Debate Do any of you want to time travel? If so why?


Junior Member
You have to learn to deal with past mistakes. I think time travel is bullshit anyway.
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Senior Member
Yes. Because I want a longevity vaccine and I want to fight in the first crusade.


Senior Member
Yes. Because I want a longevity vaccine and I want to fight in the first crusade.
Longevity vaccine easy, RIFE MACHINE, With a mix of ozonated water for curative properties and separately ingested hydrogenated water AKA browns gas water for the life extension is provides to cells. The fountain of youth was proly based on a true story that has rational scientific explanations and im betting the fountain was full of hydrogenated water.

As for wanting to time travel aka world line travel NOPE.... id rather not


Mostly homesickness, but also going to better chronologies would be nice. Head to the future to benefit from the advanced technology. Sounds lovely.


Senior Member
This is the plan:

1. Find time traveler and hijack his shit.

2. Go to distant future to get longevity vaccine so that I am essentially immortal.

3. Go back to 1090s to establish myself as a traveling knight or whatever just before the first crusade is called. Then go to the crusade.

4. Return back to some place in Europe (possibly Scotland), where I will live as an immortal warrior for the next thousand years or so until now, banging as many hot women as possible.


Junior Member
This is the plan:

1. Find time traveler and hijack his shit.

2. Go to distant future to get longevity vaccine so that I am essentially immortal.

3. Go back to 1090s to establish myself as a traveling knight or whatever just before the first crusade is called. Then go to the crusade.

4. Return back to some place in Europe (possibly Scotland), where I will live as an immortal warrior for the next thousand years or so until now, banging as many hot women as possible.
If you lived forever and kept banging women you're probably gonna get a few pregnant and if you left them for other hot women for a couple of decades and come back to some hot new 20 year olds, how do you know they're not your own daughters?


Senior Member
If you lived forever and kept banging women you're probably gonna get a few pregnant and if you left them for other hot women for a couple of decades and come back to some hot new 20 year olds, how do you know they're not your own daughters?

Well, the side effect of the longevity vaccine is that you can no longer reproduce babies.
