El Chupacabra


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El Chupacabra

This beast is one of those who are the most intriguing in my opinion. We ear about since so many years, and we almost know nothing about it.

Here's an article from today that brings back the Chupacabra in the news. I wonder if we'll ever have a proof that this creature exists. If it doesn't exist, what killed these animals, it's not fun at all to make this kind of things.
14 animals found dead in ditch near Duvall
Initial inspections of the bodies show no signs of blood, no signs they were bludgeoned or beaten, no gunshot wounds. They don't appear they were old, feeble or sick -- just a bunch of barnyard animals that all died about the same time and were dumped sometime between Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
14 animals found dead in ditch near Duvall | Local News | KING5.com | News for Seattle, Washington
There's a video in the link.


Re: El Chupacabra

In the news yesterday.
Boy attacked by large animal on Sandias

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.?A 5-year-old boy hiking with his family near Sandia Peak has survived an attack from an unidentified species of large animal, a spokesman for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish said Sunday.
Boy attacked by large animal on Sandias - Las Cruces Sun-News

It's probably not "the beast", but it's still interesting.

Re: El Chupacabra

I hate to say it but I am starting to think the boys at the skunk works screwd up, and some of there experaments got loose. like you said 7 there are reports coming in almost daly bout these wierd animals. good find
I just hope a well placed 44 mag. slug will stop one, befor it eats my ass or the little kid next door. I was told it could drop anything living in the AMERICAS. not sure I would try a polar bear/grizzly/moose/buffalow. but it should do for a large dog

Re: El Chupacabra

Did you ever heard of reports like this one, coming from the area where you live ?
Except for Big Foot, I never heard stories like that where I live.

Re: El Chupacabra

well yes but there never unknown animals all we get are the stray cougars,bears,bob cats and the like, they wander into the city and someone gets hurt. some of the farmers have said they are losing livestock so they round up a dozen or so of there buddys and go on a hunt. we get a lot of wild dogs that the city folk have turned out and they run in packs like wolves. but nothin unknown no
Re: El Chupacabra Pictures

With so many pictures to explain away...I have a tough time believing this thing is real.


Obviously a deceased hairless dog of a larger breed...these are well documented throughout South America.


Most assuredly a deceased mexican hairless chihuahua.


Another deceased chihuahua.


Now this one I can't explain...very odd, maybe a deformed dog or even a fish? So hard to tell with something that has begun to decay.

Anyway, let me know what you think.
Re: El Chupacabra

The last picture in the post above is creepy. I makes me think of some kind of reptile.. I have no idea what this beast would be.
