Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?

Logical Mind

Junior Member
Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?

You might say: What in the world are you talking about?

I myself went through a challenging test a few years ago yet with the support of a psychic and my own meditations and readings for several months I reached a higher level of compassion realizing the challenge was a needed lesson and also an opportunity to grow into higher levels.

The idea is that tribulations and adversities force you to grow and to progress emotionally otherwise with few challenges in your life you would be stocked in your original relatively "primitive" mindset you were born with.

When I read this book for the first time I could not believe that any person, in his right mind, would be planning to generate his/her own adversities, accidents, pains, etc., before rebirth yet the evidence is overwhelming.


So often when something 'bad' happens, it may appear to be meaningless Suffering. But what if your most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose--purpose that you yourself planned before you were born? John Holland. End of quote

How does this work?

Psychics, mediums or channels contact the higher self of a person in question who is totally aware of his lower self emotional needs and negative traits: What lessons are necessary to force this soon to be born soul to overcome some hates, or fears, or selfishness, anger, pride, and/or obsessions with personal prestige or other bad habit?

The questioning by the telepathic and the answers are recorded for the patient to listen to afterwards.

The book includes instances of patients higher self talk about planned struggles for this people: Illness, deafness and blindness; addictions; alcoholism, death of a loved one; and accidents.

Progress is infinite meaning that we reach a level where we grow in joy, free from adversity of any sort.

Your Soul's Plan - The life you Planned Before You Were Born by Robert Schwartz
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Logical Mind

Junior Member
The thesis is somewhat original, I read the book a few years ago. The idea actually really makes you feel better knowing you and other people connected to you in that incarnation actually planned some of your life trials.

Similarly Mary Bake Eddy in one of her books wrote an unusual article titled

Love Your Enemies

It is good to know and to understand that.


I guess that is why I planned to have Autism as well as being a time traveler before I was born. Maybe....or I took a unprecedented leap into time travel after past life research.

Logical Mind

Junior Member
Ive heard of this concept. There may be many other factors at play.
I am actually reading that book again.

Schwartz deserves a commendation for the publication of that book. This is an original theses, a therapy if you feel like a victim of circumstances. The author was tired of a meaningless life so chose to contact a medium who told him we have spiritual guides with whom we plan our lives before incarnation.

Read it if you can afford it, it is worth the expense.

Blod Grogan

New Member
I am comfortable with the idea there is some kind of life plan for us. What the untouchable fantastic mechanism for setting this in place and monitoring it, is beyond imagining. For me, possible evidence for this has come in several ways. From a specific life option coming up, possibly initially being rejected, or only recognized in retrospect, but further promptings to the same end occur from time to time, until it eventually comes to fruition. Another pointer is that it has happened that a move to a new place has immediately felt somehow excessively right and appropriate, without there being , at the time, any obvious reason for it. Another aspect of this (not for me that I recall, but for some people), is that a contemplated change of life direction may appear to meet inner resistance, maybe attended by a sense of dread or simply unease, even a sudden passing feeling of irrational fear, will, if pursued regardless, turn out to have been a serious mistake. This has happened in case of move of location, marriage, or move from one job to another. The opposite is reported too, where a chance visit to a place, or a passing encounter with a stranger, even something in a book, or something said, may strike a chord, stimulate a reaction the opposite of foreboding, that turns out to have been eerily prescient of future good fortune. It would be nice to know what is really going on, wouldn't it?

Logical Mind

Junior Member
I am comfortable with the idea there is some kind of life plan for us. What the untouchable fantastic mechanism for setting this in place and monitoring it, is beyond imagining. For me, possible evidence for this has come in several ways. From a specific life option coming up, possibly initially being rejected, or only recognized in retrospect, but further promptings to the same end occur from time to time, until it eventually comes to fruition. Another pointer is that it has happened that a move to a new place has immediately felt somehow excessively right and appropriate, without there being , at the time, any obvious reason for it. Another aspect of this (not for me that I recall, but for some people), is that a contemplated change of life direction may appear to meet inner resistance, maybe attended by a sense of dread or simply unease, even a sudden passing feeling of irrational fear, will, if pursued regardless, turn out to have been a serious mistake. This has happened in case of move of location, marriage, or move from one job to another. The opposite is reported too, where a chance visit to a place, or a passing encounter with a stranger, even something in a book, or something said, may strike a chord, stimulate a reaction the opposite of foreboding, that turns out to have been eerily prescient of future good fortune. It would be nice to know what is really going on, wouldn't it?

Actually some moves like marry certain person, a job, business, a career; moving to another area which are actually not meant to happen, very seldom do. Yet in the long run we realize that destiny was right and it was a good thing the doors were closed at that time for us.

Obviously there is a plan for our lives that will teach us certain needed lessons yet sometimes we fail to see the complete picture.
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you = energy

your brain is the strongest electric power there is more than the power company that provides power to your house.. more than 100 of them put together

your heart is also electric..

your soul is energy

you are energy.. this is what you are my friends

you occupy a current bone/flesh structure.. but you are energy within it.. you are not your flesh.. you RESIDE within it.. learn it and comprehend it

i urge any human out there to actually try to get into lucid dream but a real one not the balonie ones where you think you had one and not sure.. ANY human who had lucid dream.. any human who slapped himself touched thier feet their hands and was 100% awake... knows your flesh is NOTHING.. yes you need it to be physically in YOUR domain and part of YOUR NARROW experience but this is all you use it for and then it decay

you the energy who reads it DOES NOT CEASE TO EXIST.. some do not remember but do not confuse it with existing

the roach you killed today is energy too

the muskito you kill and even if you try not to sometimes you have to because it is repeatedly biting none stop.. even when you try not to hurt it.. that muskito is also energy



garden snakes





all other species around you

are all energy

there is a world under you of species you are supposed to live in peace with..

that includes the TREES that you keep cutting for no reason again and again taking away all the co2 because your wackjob deep state decided they are bored and have nothing better to do with the trillions you pay them via the bezos and gates of the world..

ENERGY can never be destroyed

"space" is WITHIN YOU.. first and foremost
