Greetings all


New Member
Name is Fabian, have an interest in Time Travel, Nikolai Tesla, Montauk, Philadelphia Experiment and all things related to consciousness and astral projection. Have qualifications in electronics engineering, but haven't worked in that field for many years. Back in 1999 I built the bajak flux capacitor to which I seemed to have encountered an hours slip in time, but more impacting was the after effects encountered which led me to stop using the flux capacitor. Years later and with all that is going on in the world it has re-ignited my interest in the possiblity of attempting to build it once again. Will see...


Active Member
Name is Fabian, have an interest in Time Travel, Nikolai Tesla, Montauk, Philadelphia Experiment and all things related to consciousness and astral projection. Have qualifications in electronics engineering, but haven't worked in that field for many years. Back in 1999 I built the bajak flux capacitor to which I seemed to have encountered an hours slip in time, but more impacting was the after effects encountered which led me to stop using the flux capacitor. Years later and with all that is going on in the world it has re-ignited my interest in the possiblity of attempting to build it once again. Will see...
prove it, and welcome!


New Member
Not sure what it is I am needing to prove, seems from reading other posts, it's an initiation to the forum. Nonetheless parts for the build to replicate what I had build back in 1999.


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Active Member
Not sure what it is I am needing to prove, seems from reading other posts, it's an initiation to the forum. Nonetheless parts for the build to replicate what I had build back in 1999.
Prove that you know a large amount of what you claim are interesting in, and not an inatiation only a question.


New Member
Commencing a course in electronics engineering back in 1993 led me to the works of nikolai tesla which then opened the door way to the Philadelphia experiment and soon onto the montauk chronicles and time travel with Al beliek, Preston Nichols, Cameron Duncan etc, lead me to look into the delta T antenna and other means of potential time travel or at the least mind/consciousness manipulation.

This then later lead me into the hemisync program from Dr Robert monroe and going through the different focus levels for the past 10 years, opening my mind up to the illusion of the world we live within. I am a believer in that we manifest through thought.

Have read the spirit molecule by doctor Rick Straussman and the potential of the pineal gland and the role that DMT and melatonin plays within the everyday existence of us as humans. The key to opening up one's consciousness and spiritual evolution.

Followed the work of David wilcock for many years after reading the book the holographic universe by Michael Talbot. Began to delge into the world of quantum physics but decided to drift back to the spiritual side.

Have also researched the work of William Reich and orgone energy and also worked with Joe cell technology, to which I have not had a car run, but have seen some interesting things. I have an invested interest in auto mechanics, having built race motors for both bikes and cars over the past 15 years.

The list goes on...nearing 45 years of age, I have spent the good part of 30 years trying to unveil the world.

I don't sit in front of the box watching mundane programming of society. I believe that knowledge is the key to one's existence within this realm, so I read alot and where possible put that knowledge to use.

I am here to read other peoples views, experiences and to open my mind further.



Temporal Engineer
Not sure what it is I am needing to prove, seems from reading other posts, it's an initiation to the forum. Nonetheless parts for the build to replicate what I had build back in 1999.

A lot of us have built the Bajak flux capacitor. But no one has had any positive results yet. But then everyone modifies the schematic and uses a piezo buzzer instead of the called for piezo transducer. Do please share your construction details. Oh, welcome to the forum!
