Direction & Help Needed


New Member
Direction & Help Needed

This kind of a wierd time travel question because I was told the Govt. had a way to do this but first let me give you my scenarion I wish to accomplish.

I want to first all be able to travel physically through time. I have seen the prints on the Time Portal, so no problem here. The next one is the big deal. I want to be able to project my consciousness to my body back in 1994. I would like to do this by temporary means to begin with, then eventually make this transfer permanent.

This seems to be a type of Astral Projection but it would also seem it would need a physical means as well, however, I have no idea. If anyone has any suggestions please enlighten me. If you would prefer not to post it just email me at [email protected]. Thanks a million for any and all input.
Re: Direction & Help Needed

I find it higly unlikely, but not impossible, that such could be done. If however the theories about multiple paralell dimensions are correct, and we all got alternate versions of ourself around in these dimensions, maybe an astral body swap could do it. However, I know of no one who have been able to do a permanent body swap, and it's not the easiest thing to do even for a short period of time.

Re: Direction & Help Needed


You said it was hard for a short period of time to do a body swap. Where can I find more information specifically on "Body Swaping"? If you could this say in the past, could you do anything to change past events?

This dimension of TT is still very new for me. Thanks, and anyone else who would like to put any input in on this subject would e greatly aprreciated.

Re: Direction & Help Needed

I destroyed someone's life and I wish to undo the mess I made. Also I would like to go back and make a few decisions to better myself now. I get tired of living with the guilt. Don't mean to sound so sensitive, however, if I could rectify the problem I would at least like to try.
Re: Direction & Help Needed

Unfortuanly I can not remember any place I have read/heard about Body Swaps I just have some personal experience with it. It might be mentioned in Astral Dynamic but I can't guarantee it, as I can't remember. Basically what it is about is simply the swapping of counsiousness between physical bodies. I did this with my exgirl, I have never done it with alternate versions of myself.
