Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

hehe I like this kinda stuff. This thread seems to belong in Alternate History section, and you might also enjoy the thread I have allready started there called Ancient Knowledge.

Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

Wasn't the Dogon/Sirius mystery disproven a few years back by an anthropologist who had lived with them in Mali? I seem to recall reading that somewhere.

Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

As far as I know, the account has not been disproven, but if you could find a reference for me I'd be very interested.
Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

Darkbreed, I saw your string before and almost posted there, but I thought time travel was a little far from my approach for me to fit in. I admit it is a possiblility the deserves consideration, but all we can do is speculate at this time anyway so I guess almost any any supposition is valid.Who know's maybe we're both wrong and Temple is right.
I appreciate your approach and you offer to check out your string, but for right now I'd like to explore my approach for a while.
Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?


This isn't the actual article I remember but the gist is the same.


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But it seems that Griaule, a scientist, ? ? ? ? ? ?wanted to attribute to earlier civilisations more knowledge than they ? ? ? ? ? ?actually possessed. Credulous scholars, like Young and Temple, were ? ? ? ? ? ?taken in and, through them a whole generation has swallowed the false ? ? ? ? ? ?mythology of aliens from ?the Dark Sirius Companion.?[/font]
Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

If they where that advanced surely they would have had satillites in orbit around the earth, some would of survived unless they where all destroyed in space by the collision.

Have they not also dated the moon from radio isotopes of the rocks gained from the Apollo missions? I think they gave the age of the moon as 4.52 million years old so that puts it practically at the same time when the earth was form which would make it impossible for life to form before that as the conditions where so hostile on earth.

There is also a good record of climate changes for the past several million years I know it doesnt cover all of Earth history but Deep sea drilling and ice core drilling has given us a steady record of climate shifts. If civilisation grew on earth before the Holocene 10,000 years ago, then wouldnt the use of agriculture on a large scale and then later industrialisation have an effect on the climate?

Also an early cvilisation would also have to avoided several ice ages. New research also shows that the earth in its past has been covered completely by ice from pole to equator on several occassions. So these other people would have to avoid being frozen to death, but who knows maybe they became advanced enough to avoid this peril?
Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

nice theory, the oldest known records found are about 160,000 years so far but still leaves room for this to happen. We could have been evolving alongside an already intelligent species as we are to the Ape World now.

Agree with the moon age, they are leaning toward it being there from the forming of Earth or very shortly after. What of Mars, do you think life may have evolved there too ?

Satellites probably wouldn't last too long if nothing happened, don't they have to make automatic adjustments now and again, i bet most of them would crash to Earth within a 100 years tops. They'll be made like our cars are now, to wear out in a couple of years !

An advanced species is less likely to leave a lasting impact as it will need to learn to live in harmony with it's environment to survive, finding massive amounts of long term waste may be difficult in even 50 or 100 years, let alone another half a billion. Sooner or later nature will fight back against us, and we will be the losers, of that I have no doubt at all.

160,000-year-old fossilized skulls uncovered in Ethiopia are oldest anatomically modern humans

<a href=\'http://www.dvhardware.net/article4845.html\' target=\'_blank\'>Cartosat-1 to have extended life expectancy

</span><a href=\'http://www.geocities.com/mockturtl/conclusion.htm\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'color:lime\'><span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>Nature is an ordered chaos</span>
Re: Did a Past Earth Civilization Have the Ability to travel to Other Stars?

I read someplace that the "Dinosauroid" Stenonychosaurus was fairly intelligent with a semi-opposable thumb. Some scientists even speculate that they may have been able to use primitive weapons similar to that of early Homo-Sapiens. Who knows what may have happened had they not gone extinct?


Ice Ages have happened often but glaciers rarely exceed the 30th N & S parallels. There is however evidence that glaciers have been present on present day equatorial land masses. That is due to continental drift, those land masses used to either be above the 30th North parallel or below the 30th South parallel. Therefore I do beleive that it is possible for other civilizations to have emmerged and thrived. Evidence of ancient cilvilizations may be buried by 1000's of metres of overburden and possibly even metamorphosed under the weight of overlain strata.

Incidently, recent evidence suggests that global warming may help to accelerate ice ages. I live in Northern Ontario, it's pretty cold here anyways, but year round winter would suck :unsure: .
