Einstien's Question for time travelers


New Member
The major flaw in his question is that no matter the question proposed, the answer will not be exact. He's asked me several questions as I've done this experiment roughly seven times and everytime I recieved a different question, with a different correct answer.

This is because time travel operates in a manner similiar to a japanese cartoon some may be familiar with, Steins Gate. Events can be played out in any order and few things will change yet most things stay the same, such as an event which cannot be altered no matter how many times you travel. The most familiar example is that proposed by Einstein himself, "I will always ask a question but must receive the answer before the question." The question could be about anything, his age, location, real name, a president, a war, the technical and logical workings of a time machine, or even immortality, yet every time a trip is taken to before the question is asked of an answer it will change. This is due to chaos theory. Events that seem to follow logical and ordered flow will always "appear" to become random or chaotic.

There is a reason I will not take your test. Yes I did have a dog and you cannot say I didn't. If you understood I will continue.

Tl;dr find a new test because you don't fully understand how time travel works.


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I don't think you've mastered time travel technology either. The test is valid if zero divergence technology is utilized.

I don't think you've mastered time travel technology either. The test is valid if zero divergence technology is utilized.

Your concept of zero divergence is skewed. Steins Gate was simply an entry point into discussion. The actualized point in space time from which "appears" to be your destination does nothing to factor in the unique quality of human nature. Not to mention if it were truly zero divergence then that only factors gravitational energy and spacial displacement. Thats why I answered several questions only for the question to change several times. Yet this time instead of asking a question I stated why your "test" will never work amd why the only time someone answered "correctly" was due to your personal bias.
The test works fine for REAL time travelers. The_Observer didn't have any problem passing my test.

edited for grammatical clarity

He smokes weed and gives you 42 as a joke answer and you claim he is a real Time Traveler, because you state his answer was sufficient due to your own bias. Take me as a joke if you will but in time you will understand that you cannot have "zero divergence" because onething must be lost for another to be obtained. You will understand when you lose the ego. I will give you this one fact and time will show that I am indeed correct; by 2020 the average temperature of the world will rise by almost 2° and two types of hidden technology will be revealed to your world that will make your efforts fruitless. One tech will be a show of military might, the other will become as common as a household appliance. America does love its pairings after all.
