Has anyone ever experienced this? Realizations later in life.


New Member
It's 2013 My brother and I are in our front yard in Indianapolis. Its just after dusk. (Not completely dark yet) I'm 13 he's 15. I point to the sky and say "Joel look! What is that?" A craft circular, was silently moving away from us towards a big cloud. But as I spoke those words and pointed at it, it stopped for about 4 seconds, then changed course coming over to us. I'm guessing it was 2-5 miles up. All I remember is staring in amazement... Almost trance like.. I remember just staring intrigued confused and amazed. After what seemed to be only 15 seconds it continued to it's original course and disappeared into that giant cloud. Here's where it got weird, the next 5-10 years of my life I traveled down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and alien EVERYTHING. I researched not because of that event but because of a pure interest. Almost like it was a disease. Amongst those years I realized something very strange about that day in my front yard... That I never gave two thoughts about when this event happened. After the craft disappeared into that cloud, the very second it left my eyesight...an undescribable fear struck me like I was going to die... But it was joy, amazement, and pure interest that I felt as I stared at it... (Not an ounce of being scared at all) (Like the feeling you get watching fireworks) I was not terrified until I could not see it anymore. At that very moment it disappeared I turned and sprinted up the driveway ran into the house slammed the door shut, hit my back against the door, slid down to my butt and began crying to my mom. I didn't realize at that time, but later in life I DID REALIZE that I ran up the driveway ALONE. I consciously knew my brother had already gone inside the house because I would have been concerned for him like I was for myself. (Maybe that's why I got scared... Because at that moment I was now alone) hmmm new thought, but anyway I have no memory of him leaving my side as we stared at the craft. He was in the living room PLAYING with a toy, and didn't even mention the craft to my parents like I did. as if he saw them daily or something. I told my mom what I saw and that Joel saw it too. She separated us and had us draw what we saw. We both drew a round craft with one big light in the middle and evenly spaced smaller lights around its edges. I truly believe I was abducted that day, and was just wondering if anyone else had any similar experiences? Where you don't realize certain things until later in life that just DO NOT MAKE SENSE. I appreciate your time, Not many people I can talk to about this.


Wow, interesting story! Do you think you and/or your brother could have been abducted for very long? Or perhaps for a very, very short period of time, from our perspective?

It's fascinating that you were drawn to researching those things for years afterward. Have you talked about that experience to some of your friends? What did they think of it?

Friends of mine had a somewhat similar experience years ago. They were walking on a long driveway, like a mile long, surrounded by trees. There was nothing there. Suddenly, a super intense bright, white light coming from straight above them appeared. Like, pretty much as bright as the sun. Out of nowhere. They ran to the house, scared, then as they reached the house, it stopped. The father of one of the guys was in the house in a dimly lit room, he didn't notice anything!

They kept wondering if they might have been abducted for a super short period of time. Like a few seconds, or so. Your story made me think of this.

Do you remember if your, or your brother's day-to-day behavior changed after that event? Anything weird happened afterward?


New Member
Wow, interesting story! Do you think you and/or your brother could have been abducted for very long? Or perhaps for a very, very short period of time, from our perspective?

It's fascinating that you were drawn to researching those things for years afterward. Have you talked about that experience to some of your friends? What did they think of it?

Friends of mine had a somewhat similar experience years ago. They were walking on a long driveway, like a mile long, surrounded by trees. There was nothing there. Suddenly, a super intense bright, white light coming from straight above them appeared. Like, pretty much as bright as the sun. Out of nowhere. They ran to the house, scared, then as they reached the house, it stopped. The father of one of the guys was in the house in a dimly lit room, he didn't notice anything!

They kept wondering if they might have been abducted for a super short period of time. Like a few seconds, or so. Your story made me think of this.

Do you remember if your, or your brother's day-to-day behavior changed after that event? Anything weird happened afterward?
I wish I would have looked at a clock once i went inside. But yes I do feel like it was later in the night by the time I went inside. Just picturing myself draw the UFO at my table I'm wanting to say it felt like 7:30-8pm. Whereas when we noticed it, it had just begun to get dark. Roughly 6pm. I believe I was on that ship for at least an hour. Its funny you asked about things happening afterwards because a burning sensation the size of a quarter began when I was 14-15 a year or two later... It felt like needles poking and a cigarette being put out in that spot. At 16 I noticed the area (of pain) grew larger to the size of a half dollar. Then by my early twenties it was baseball sized. It was so strange because the pain never changed, but when I touched or rubbed it that area felt as though it was numb. The first doctor said "why do you think something is in there?" I said because I can feel it! (Fearing a mental hospital type situation I kept the ufo incident to myself) He said nothing showed on the cat scan (I believe it was so small it was unnoticeable or imbedded into bone or something so it didn't show up) (I could tell the DR. Thought I was there for pain pills) frustrated I left. Months go by and I get scared because it keeps growing, softball sized area now (numb to touch, but boy did it burn!) I go to another Dr. She massaged the area and said she could feel something! Yes! I thought, finally somebody believes me. She said she thought it was a type of cancerous tumor I forget the name she called it I think lymphoma but I guess it was common and she said " just try not to think about it" implying my thoughts were causing more pain than what was really there. (Which could have been the case idk.) ( I just felt the area as I completely forgot about this) the pain is gone but there is an ever so slight numbness still there (roughly baseball sized area wise) I thought for years they had chipped me. I still think they did actually.. I have told this story to a very few select friends who do believe me. I think 3 people total. It's just so out there to hear someone say they think they have been abducted and chipped I understood that and kept it to myself. Another thing that happened afterwards I would say a month or two later. (This is extremely embarrassing lol but it did happen and I feel like it's worth mentioning) In the middle of the night I woke up and made a grunt noise like uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh. I say I woke up but it's so strange because I was in a trance. I swear I'm not making this up. It was like I was drugged and what jolted me to an alertness I'm calling "woke up" was a free fall feeling from two or three feet above and onto my bed immediately followed by a long uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh and as I made that sound explosive diarrhea happened. Zero control. It was like I crapped the bed in a way most pee the bed when they are dreaming of a toilet. The feeling was the same, I was not dreaming of a toilet it was the sensation if that makes sense. My bowels let loose and that was when I truly became alert. I guess it was kind of like sleep paralysis because I was awake but couldn't control my body until my bowels were empty. I remember getting up and trying to figure when the heck it was that I went to bed. No memory of laying down, not even a memory of hours before going to bed. Quietly I cleaned up did laundry scrubbed the mattress flipped it lol and went back to sleep. (I feel like they abducted me in my sleep and whatever the did upset my stomach and or the journey back to the bed upset my stomach). One more thing I think I was 19. I fell asleep watching xfiles of all things. I woke up. BAM INSTANTLY WIDE AWAKE. This is the first and only time I experienced sleep paralysis. I felt a demonic entity pinning me to my bed all I could move was my eyes, it was so horrible. My dad slept 15 feet away and I never tried to scream so hard in my life to get his attention. But all that would come out was the absolute quietest most faint "daaaaaaaaaaad" I could possibly make. man was I scared. I do not believe that to be alien related because that house truly was haunted. With many many MANY experiences from everyone in my family. (All of which not hostile) except that night, and one other time I ran from a demon exactly like the cloaked demons in lord of the rings. Black cloak black face long fingers. I ran from him in my dream, I burst awake breathing heavy I sat up to the damn thing sitting on my bed by my feet staring not at me but to my right. I was only like 12. I hid under the covers for at least 2 hours. Finally counted to three pulled the covers down and he was gone.


Senior Member
There is a theory that if you have seen a UFO you have been abducted, the thing with being abducted is you're only allowed to remember what they want you to.

Things will happen that are out of the ordinary, things will happen that will trigger memories, you can trigger them your self to find out what happened but it is difficult and honestly sometimes it is best to not know.
