the light came to a point like a sharp pencil. It took three seconds for the UFO to go from white glow stationary to completely gone. The object was gone as if it was going to light speed as in a “Star Wars” movie. I was impressed by how fast it was going. I thought to myself that I wish I could go that fast. I walked home. The first thing I did was I drew and colored the first UFO I saw. Later I drew the second UFO over a three second time span.
_3 Seconds Time Span
I made an incredible discovery on one warm clear Florida evening. I was doing an open air spirits session as I walked down a dark pathway of cracked concrete. It was 12/5/17 and I was asking the spirits about UFOs. I was amazed that there were just as many skeptics of the UFO phenomena in the afterlife as there were living. I told the skeptics in the afterlife in a joking fashion that they would be going to see a UFO tonight. I pointed to a nearby airplane flying low and teased the spirits that the plane was a UFO. Immediately a white silvery ball was launched into the sky from the east. To my astonishment, it was heading upward and almost hits the under belly of the plane. The ball was about 1/3 the size of the plane. I could see the reflection of the object in the glossy paint of the aircraft. This unusual UFO kept flying a straight path, higher and higher until it was too far to see. There was no tail to the object like a comet nor was it falling down like a comet. It was astonishing because the spirits saw it too. The skeptics in the afterlife could not believe what they had just witnessed. My discovery was that the spirit phenomena and the UFO phenomena are two totally different aspects of the paranormal entirely. If the spirits all knew about the UFOs, there would not be any skeptical spirits. I have learned from previous tests with the spirits that they can see, just like the living. I found this out when I started seeking ghosts. To have skeptical ghosts that never believed in the UFO phenomena and they see a UFO with me is absolutely incredible.
I was on the sidewalk in the cool of the night in Florida. On 12/9/17 my right ankle gave out. I ended up scraping my left leg on the hard rough concrete very badly. My leg was bruised and cut. The skin looked like as if it had been lacerated and small bubbles of blood had been beginning to drip out. I quickly rushed back to house and it took me about 10 minutes to get there. I rushed in the bathroom. I franticly rub anti-bacterial soap on my wound. It stung, but I knew the soap was doing its job. Then I used some paper towels, soaked in water, to clean it up. It was 8:30PM and I continued on my walk even though my leg ached a little. The scrape did not hurt at this time. I walked back to where I had fallen which took me about 15 minutes to reach it. I walked a little further and I got to a pond. I saw an object hovering over a pond. The illuminating object looked like ice in the shape of a handmade Native American spear head or arrow head. It was about 2 feet long and had illuminating purple and white lights from the inside. It flashed almost like a police light bar pattern. I could also see a reflection in the water of this thing. Then all of a sudden my injury on my leg was in so much excruciating pain. It felt like my injury was being stabbed and twisted by a dozen knives ripping apart my flesh. It was so painful I ended up throwing up in my mouth a little bit. The taste reminded me of what I had for dinner. Then I watched the UFO move slowly across the pond and its reflection followed. The pain stopped immediately. I had a sigh of relief. I felt the object was checking me out to see if I was a threat and I hadn’t been. I felt like the object was looking for all vulnerabilities I had. After getting to the edge of the pond I felt like the object felt like I was not a threat. The UFO turned off its purple and white lights. Then the primitive ice like spearhead shaped UFO turned on bright lights at the front just like headlights on a car. It was a bright as LED high beams. The UFO launched into the air and the bottom of the craft reminded me of purple under-glow neon for a custom car. As it took off into the sky I wondered, did this thing help my wound or what? Did the UFO have interest in me from the beginning or was it just luck for me to encounter it?
It was 12/11/17 I saw the exact same UFO I saw two nights earlier. It appeared to me when it was over the peak of a roof on a nearby house. It flew over two houses than over the road I was on then flew over a third house. I lost sight of it. This UFO never randomly appeared or diapered. It flew like a tangible object or plane. About an hour later I saw a royal blue baseball sized orb that landed in the center top part of a palm tree. I tried to climb the tree to get it. I failed to recover this object.
On12/19/17 I saw the same object as the last one, but this time I noticed a green hue to the color. I told the spirits at the beginning of our EVP session that if I saw a UFO on that night, that I would invest for my future. This ice spearhead thing was really odd. I kept seeing it. I was doing an open air spirit session talking about the Belt of Orion and Zeta Reticuli. According to my EVP, somebody said “Zeta Reticuli just means beyond our solar system,” during the spirit session. At this exact moment I rubbed my dry flaky scab on my left leg with my smooth skin hands. Literally 10 seconds after me rubbing my scab, the icy spearhead UFO showed up. I felt like this UFO was watching over me and I claimed it to be my UFO buddy for showing up so much. I got the idea that a good investment of my time was to right a book. I wondered what I should write about for over six months. I did not think of writing a book on my paranormal experiences until June of 2018. This was my first investment in myself. Now you are reading this book!
On 12/22/17 I saw the UFO on my usual walk. I asked out loud to see my UFO buddy. I really felt like this UFO and I were becoming regular associates. It appeared, immediately slowed down, and just like a racecar driver clipping an apex of a hairpin turn, the UFO flew in a checkmark shape as to communicate that we were buddies. It disappeared into the surrounding night. It was quite clear it was watching me and could understand the English language. It must have been observing me as if I was a specimen of interest for the UFO. Later that night at the same intersection I saw this UFO I found two letters sealed on the ground. They had liquid on them and I did not want to touch them with my hands. I walked home, grabbed a plastic shopping bag, and drove my car to the intersection. I assumed they must have fallen out of a careless postal serviceman’s truck. I put them in my mail box with the red mail flag up so the mail could be properly delivered. That was my holiday season good deed. I wondered if the mail and the UFO had any connection.
It was in the about 60 degrees Fahrenheit and dry on this clear calm night in Florida. Being January, Florida has awesome warm weather unlike the cold frostbitten state of New Hampshire where I used to live. Also there are more UFOs in Florida. On my walk that night I observed two. I was walking down a cul-de-sac not too far away from where I lived. There were houses still being developed here. I saw in the air a strange light about 15-20 feet above. The light headed downward at about a 45 degree angle. It looked like a green light that widens becomes bright white and then back to green again, then disappeared in somebody’s back yard behind a corner of a house.
I had been walking for close to a half a mile. I saw two police cars parked in front of a church, in the church’s driveway. I have never seen police there before and I have been consistently walking by there, at the same area, at the same time, for more than two years, every night I had a chance. I walked down a perpendicular road to where the police were. This road led back home.
I walked for about five minutes and the church and police cars were out of sight. This was when I noticed something in the sky to my south east in the sky. It was chicken egg shaped, but it looked like condensed static, similar to television static with white and black speckles. This strange shape was about 20 feet at its tallest and about 16 feet at its widest. It reminded me of the game “Ace Combat” when a flying fortress used optical camouflage. It was not completely invisible and you could see the outline of the flying fortress. This was the concept of this egg shaped UFO I saw. I continued walking, not taking my eyes off the UFO. I walked about a tenth of a mile then the UFO flashed a doughnut shaped light at me with a solid black center. The doughnut light hit me like LED high beams on a car and the center black was darker than the surrounding sky. I was still looking at this thing and it flew upward slowly like a Harrier Jump Jet and flew to the south east quite quickly. I kept watching until the nearby houses and trees blocked the view. It was incredible to see two UFOs in one night.