Energy charged sugar to cure diabetes


Senior Member
You may not be aware of this, but you have this posting of yours on Google (just search using your thread title) :D Unfortunately for all the people who have seen it, you leave no mention of how your invention actually works, which is not unusual...

On a positive note, you have unwittingly increased the awareness of Paranormalis to many more people which deserves a thumbs up (y)


Senior Member
well here's a thought.
would sugar hanging in a 5 foot tall copper tube pyramid(made of 8 foot lengths) for a certain amount of time without any light, moving air or wifi make the sugar not only nontoxic but healing?

David Wilcock revealed the 170 foot tall russian pyramid made of pvc tubing and fiberglass mat made raw crude oil no longer carcinogenic but rather cured cancer tumors grafted on rats. Makes ya go hmm.

Could you supply pyramid charged sugar to cure diabetes and other diseases? Actually make it good for you? Would it heal a damaged pancreas and make you lose weight?

*here honey, take your chocolate cake medicine before bed*

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Temporal Engineer
The research currently says that a persons own immune system attacks the pancreas destroying the body's ability to regulate sugar in the blood stream. Diabetes. There is ongoing research that has linked sugar as the main culprit as to the base cause of the immune system disorder. Energy charged sugar is not likely to regenerate the pancreas. But there is evidence to show that fasting does help the pancreas to regenerate itself. So a sugar free diet might be a more prudent choice to avoid this disease.


Senior Member
The energy causes healing by making all adult cellular tissue to act like stemcells de-differentiating and re-differentiating. Means the pancreatic cells will time reverse themselves to an earlier healthy state as well as dead pancreatic tissue regenerating by redblood cells de-differentiating to become new pancreas tissue.

Sugar, crude oil, whatever is just the carrier of the energy. This is also why ormus is so effective at healing.
Energy healing doesn't kill cancer, there's no dead tumor after people are treated, it's all reversed it's mutation back to normal healthy tissue.

This is the actual mechanism how the placebo effect heals. Surprise! Happens on a particle level. With this mechanism you don't need to know the cause of disease. All the research into causes is a waste of time.
*awaits hateful response*
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Senior Member
The research currently says that a persons own immune system attacks the pancreas destroying the body's ability to regulate sugar in the blood stream. Diabetes. There is ongoing research that has linked sugar as the main culprit as to the base cause of the immune system disorder. Energy charged sugar is not likely to regenerate the pancreas. But there is evidence to show that fasting does help the pancreas to regenerate itself. So a sugar free diet might be a more prudent choice to avoid this disease.

According to the OP, it seems that ormus can even reverse time now, is there no ending to what that stuff cannot do? :eek: :D..


Temporal Engineer
snake oil
ˈsnāk ˌoil/
North Americaninformal
noun: snake oil; noun: snakeoil
  1. a substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases.
    • a product, policy, etc. of little real worth or value that is promoted as the solution to a problem.
      "the new tax plan was denounced as snake oil"
