Greetings from the UK!


New Member
Greetings from the UK!

My names Peter, I'm aged 14 and I'm from the United Kingdom. I found this site when I was looking for some information on John Titor and I'm glad I did!

I like to discuss and debate a lot and I'm interested in conspiracy theories though that doesn't go to say that I believe in most of them ;)I have a keen interest in aviation, spaceflight and technology as well as history, geography and science, in particular Physics.

I hope I'll have an enjoyable time here and I've already posted about the Apollo 'hoax'.

Re: Greetings from the UK!

welcome waroftheworlds, looks like you came to the right place.
glad to see your into physics buddy, my son is 17 and he's a physics geek! they study alot of physics material in high school where he goes and i encourage him all i can. we spend hours going over the diffrent topics in physics. i wish i had that kind of interest in it when i was younger. i hope you make a go at it, good luck and enjoy your stay!

Re: Greetings from the UK!

Welcome to the plantation Peter. Been getting more of you Brits here lately. Our Supermod, Grayson, is a countryman of yours. Glad you found the place.


Re: Greetings from the UK!

Thanks guys :) Aurora51, physics and chemistry are the only science topics that mean something to me, and I enoy the both of them very much but I find physics a lot better than chemistry or biology. We study quite a bit of it but not that much. Hopefully I'll end up with an A level in it :)

CaryP, thanks for the welcome. Us Brits are popping up all over the place :D
Re: Greetings from the UK!

See, my name is mentioned and I appear. Wilkommen waroftheworlds, or Warovdawurdz as we know him here in the UK. I do have to say that I only pop up when excited dontchaknow. :lol:
