hanging with hybrids - summer camp

Carl Miller

Active Member
In my own life relevant contributions on the internet concerning serious matters have influenced me profoundly and helped me personally break through the confines of my own self imposed restrictions to my freedom. In other words, they have helped me into changing some mistaken creeds that had been impairing my progress. This is interesting conclusion the fact that we do not have to meet one another personally so that communication can be effected. ..for that matter no one in our living memory has met Buddha or Jesus.....What really matters is what effect the "messages" of these masters had really influenced X or Y. Who can tell I am actually a fake instructor. If you have been following me it wouldn’t sound to you since the beginning that i could have been a charlatan. If I sometimes lecture I also apply practicalities such as my own experiences that I post here and are considered by few as spamming. From now on instead of putting- Carl’s reply I may as well type- Carl’s spamming, it would make no difference as long as my contributions are posted. By my musing one can infer that I have really learned something by others. And it does not seem so bad as it looks like.
I have listened to many experiences from those who have claimed to have had contacts to alien beings. Before having had a personal life changing creed transforming my own encounter with ets i used to tag as abusive any kind of literature relating to ets as fraud deceptive lies. The first book i've read on the subject, a book on Uri Geller was automatically thrown to the rubish or garbish as you wish as soon as et influences appeared. Having been brought up in a Catholic typical family I would be sent to the mental professionals if I mentioned ets. But i was betrayed in my faith by my own experiences and i have witnessed myself the abductive ongoing process my wife had been going through. The climax reached as we both went to the gynecologist and she went through uterus scanning. And the doctor pinpointed the site on her left ovary in which ova were extracted. What a perfect operation, he pointed out. And he asked her abruptly who had done that operation. Please let's not talk about it now, doctor, my head is aching, she added. How can i deny the evidences? I know what i have seen, now i speak like those citizens from Phoenix, Arizona when questioned if they had really seen the lights. I know what i have been through. I can relate to the dozen visits from the Greys in our bedroom as i learned how to stand still paralysed with fear while they did medical procedures on my wife, who really did not care much about that.
= sunshine once i have been a skeptic too. Once having got a book about Uri Geller's life i threw it to the next garbage when the author started to mention ets. i don't blame people from not believing. One will have to see it to believe it. More than that one will have to see it checking out with other 'seers', if not one will take the risk of negating one's own reason.
.have some knowledge of terrible side-effects after a traumatic encounter with these beings. It relates again with my late wife and more specifically with her youngest sister who had serious skin problems after the close contact to a ship while they listened to the radio in the car on that farm late at night. There's something traumatic in that event, i know. It looks like they both have been abducted cause they both lost consciousness of the whole event having dropped in a deep state of amnesia. After that happening my late wife's sister has never been the same. She just got sunk in drugs and finally had died in a confused car-crash.

Now after these 20 minutes it occurred to me a very lucid et experience at those times of intense et activities in which my late wife used to channel these entities spreading rays of curse on the human being in general. 'i hate these weak human beings', she said. Then she would read curses quoting the psalms and the old testament from the bible. Obsession from ets for sure. She made me swear to commit myself to her friends and help them hurt human beings. i pretended to obey while i thought about how to help her cause her behaviour was quite abnormal and the phenomena increased in an escalating way. At that time i saw and felt myself on a ship that led me and a group of people to a space-little town orbiting the earth and this little town or whatever was made out of iron. By then i would participate in shaman ceremonies. Some of the spirits would carry swords, others arrows or clubs. Well, i noticed that there were lots of strange military people working on that base. They sent other away and kept me there in a kind of waiting room. i was standing. One of the beings in uniform pulled the trigger and i was hit in my right arm and some of the shamen spirits weapon, such as sword and arrow flew away from my right hand. And the beings in the room started laughing. There was something mean in their mocking attitude. They didn't like human beings. Well i returned to my physical body and forgot about that experience. Later on some two months after i got hurt in my right hand. i know that wounds in the etheal causes wounds in the physical body by reflection. That's the explanation that i got for what happened to my right hand.
-i posted some experiences at random to try to connect the dots, so to say, to make it clear that these entities do not resemble humans as long as emotions are concerned. They judge things differently and they tend to adopt the military behavior as if they were trying to develop a strange kind of human-like nature personaging military people from all ranks.
My Gosh, so much could be said about a certain species, the so called Men in Black. There are enough evidences they do try to imitate the spies with that weird behavior you would thought this is all part of a comic book. It is not.

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Carl Miller

Active Member
The Phoenix Lights- Explanations for the phenomena

And what were those lights? CARL: They were extraterrestrial ships. Interlocutor: How many were there? CARL: There were dozens of small ships that were sighted at the beginning, and a mother ship. The following day they showed up in triangulations. Interlocutor: size did the mother ship have? CARL: Approximately 2 Km. [1.24 miles] Interlocutor: Relatively small. Where did they come from? CARL: From Zeta Reticuli and they were visiting their parents, humans. Interlocutor=You mean they were hybrids. CARL= yes. Interlocutor: Is it a belligerent race like the race from Orion 3? CARL: No, not to that extreme, but it is a race spiritually underdeveloped we cannot say that they are "saint" either. These are related to the Greys. Interlocutor: I understand the irony. Were they Grays? CARL: Yes and No, they were like humans, thin, tall, but nothing similar to those paintings that some ufologists show like the extraterrestrial "commander Ashtar", not so handsome, in fact they could be considered as ugly hybrids visiting Eath, don't picture them as radiant. Interlocutor: Would they pass unnoticed if they walked among us? CARL: They would pass as strange people that we often see on the outskirsts of a big city for they have no style and act in a strange unnatural way, with their hair like a brush and a very tanned face. Interlocutor: Something like a coppery color? CARL=yes,Similar. Their bones are spongy and the skin feels like moist and plastic. Interlocutor: And their height? CARL: The shortest has 1,60 m. or 1,70m. And the tallest is closer to 2 m. Interlocutor: Well, in this case the variety of their height is similar to terrestrial measures. CARL: That’s right. Interlocutor: What were they doing? Tourism? CARL: It is very unusual that extraterrestrials come to Earth as tourists. They were on a scientific mission of exploration. And revisiting their parents, the humans. Interlocutor: So the whole story of this matter is that dozens of UFOs appeared and they flew around the city the previous day from the day the lights appeared in triangulation and then they left? CARL: Correct, there was no direct contact. A pursuit of a fighter plane existed, but obviously it was useless because the ships avoided it easily. Nevertheless, the pilot was able to take pictures of the UFOS and he tried to pass it forward but he was stopped by the authorities and remained silent . Interlocutor: Are some pictures taken by citizens absolutely real? CARL: Correct. But they wont be seen anymore. Let s say they evaporated. Interlocutor: Did somebody take pictures from the ground? CARL: Yes, but they are not as clear like those taken by the pilot of that fighter plane who had to remain quiet. Interlocutor: Do those pictures show the UFOs clearly? CARL: They appeared as lights. Interlocutor: From the point of view of the military, Do they know the truth? CARL: They know for sure that they were not terrestrial ships. Interlocutor: So they know concretely that they were UFOS? CARL: Correct. In the Air force they have three files on the case. But they could not be published.Interlocutor: Are these documents hidden like "top secret?" CARL: No they are not classified like that, they are simply there, but they don't release them to the public. In this sense they act like most of the countries before the sightings of UFOs do. Interlocutor: I understand. And the Mayor talked about the incident? CARL: Yes, let s say the Mayor. What he saw with his own eyes is true. He did not see the lights, he saw materialized ships. Some put many things of his own imagination and from each simple incident he made an entire story. But I affirm that 'The Mayor' was telling the truth. Interlocutor: Then, this matter is definitely, something so customary and untranscendental like the UFOs recently sighted in Mexico? CARL: Most of the matters we deal with in session are in the bottom customary. There are aliens who abduct people to experiment anatomically with those they abduct, they extract blood and create antibodies for benefit of their own race, they extract organs from the people they abducted to implant them into those who need them in their own species, there are those who abduct to make pregnant terrestrial women. Interlocutor: And the children? CARL: They take them away. Interlocutor: They never return the children? CARL: No, never. Interlocutor: Are we speaking of normal sex or about implants of ovules? CARL: No, nothing of implants, they have had sexual intercourse directly. Interlocutor: Obviously we are speaking of organisms more or less similar or compatible. CARL: Of course. Interlocutor: Have terrestrial women been volunteers to those sexual relationships? CARL: No, because generally the woman is doped and later on she doesn't know what really happened to her as it happened to my late wife and her sister. Interlocutor: But she knows that something happened to her although she is not able to say exactly what it was. CARL: Correct. Interlocutor: Don't they care about the consequences that the woman might have later on? CARL: No, not at all. Interlocutor: To conclude with Phoenix UFO Incident, is there something important to add? CARL: No, not important. These aliens simply came to explore. What happens is that Earth has a lot of variety of minerals, it has many weathers. Interlocutor: But why don't all the planets have many weathers? CARL: Not all the planets have so defined seasons like here, spring, summer, autumn and winter, because of the tilt of Earth’s axis. There are worlds that also have a permanent polar weather and others have a summer very hot permanently. Interlocutor: So There are no many planets that have its orbital plane tilted? CARL: No, there are not many. And for that reason many aliens come to Earth to investigate. It attracts their attention seeing the variety of weathers, the rains, and droughts. It intrigues them more than a quasar. Interlocutor: Concretely, the aliens come here because of the variety of weathers, the variety of seasons and the variety of minerals. CARL: And also for the variety of zones. Notice that in the equatorial area there are deserts like the Sahara and forests like that the Amazons. Interlocutor: And in other planets they don’t exist? CARL: Not with the variety that exists here. Interlocutor: Would you say that Earth is a privileged planet? CARL: In this sense, yes. Interlocutor: We’ll finish the topic about the Phoenix Incident, would you like to add something else? CARL: No, that’s everything.
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Senior Member
Hi Time Flipper:
I can write in smaller paragraphs.

Hi Carl:
Thank you for posting your experiences. I have a friend who use to be a bank manager. He made the mistake of telling people at work about being on board a flying saucer. His co-workers started making fun of him and they were asking him if he had sex with alien women.

Posting about what you have gone thru takes courage. However, I believe that most people are getting a distorted view. Look at aliens in movies. They all want to take over. Frankly, that is not what I have seen.

I remember saying this before and I will say it again. The aliens do not think they are weird, they think you are.

Aliens are warriors. However, they are always joking around and never serious.

For example, one grabs a cigar. She sticks it in her mouth and says. "Look at me. I am human!"

She then asks me. "Why do humans breathe smoke and drink rotten water that bubbles?"

I said. "WHAT???"

Then she sends me a telepathic image of a beer can.

I said. "People drink to get drunk and forget all their painful memories."

She said. "I got lotsa memories. They cause me joy."

I realize that they are so different than us. For them being alive is a joy.

Humans see life as pain. That is why they are always getting high to escape.

OK so here is another example of how the aliens are.

There were these two little girls and they did not have any names. OK so they gave themselves names.

First one was EMBRYO and the second one - baby sparrow. Both were quite annoying. Like little kitten that are always meowing.

OK so one of them says. "SMOOCH SMOOCH! c'mon some one gimme a SMOOTCHIE!"

The other girl gives her a kiss. "Here you go."

Well, the other one goes. "I prefer a kiss from a man."

Funny, this behavior was common. Kind of like hearing the dog scratching the front door when he wants to use the bath room.

I can assure you I never saw this type of behavior in a human school ever. Humans punch and hit you for no reason. They never hug or kiss you.

Aliens are very affectionate - like cheerful little puppies. In contrast, humans remind me of scorpions. All they do is sting you.

I still remember my sister in first grade saying. "FREE hugs! some one wanna hug?" People thought she was crazy. This behavior seems to humans creepy.

Perhaps, I am not as affectionate, but I still remember in kindergarten that I brought some toys for the other boys to play with and they started smashing them up.

Frankly, it does not take a genius to see than I loved being with the aliens and dreaded going back to earth.


Carl Miller

Active Member

Aliens are jokers. They are comedians, they imitate humans playing with our weakest points. They do it on purpose. I remember that Betty Hill told the hypnotherapist the alien standing in front of her was wearing a military cap.
I found it strange when i was brought aboard that ship. Iron ladders connecting floors with corridors and many rooms. And the occupants resembled humans but i knew that is the way they wanted to be seen. Again using their mind power so that we, incarnate visitors taking on an energy body, would remain calm. And i was kept alone before the guardian holding a strange weapon a beam of light from it hit my right hand. And then the primitive weapons that my spiritual guides used (arrows, spears, clubs...) flew away from my right hand and the alien entities present laughted at this. I saw the brightest side of things at this laughting at me. I felt ashamed to be using such primitive psychological weapons. It is known that shamanic mediums search for protection in their spiritual craft- resourting to their spiritual guides' best warrior qualities.
It seems undeniable that aliens are warriors and in alchemy fighting what is wrong without knowing what is right is the goal.
Well in my encounter with aliens at that ship the transformative element fire represented the alien mocking attitude to the extent that the gnawing experience brought about a psychological change since i no longer attended shaman crafts after that.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
Posting about what you have gone thru takes courage. However, I believe that most people are getting a distorted view. Look at aliens in movies. They all want to take over. Frankly, that is not what I have seen.

I know there is the ridicule issue that can brand a stigma in you. You can be stigmatized in society as a freak if you insist in dealing with the alien subject.
Although that is a subjective issue. I mean the harm done by society will depend on the individual susceptibility.
It is a kind of mission some of us must carry on through life and we are born to fit in the larger parameter in the bigger picture that psychic phenomena represent to us.
Of course we also live in society and we can share many commonalities with our human fellows leaving parapsychology issues, conversations and discussions for the moments we spend with our peers. I mean, with those who share a broader view of life, a broader paradign.
The broader paradign constitutes of psychic abilities and the so called altered states of consciousness.
Personally i lead a double life from the exterior view point. I take part on dancing nights cause i love dancing.
I do not drink cause drinking affects my stomach. I do not use drugs cause drugs cause damage to the brain. I like soccer as a fan and take part on soccer discussions among friends and family folks. I like to make out and play poker as an amateur. So i lead a normal life. My dancer mates ignore my weird paranormal side. So i am not stigmatized.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
URI- A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller by Andrija Puharich, 1975- that is the book i mentioned. I threw this book at the rubbish when the author started talking about ets.
Later on in life, after going through my personal experience as an abuctee myself, sharing my life with my wife, our little daughter and the grey entities, what can i say but stating that I do not know everything there is to know about the greys, but i surely know how they behave, i mean, their modus operandi.
And when I remembered reading the author describing how he and Uri Geller would have their times of complete bewilderment, as they had their moments of extreme doubt on the outcome of their projects, while their agendas seemed to have never made sense. How in a moment of overwhelming state of confusion and anxiety Uri Geller menaced to leave all behind, giving up all their plans.
Why? Because their alien mentors behavior seemed to defy all clear reasoning and logic.
And we are left all by ourselves. Aliens call this brainstorming process Alchemy. They seem to be always playing tricks on the individual as if they would never be accountable to anything. They just do not care and that is what make us crazy.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned to be left alone, on our own. Let me try and give an example= they overpower you with their high energy frequency. They share with you a part of their own way of being. You start to function in a 10 mode high. All of a sudden they take everything away from you and you are left alone functioning with your own power =a 2 mode high.
Try to understand that for those who got used to function in a 10 mode high, living in a 2 mode high means falling in the deepest depression.
So, as i got through this terrible experience, the radical alteration in frequency, i understood, i sympathized with Uri Geller and Andrija Puharich cause ets had also made fun of them.


Senior Member
Hi Walt:
Please tell me more of your experiences.

Hi Carl:
They do make fun of you. However, I found that it is like mischief more than being mean.

My dad told me. "Do not get angry. Just roll with the punches and laugh it away."

There is one thing, I did notice that there are no bright colors in the space ship, just shades of gray. I wonder why that is.

Also, they do not have a lot of music. Mostly, they have military songs. Those are used to rally the army.

Certainly, a lot of what make earth a great place to live in... they do not enjoy. For example, they do not recite poems.

I wish they were more into music. That is something we have and can share with them - our songs.


Carl Miller

Active Member
(grinning amused...)
You are a poet, Sunshine HDRKID. I guess many of us like me are pleased with your creative musings.
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