Evil - What is it according to who?

Chip Lewis

Evil - What is it according to who?

Life is mysterious and I think we can all agree that evil exists. But, what is evil according to you?

The definition of Evil according to Webster;

www.merriam-webster.com said:
morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked <an evil impulse> b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct <a person of evil reputation>2 aarchaic : inferior b: causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive <an evil odor> c: disagreeable <woke late and in an evil temper>3 a: causing harm : pernicious <the evil institution of slavery> b: marked by misfortune : unlucky
To me evil is taking advantage of the innocent, the ignorant, or those with severe intelligence deficits! I hope that there is a special place in hell for these evil bastards.

Evil has many descriptions. What are some of yours?
Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

To me I think that one form of evil is to pick money over doing what is right.

Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

Taking advantage of others to get more money and power is evil. Those doing that don't care about other poeple suffering because of what they do. Evil is often a matter of perspective. Selfishness isn't good at all.


Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

Ignoring the strictures of morality for one's own private gain, monetary or otherwise.

Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

Skeletor is evil.

Stomping puppies is evil.

Skeletor stomping puppies is really evil.
Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

im not evil i just play one on tv hur hur hur hur
Re: EVIL - What is it according to who?

baudmiksen said:
Shooting your enemy in the back is cowardly. Torturing your enemy is evil.

You may be right.

The reason I mentioned this in the first place was the fact that I recently found out that an "uncle" of mine is in jail for 18 years for "voluntary manslaughter" because he shot his brother-in-law 3 times in the back.

In court he claimed that the gun accidentally went off!

I think he should have gotten life without parole!

I grew up with him (he is 2 years younger than I...don't ask) and he had always been an evil, crude fucker.
