Has anyone tried John Titors time machine model ?


Senior Member
Is there anyone who tried John Titors time machine model ???
First over, because of a phenomenon known as parallel timeline mergings of items, the past Titor phenomenon can neither ever be proven, nor disproven. So will always rest between the two states. This is an physical axiom and cannot be modified.

In answer to your question, yes this seems to be the case as she said she had taken a ride in it, but I can't go into the details nor scope of when, where or who. This is a confidence, so you understand why I cannot say further than this? Thank you.


Senior Member
Is there anyone who tried John Titors time machine model ???
Please note in the spirit of cooperation because the technicalities depth of the John Titor time travel debauchel was so difficult to understand, in an asked spirit of community this video in character is most like, that I know of, as to what the true and measured event of the GE c204 time machine travel was like.

Your'e technically asking for a descriptive and this is the best I can describe. Anything past that, is out of my capacity. Your'e welcome.


steven chiverton

Senior Member
as for the date of the newclear disaster as mentioned in the titor video that has long past and no new clear disaster ever happend not in this reality so titor is a hoax or he went to the wrong reality and saw what happened there and brought that knowledge to our reality thinking what he saw was from our future when it wasent thats a big comon mistake


Senior Member
most time machine designs cause worldline divergence.
side effect of time travel.

I know how to build his microblackholes. It's not that difficult but requires some special stuff.


Active Member
Just sinus 0 to 10 gigahertz, an amplifiers with 180 dephased signal and a cross copper pipe, one for the signal the other for the dephased signal. Jt use similar tek, but you need to modulate somes orgone energy with a coil above the copper portal, otherwise it is dangerous. Time travel is just momentary travel to earth akashik record , since the birth of the Earth with the saturation of an electromagnetic ring of the sun , electron record ecerythink on earth like old magneto records, you can visit with this machine ancient record and maybe modify record a little bit. Time depend of the planet where you live and his distance between sun and planet. For exemple the planet mercure have a fast time, the planet uranus have slow time and if you observe peoples on uranus and you are on earth, you notice slow mouvments. There is many earth in the Univers, each suns have his own in formation earth-like.
