effects of alternate timelines


Active Member
Let's say in world A I fall in love with "Timmy", but in world B I still haven't met him. When the world B me meets him, would I sense something familiar, or good feelings? Also, on the flip side, if world A me has a loved one murdered & holds enough animosity towards the killer, would world B me feel that if world B me met this individual? Is there emotional resonance?


Active Member
I have had deja vu a lot, but sometimes its like..deja-vu infinite. Its just like deja-vu, except when it feels like you have done/seen;heard whatever already, it doesn't feel like just once, its like a moment of remembering a thousand times..


Senior Member
Think of an alternate TL like this one. It feels a bit "off", if you know what we mean. Things are close, but the timing is wrong.



Active Member
For some reason that feeling seems all too familiar (dreams) I have been to many other worlds (that's what I called them growing up)
Idk if I have ever encountered myself though.
I remember this one where I just showed up suddenly on a street. There were tall, kind of narrow buildings like a city. The buildings were all shadowy though & I knew it was another world. The buildings all slanted. Everything was at a slight angle but that's the way it worked there. I didn't stay long.
There was this other place I ended up once, I was in what seemed to be a house. I looked out the window. I could see all these... astral beings (?) Floating by. Different colors (not very bright) of what I only describe as little skinny puffs of color. I could sense that none of them were aware of another at all. I went outside to check it out & I can't exactly describe why but I knew I had to get out of that place or get "stuck" as were the others. You would forget all sense of self & there wasn't time there. It made me uneasy..
I have been to many other places in dreams, but always thought they were just that-dreams.
