Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested by FBI — Another “Suicide” Around the Corner?

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
Epstein didn’t kill himself.

This was all over social media a while back as more and more people started to realize that something wasn’t quite right about the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein. Now, after an unbelievably long investigation and revolving around allegations from well over a decade ago, Epstein’s esteemed confidant Ghislaine Maxwell is finally facing some charges related to her involvement with Epstein.


Dead Woman Walking?

When Epstein went down, a lot of people expected Maxwell not to be too far behind. However, she had seemed to have escaped unscathed, but apparently the FBI was watching her closely all this time and ready to pounce once the moment was right. Maxwell probably realized this. She had all the financial resources in the world at her disposal to set up shop in some faraway land, but probably knew that the second she made for an airport, they would be all over her waiting to take her down. So, now, the only question in conspiracy circles is would they have the nerve to do it again?

When Epstein originally found himself in federal custody, there were a lot of people hopeful that this was going to turn into a huge big deal that would expose a lot of powerful people that had been supposedly tied to Epstein. This included royalty and even the Clintons and Trumps. What those people hoping did not count on was the reach of powerful people. Even federal custody did not prove secure enough to protect the life of Epstein. So, now, will Ghislaine Maxwell, who no doubt knows all the same information that Epstein did, meet the same fate?

Our answer: if she really knows everything, and those people out there that might be worried about what she knows know that she knows, don’t be surprised at all if something very similar doesn’t happen. We know what you’re thinking right now? How could they do it again? Wouldn’t that be the most see-through obvious conspiracy of all time?

Yes, of course. And still, they would not hesitate to do so. They don’t mind at all, and we’ll tell you why. They enjoy the speculation about their power and reaches of their collective tentacles. While the mainstream media does its due diligence and explains it away as not a conspiracy, but an uncanny coincidence, the ones behind the scenes will enjoy knowing that a message has been sent to anyone else out there that might be thinking of coming forward.

Now it’s possible that Ms. Maxwell is smarter than all this and has already prepared some sort of backup plan for this situation. Maybe she has brokered some kind of deal between these powerful people out there and herself about what she will tell and what the outcome of all this might be. If not, and she is truly on her own in federal custody, then there is probably not another person in the world that is in more physical danger than Ghislaine Maxwell right at this moment.

We’ll be waiting. In the meantime, let’s kick it off. You heard it here first.


Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
Yes, probably. She's being put in one of the most brutal prisons in New York and is receiving next to no
protection over her body.


Junior Member
There's a very high probably she will get killed by inmates or people who want her silenced. They better put proper protection on her or she's deader than Epstein.
