Does Math Prove God's Creation Ability?


Junior Member
Does Math Prove God's Creation Ability? Many anti-skeptics say "Yes". Mathematics are something we have learned thanks to God giving us learning abilities of such. The ability to do advanced mathematics on our own is ONE major way we are different from animals. Click on the image to see image larger and see the details.
God Created Light.webp
Looks like gibberish to me. It appears that the author of this gibberish has neglected to include any definition for any symbol at all. This isn't math!

I learned about this in college.

OK then. Please elaborate with the definitions for all those symbols that don't exist in any math book I was educated with. I'm schooled with mathematics through Differential Equations. In none of any books I studied from was there a symbol with a double musical note with a circle around it.
Mathematics is just our language of choice in understanding the nature of extreme efficiency with energy and material creation. I'm sure there are many older universes with a much more clunky system of operation, and plenty more that use even higher efficiency levels that are not based on light but something we can't even comprehend.
Whether it proves god or not is more based on what you define god to be. It certainly proves the principles of design to me, though i'm sure plenty of so called scientists will deny it in favor of accidental chaos theories.

The above equation though, presumes light was created...I can't agree with that idea, I could be wrong but I see light as the perfected balance of frequency and geometry ratios, light itself is just the totality of this basic foundation.
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