Does the LBRP remove energy from a Talisman or other objects?


New Member
Hi there,
I'm trying to understand how to charge a talisman and keep it's energy that I have put into it in it. I have read that if you bring objects into your magic space such as charged items (talisman, amulets, Servitors, candles.......), that preforming the LBRP can clear out all your hard work that you spent charging items.
How Do I charge my items with my energy over a period of time? Say I want to charge a Talisman over a two week period?
What is the process?

As name says its banishing. I always use it in begining routine of work and in closing routine. charging talismans etc.. depends of what kind of work are you doing. But in case of your magickal tools(wand etc..) they charge with time more and more coz they are extension of your will. You can charege talisman now why to have period of two weeks?

when it comes to magick, two rules apply: 1. strong magick will dominate/overrule weaker ones. 2. anything you willingly welcome into your life for a beneficial purpose will not be banished unless you specify otherwise.

any form of banishing will only be effective if what you're banishing is weaker than your own power. also magick casted on your behalf with your permission will not be banished as a whole if you are doing a general cleansing/banishing as it is part of you.

I have several enchanted items, I have 30 servitors and even more spirits bound to me. cleansing/banishing never affected them as I consciously make exception for beneficial spells casted by me or casted on my behalf.
