Germany first to admit clandestine chemtrails operations


Germany first to admit clandestine chemtrails operations

For all those activists who have been investigating and reporting on clandestine government operations around the world to manipulate our weather patterns, this news from Germany is groundbreaking.

The TV news report states that ?the military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed?

?We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals.?

Full story with VIDEOS here:
Re: Germany Becomes the First to Admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations

This is very interesting.....and I think that some countries are manipulating the weather. Makes me wonder what they are really up to! I watched a show on PBS called Nova and its investigations into contrail and what it is doing to the planet. I guess the deal is that the air is so full of contrails that it is keeping the temp of the air surrounding the planet, cool. They call it Global Dimming because the sun cant get all the way to the earth. There is a scientist who had temp stats from the last 30 yrs . So when 9/11 happened he noticed that for the three days that there were no planes in the sky, the temp went UP. (oh and the sky, very blue and clear) And he and others have concluded that the contrails are keeping Global warming from happening faster than it could. So with this info floating around I bet some countries are doing experiments and trying to manipulate the weather and whatever happens just happens. Sounds like Mankind is trying to do whatever it takes to KILL this planet...
I wonder what will be the outcome of all this.....?

Re: Germany Becomes the First to Admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations

Hey GG,
I saw that documentary last night too. What an eye opener. I had never heard of global dimming. I was wondering how old that program was and if I was just out of the look. He said we only have 10 years left to turn this mess around or we are reaching the point of no return. Past that point (and I think that point was where some hugh glacier would melt) that would start a domino effect that we would never ever be able to stop and that it could all process quite rapidly from that point on.

It's funny that America, while being an offender, it not the main offender. He referred to India and China as being the biggest ones polluting this planet. It makes you wonder if all those little beanie babies and crap we haul by the cartload from WalMart is really worth it.

Did you see the snippet where the lady said she was going to see if just for one year she could buy nothing from China and she said it was impossible almost. Everything, cheap and expensive is made in China. I'd pay a few more dollars to have millions of people back to work if it meant having "made in America" on the tag. (that might have been in the show or on the news I say yeterday....I can't remember which one).

Well, the bottom line is the WORLD better get it's collective asses in gear or there won't be any world as we know when this century is through. It will still be here. We will be gone.....or rather, are children will not survive it. But how do you force other countries to comply when we're not even complying ourselves? Don't count on the U.N. I'm going to see if some wise individual put some clips of it on YouTube. It was really good. And don't forget that the reporter said that TWO scientists came up with the same results when neither of them knew each other or that anyone else was doing any testing.

I shouldn't beat up on Gore so bad. Maybe it's that I just don't like his presentation as America being the main culprit. It tends to put everyone here on the defensive. And the only thing that I would change about his presentation is that nature, not man, already planned on the global warming. It a cyclical event and it happens over and over. The only difference is that we've helped speed it up 100 years or so.

Re: Germany Becomes the First to Admit Clandestine Chemtrails Operations

Gore is just so passionate about it..I think that he makes America seem like the biggest culprit as a way to get America to open their (our) eyes...and like you said, get off our asses.
I didnt know what Global Dimming was either and I must admit the fact that we create Global warming and then accidently find out that Dimming is keeping the planet cool for is just so simple and complex at the same time..weird.
But the idea that chemicals can be put out the back of planes pisses me right off. I hope that isnt the case but anything is possible in this world today..........
OH yeah when it comes to Walmart....I havent shopped there in five years now and I will never go there. I tell all my friends that they are forced to go there and they disagree then tell me how hard it is to buy things and how Walmart is the only place they can go and I say.."YEEEAAHH." I know a lady who works in the small grocery store in my town and she said " I dont shop based on my politics or philosophy, its about me and only me" And at work she wears the Shop Local button, but she doesnt shop locally cuz they dont pay her enough to!
She dont get it.........
