Funny answer from "Bill Nye" the "science guy" about Titor


ok, this guy was funny to watch back in the day, and i came across this video about him talking about Titor, and though i am not saying Titor was a real time traveller , it is clear that Bill did no research at all on it when he gave his answer.... hilarious. i mean i know he is not really intelligent about science and just says what he is told, but c'mon..... if they are going to answer about John Titor (the original) , then at least do some home work right? lol
thats all, i just thought i'd share cause it looks like in the comments of that video, no one seems to have done any reading on Titor...

if the link don't work either search in youtube for bill nye and john titor or the title of the video which is "
Hey Bill Nye, How Will We Know When to Believe a Time Traveler?"


Junior Member
Not much of a Bill Nye fan myself, at least in his current rendition. I always found him a bit presumptive and indolent, but he has worsened in this regard. He has many opinions, none of which I find idiotic but all of which I see to be remote in regards to the cosmic span of what matters in practice. When most other scientists claim they do not know, Nye tends to state almost factually. Perhaps, had he ever submitted a theory of any kind he would more closely understand the relationship between operative information and literal facts. In this way, he makes a religion of science and himself a mockery of his own methods. I'm not saying he is not intelligent, I'm saying that he has no awareness for his capacity for stupidity. Most other scientists proudly bear the fact that they are grasping unknowns, yet Nye seems to be oblivious to the fact that a great deal of what humans currently hold true must in fact be incorrect to be mostly congruent. It's very likely I could pull out three episodes of BNTSG and find at least two glaring errors corrected by a more recent scientific understanding of each topic. This is natural, but when you are the proponent of a theory you learn to come to terms with the concept of living oblivious to being downright wrong. It changes how objectively you learn and submit things, Nye does not speak this language. He speaks the language of someone eager to prove others wrong and establish or reinforce certain rhetoric. This is not science, it is instruction. I respect him for who he is, and not what the current world seems to want from him— which seems to be happy little lab coat with easy answers to especially complex questions, as seen on TV.

BNTSG was and is still one of my favourite shows of all time. I have a great deal of respect for his contribution to education and fostering curiosity in eager minds of all ages. I feel like his more recent "celebrity" role within the science community is divisive and largely otherwise irrelevant, which is a shame. I find his approach to science to be superficial, though in this way he is also an excellent teacher of broad or basic concepts. His value is as an educator, which all things considered may be more noble than a simple quest for knowledge. Do I think he is an authority on any one subject? No. Do I find it aggravating that he makes no distinction between what we "know" and what we have "observed"? Yes. FWIW I had the same latter issue with Hawkins, though I generally accept that Hawking was indeed pioneering a generally correct path with his mathematics.

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Senior Member
Most people have never even heard of John Titor. And why should they have?
He's nobody.

For being a big ol nobody people sure do seem to talk about him alot... oh and one more time for old times sake since you always seem to forget. .. titor did say that their were presidents after the bush administration. He just didnt name them.
