DNA Consciousness


Junior Member
DNA Consciousness

Jeremy Narby has some really intersting ideas on shamanism and consciousness. He explains them better than I do, though. I'm not sure if we can still embed youtube videos, so I'll just post the links.

Re: DNA Consciousness

THe first two videos are pretty good. THe third, I have to admit I wondered if he was tripping. Then I go and read where someone else also says that in the comments. lol

THe idea reminds of the movie Altered States. THe movie had some interesting ideas. The religious images he seemed to see on his trips. THe sensory deprivation. The extent of my knowledge on this subject about ends with that movie thoguh. I'm not sure how close the movie followed his experiences either. Where the trips portrayed correctly or accurately? Besides the part where he turns into a monkey of course.

I'd like to know more about it though. In all the people that have done these experiments, does there seem to be anything consistent in the images they see? Or a reoccuring them of any kind? Any good links on what the Shaman see?

Any links in general you could recommend for good reading?

Personally, I dont think I would ever want to trip that hard. I'm glad some people are willing to though.

Re: DNA Consciousness

It's a pretty good chance Narby is tripping in the third video. Not on DMT (Ayahuasca) though, which is primarily where his research is. My guess would be a light dose of LSD.

I haven't seen altered states, but I'll have to check it out. The best film portrayal of psychedelic experience in film that I've come across is Linklater's Waking Life. Things don't really look like that on acid, but the thought process that a good acid trip brings is pretty well represented in the dialogue.

In Narby's first book on the subject, The Cosmic Serpet, he draws some lines between common images reported by Ayahuasca users and depicted in Ayahuasca influenced art. Interestingly enough, he makes the case that a lot of the images are comparable to DNA. He also draws largely from a tribal population that has little education in modern biological science. For a good example of Ayahuasca influenced artwork, check out Pablo Amaringo's Home Page. Compare some of the images there with the protein structure chart at The Biotechnology Project: Chapter 2: Protein Structure.

My own experience with the ritualized/shamanic use of psychoactives has been primarily with Psilocin (Psilocybe Cubensis or "magic" musrooms) and Salvinorin-A (Salvia Divinorum.) With Salvinorin-A, I have been fortunate enough to act as a guide for many who were seeking out the experience for the first time, and I have noticed a recurrence of common imagery in seekers with very different expectations of experience, the most frequent image being the perception of a doorway or tunnel. The tunnel usually arouses a sense of fear and foreboding, and no one ever feels like jumping right inside. Overcoming that fear and passing through the tunnel is the first step to a truly enlightening experience, but it takes time and work to be ready for such a leap.

I don't have any personal experience with DMT, so I'm not the best source for information on that particular trip. If you're looking for individual experience reports of that and other psychoactives, check the Erowid Psychoactive Vaults. You'll find several experience reports, though mostly casual/recreational use, for most any psychoactive you might be wondering about.

Re: DNA Consciousness

Pablo Amaringo's paintings remind me of fractals. This video shows how fractals exist in nature and it makes me wonder if trips allow you to see more fractals.

Hunting the Hidden Dimension | NOVA | PBS Video

It's long but very good! I think Narby was trippin in the third video too. I would like to know more about Salvia. Is it similar to acid or shooms? I don't know about photonic cell communication. I would have to read about it. I know that there is some tiny amount of bioluminesence from cells. But I don't think I've heard any support scientifically of cells receiving light and then communicating that to your brain.
