Does The Bible Teach Blind Faith?


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Many skeptics think that Christianity is for people who do not want to think. Christians are often characterized as people who believe whatever they are told by the church. Faith is thought of as something that one believes blindly - with no supporting evidence. However, this viewpoint does not represent biblical Christianity. In contrast, to what many skeptics believe, the Bible challenges its readers to test it and come to a reasonable conclusion. There are those Christians who believe blindly, and certain cults1 (such as Mormonism) teach that truth can be known through prayer. These ideas are heretical to biblical Christianity and often lead to deception, making such individuals susceptible to conversion by the cults.

I think that today, people are less likely to believe the "truth" presented in the Bible says than 60 years ago. I'm not calling the Bible BS here. I'm just saying that nowadays, people are more likely to think and find out the truth by themselves, rather than looking for answers in a 2000 years old book written by the church.

Does that make any sense?
well kinda,sorta,maybe,,,,nah not at allo_0 . I mean at least for me anyways, guess what I'm sayin is, where ever I find the truth is where I found it weather in the fossil record or the BIBLE . it will still be the truth, and by being that. it will always be that, the truth. it will stand with out change for ever. seems only logical to look for it where it is.
but hey I can't even find a shirt so what do I know bout findin thingso_0

sorry for the retake you are rite 7;) the BIBLE do say to test, prove out the word of GOD so I must agree with ya it does not teach blind faith but rather ....eyes wide open and brain turned on:cautious:

Yeah, I like to think the truth is everywhere, we only need to see it and understand it.

That being said, some people will look for their truth in the Bible and build their fate on it, question it, and go further. It's all right. Some people though don't think, they don't question anything, they just believe in everything they're being told. They just take the Bible, or any other book/guru's stuff as actual facts and close themselves to all the infinite amount of things the world has to offer. Is this blind faith? Likely.

sadly I must agree. a lot of people do, the church is sh*t pot full of them. but less than 10% understand that, the BIBLE is a book about GOD. we must find HIM where HE is. each of us will have a Moses on the mountian top type experence when we get alone with GOD. and seek HIM out .
I always like the explain
B- basic
I -instructions
B- befor
E- earth
but realy yes that very type of blind faith is very much alive today. worse yet it is spider webbed out into all of are every day lives. people build there hole lives in a job. them kill them selfves when it goes away. others will olny change if forced to .some stop learning at the 8th grade.
aahhh my friend it's a mad mad mad world we live in don't ya just love it
I think I disagree with the very idea that faith (believing, confidence) can be blind. Faith is not easy, it is hard work, and in today's world damn near impossible. It takes constant vigilance of ones heart and mind to continue to believe any spiritual tenant - not limited to Christianity - there is just so much "chatter" and "clutter" vying for our focus, so many "versions", so many "diversions", so many "interpretations" and as someone said above - only one Truth. If you have true Faith in anything - it is anything BUT BLIND. Oh well - just my opinion, highly influenced by my own experience :)
I can't be more forcefull than to say for the last 50yrs the people of the USA have believed/ had the blind faith that the gov. would do no harm to the public at large. then a few started to look behind the curtian and now more are starting to look around but by and large the masses still think anyone who questions the offical reports must be a conspiarcy nut.................. don't think so, thats ok.... you will watch the sheep march off to slaughter very soon.....all it will take is a couple more doom events and the people will beg for someone to show them the way to safety
and someone will be more than happy to do just that....... markets will crash soon, there is no other way to deal with the massive debt.... most nations have gone so far down the wrong road that TPTB must pull a clean slate move and start all over without touchable money.....
Hi guys; I'm a Noob here and this topic caught my interest. Personally I don't think the Bible teaches "Blind" faith; however; I do think MOST people who identify themselves as "Christians" have "blind faith". I believe thats a shame because when times get hard; they are the first to throw in the towel and go a different direction (meaning away from what they profess to believe) And that has happened to me as well to a certain extent. The place that I'm in now is that I AM a believer; but I am not a "church" person. I used to be "plugged in" to the whole churchiosity movement; but as I started noticing the hypocricy within the church; I started pulling away. Not away from God; but away from mankinds idea of God. I believe the Bible; but i am a "dispensationalist". In other words "different messages for different times and for different people" Back then I wanted to become a Pastor; but the politics and hypocrisy within the system started hurting my "faith". So I feel now that we are in an age of "Grace" since the coming of Jesus. There is a saying that goes : "The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; and the New Testament is the Old Testament REVEALED" And thats what I found in studying the Bible. I'm pretty much a realist; so for me to believe and have faith; I felt that God needed to "prove" Himself to me. So He did. I probably shouldn't go into it at this time; but I became CONVINCED by all the evidence.
dude I could not agree more with your comment and feel the same way I to learned the hard lesson of the wolves in sheeps clothing I am most happy to see you servived the ordeal and came out stronger for it ;)
by the way welcome to the nut house,,, glad to have you :)
That sure is a very interesting comment we have here Proven.
Personally I don't think the Bible teaches "Blind" faith; however; I do think MOST people who identify themselves as "Christians" have "blind faith".
This is exactly how I feel on the matter. Perhaps, we just perceive it that way. I know many people move away from God when they have too much of a hard time in their life. I have no idea if they'd do the same if they were in any other religion, but I do feel they tend to do it more if they're Christians.
