Does light travel?


Time Travel Professor
Let’s please keep this thread to the here and now and not go off chasing phantom thoughts of other dimensions. I believe in other dimensions but this thread is not words to be talked about. I would like to suggest that you start another thread to cover dimensions which is not here in this one. Peace be with you my friend.

Professor Opmmur


Senior Member
well light is a transverse wave. Like waves on the ocean.
they require a boundary between the water and air to exist.
where is the boundary in space?

water wave.jpg

under the ocean, there's only sound waves.

we are contained within spacetime like an ocean...sooooo.....

another little prob, every EM field is attached to matter. Electrons and protons.
cept for light. It's disembodied EM fields without an associated particle.
it's the only exception.

Perhaps it's not disembodied.

virtual particle.jpg
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