Did It Really Happen ?


New Member
Did It Really Happen ?

Hi, i'm new in the forum. Moderators, guys thanks for a worm welcome. I don't know ..does this story have something in common with time, but i will tell it:

I was sitting by the computer (like 3-4 years ago) and suddenly i heard that my cell phone is ringing. It was my Godmothers number in the display. So i went to my room and picked it up. My grandmothers cell phone was turned off, so my godmother asked to call her by a "straight line phone" (we have these in house, it's free for use). Anyway, i asked what to tell her, and my godmother said that she will never come back home again and asked me to tell it to the grandma. I was shocked. Well, maybe there was some problem in the family, but this...GOD! I asked her why, she just told me that i am a big guy and i will get it some day, i said ok (i was still in shock) and called grandma and told everything. She just said "Ok, it's up to her." and hung up the phone, i was in panic! The next day i went to my grandmas and godmothers apartment (they both live in the same apartment) and saw my godmother in the room. I was stunned again! I said "Jesus, you said you won't ever come back, thank God you made a right choice!". Then she looked at me like to an idiot. "I didn't call you, are you jocking?" she said. I was dazed again. "WHAT ???????", she just stared at me, then i asked grandma about it, she told me that no one called her by "straight line phone". Then i said, i have some proof . The mobile phone saves all incoming calls. I said "wait please" and searched for it. AND THERE WAS NO DAMN PHONE THERE, no clue that she actually called me. I was so shocked and i couldn't talk... I thought few times, man, maybe it was just a dream ? Maybe all my life is just a dream ? And if i make a mistake or someone else makes a mistake, it can be turned back by someone who's more powerful and the information in the brain is being deleted...maybe they forgot to delete my memory or ..i don't know..I just know, that was NOT a dream, maybe i'm stupid but i still can prescind reality from a dream. That was not a dream and i know it. I just wanted to ask, maybe some of you,guys, had experienced something similar? Thank-you.
Re: Did It Really Happen ?

Nothing quite as dramatic ProjetTT, but I had something happen over the past two weeks. I received an email from an investment advisor with his analysis on the financial markets. The title of the email was "Time to Pay the Piper?" I saved the email as I save all of this man's emails. I looked for it the next day and it was gone. I thought I might have deleated it. A week later (3/24/05) I received the exact same email with the same title only this time the date was the date received. I saved it, and the next day it was gone. I sent an email to the man sending out these emails and have yet to receive a response. There is a log of all of his emails sent out to subscribers on his website. I checked several times and neither email was there - unitl yesterday. Now both emails show up in his archive. I sent both of them to my computer and have saved them. They're both still saved, and still no response.

Could it be I accidentally delted both emails by mistake? Yes, that is a "possibility" but certainly not a "probability" as I typically don't make these kinds of mistakes, especially without seeing them as I do them in some knucklehead move. Could I have put them in another folder? No. I've searched just about every other folder in my email software, and they are nowhere to be found. So did I have a couple of "senior moments" a week apart on the same email? Anything is possible, but this is hardly likely. This has NEVER happened before TO ME. And maybe at 50 this is the first of many to come. I damned sure don't hope so. But getting old is a bitch. and I'm still waiting on a response from the gentlemen about his original emails. Now that both emails are on his archive, I suspect any response I get will be something along the lines of "yes, these emails were sent out on the dates you sighted." So am I claiming some time shift? No, I'm just saying I can't explain what happened. Like I said, it's never happened before and the circumstances are just "kinda weird" for me.



Re: Did It Really Happen ?

Thanks for replies and another BIG QUESTION:
WHAT IS DEJAVU ? (i know the meaning) but what is happening with people when they feel De Javu, i mean, did it happen in other life or it is becuase of time..? Thanx (sorry if it is already disscused)
Re: Did It Really Happen ?

as far as I know deja vu (not the dictonary meaning) that you're in the right place at the right time-- you are were you're supposed to me-- it is a guide to let you know you're on the right path to whatever it is that you need to find out and eventually, if followed correctly, you should find out what that is. Did that make any sense?
