Group project

Perhaps the Bajak Flux Capacitor could help. It is told the piezoelectric quartz crystal as having "negative inductance" due to its property of converting mechanical energy to electrical and vice-versa. The negative inductance would likely lead to negative energy, a type of energy that repels gravity instead of attract, and may affect time in interesting ways. I recall doing an experiment with this, and it seemed to work. I attempted to do more tests, however, I burnt the 273073 piezoelectric transducer out with too much voltage. To make it worse, I couldn't find another, so I am currently doing more tests with other models to see which works, in case that apparent time shift somehow happened (I detected by using two watches that move at the same speed).
If the Bajak Flux Capacitor works, it would be revolutionary for scientists, and a gold mine for the ones to prove it working, for many would want to fund a time distortion device.
Back to the topic at hand. To build a time machine, one should first demonstrate the Flux Capacitor to the scientific community, for then if it works, the scientific community would be on our side to help build a time machine. The time machine would likely be a small pod or area, where the user is surrounded by modified crystals, modified to be more effective and efficient in warping time. Regular capacitors are charged with a great deal of energy, after altering the capacitors and circuits to select a certain time frame. Then, a great pulse is released, kilojoules, or maybe megajoules of energy flow through the crystals, and transport the user through time. A key thing to note, is the user (which I shall call a Chrononaut) must bring along a way to return to the original time if they wish. One problem is the earth's movement interfering, since the Earth is never in the same place for long, rotating 1000 mph around its axis, 30 km/s around the sun, and so on. However, if the gravity of the earth somehow held the Chrononaut in "place" through time, that problem may be solved.
So how would we as a community of hobbyists achieve this? Here's my steps
  1. We must do tests with the Bajak Flux Capacitor to see if it works, and share the results with one another.
  2. If it works, at least one of us must demonstrate to others through something like a science fair where members of the scientific community may see it. (Do not claim the design unless you are John Bajak, the creator. Please give credit where credit is due)
  3. As time progress, funding would be obtained to do more tests. Patents may be made for different systems and methods of utilizing this "negative inductance"
  4. As a community, we design a small test time machine to see what happens.
Personally, I am willing to help anyone with their experiments. I wish to time travel. My rule is not to go BACK in time. Not because of the grandfather paradox, since that can be solved :
According to the logic of the video, going back in time sends you to another timeline, similar to parallel universe. Like if you went back in time, in order to prevent paradoxes, you are creating an alternate timeline. The laws of physics are the same, but its not your home universe, which could be morally troubling for some.

Any questions, please say, I'd be more than happy to help
One side effect to Time Travel via Bajak Capacitor is insanity. You're brain and body may become "out of sync" time-wise which would lead to mental problems. Just a heads up.
Hello, all hope you are safe during this time.... I see a lot of people commenting on posts which are years old and I've been currently thinking if we all want time travel badly enough why don't we all pull our brains together and make something happening. Plan strategize execute seriously people lets work together and make something happen

My personal belief of it here is that time is all about everything which has to do with existing and or existence, which includes both change & !(not)change in state of existence. I believe that our time dimension is the dimension of the distribution of existence, which includes the distribution of both change & !change in state of existence. I believe that the direction of time is all about the direction in which something exists, which includes the direction in which it maintains & undergoes change in state of existence(can you see inertia here?). I believe that the rate of time is all about the rate at which something exists(this has something to do with manifestation which by its very nature is a component of existing), which includes the rate at which it undergoes change in state of existence. In fact any person of sound mind should know that if he or she wants to travel through time by continuously moving backwards through time must do so in such a way that allows them to move forward through their existence & change of state of existence while everything else around them is moving backwards through its existence & change in state of existence. This is why I believe that if a person wants to travel through time by continuously moving backwards through time all they have to do is figure out how & why it is that they exist & undergo change in state of existence in the direction that they do and then flip/reverse this direction. The thing you've got to understand here is that you exist because there is something that makes you exist. Which in turn means that if you want to travel backwards through time you have to trigger that which makes you what you are to travel backwards through time.
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Senior Member
Hello, all hope you are safe during this time.... I see a lot of people commenting on posts which are years old and I've been currently thinking if we all want time travel badly enough why don't we all pull our brains together and make something happening. Plan strategize execute seriously people lets work together and make something happen

DrZ also brought up this idea again, very recently...The reality is that no member on here has any real knowledge about time-travelling....All we can do is talk about it, which is identical to "pulling our brains together", nothing more will ever happen..

At the very least i have personally tried to get members involved in projects such as the Delta Time Antenna, which costs NOTHING to build..
One of our excellent engineers did build one, but it was made out of metal, when it should have been wood, as I pointed out to him, and sadly he quickly lost interest......One of my own Delta T Antennas is shown in my profile picture..

Others had wanted to change a circuit diagram I posted, or just wanted to argue about it...Purpose and Patience is sadly lacking within our community, and that is something I can do nothing about...


Active Member
DrZ also brought up this idea again, very recently...The reality is that no member on here has any real knowledge about time-travelling....All we can do is talk about it, which is identical to "pulling our brains together", nothing more will ever happen..

At the very least i have personally tried to get members involved in projects such as the Delta Time Antenna, which costs NOTHING to build..
One of our excellent engineers did build one, but it was made out of metal, when it should have been wood, as I pointed out to him, and sadly he quickly lost interest......One of my own Delta T Antennas is shown in my profile picture..

Others had wanted to change a circuit diagram I posted, or just wanted to argue about it...Purpose and Patience is sadly lacking within our community, and that is something I can do nothing about...
People always want to change things and then be like .... fake fake fake it didn't work
