Re: Is the antichrist borne?
Chip said:
Jurgen are you really as twisted as you seem?
I wonder, do you walk around your house in your underwear chanting "Ignorance is Power! Strange that this image comes to my mind when I read your posts...
Well I do believe you are the one with a twisted programmed narrow minded mind. Wake up, get out of the brain washing sequence and look for yourself for evidence before you disregard it. Most important get rid of the idiot box, the TV. Do not believe any news you can see on it, most is very heavily biased. Radio talk shows I can not say as I never listen to them.
All the things I quoted are very well documented. Goggle General Vlassov, Google financiers of the third Reich, Google US Japanese people in WW2, Google US German detention camps after WW2, Google released Russian records from the 2nd WW. Google International Red Cross reports from the concentration camps, if you still can find them and so on. All this things can not be found in US newspapers, they also seem to disappear from the Internet, but they are all to be found in English, Australian etc. archives. All you have to do is take the time and do a good web search, if you find something open your closed and narrow mind find other references for it, study the references make up your mind and go to the next issue.
You will be surprised how narrow minded you actually are. But as you are in this forum it shows that you like to learn so the brainwashed brain of yours can be changed. It might not make you happy once you can proof that many so called "lies" are actually the truth. But at least you know then what really happened. You will not like it I assure you. You will literately have to re-learn the history of most things you believed established.
So I honestly do believe you are the gentleman screaming War is Peace, ignorance is power, stupidity is education and so on. At least all your submissions seem to point that way.
Wake up Chip and try to educate yourself, most real things you will not find in the so called learned institutions. Read real history books from other countries, not from the US or Germany. I found very very few people in the US which you could call educated. It was OK in the early 60th but then the standard went down and more down. But this seems to be now a worldwide problem. Uneducated people are easier to govern.
Best example is the Federal Reserve Bank, more then 90% of the US people believe its a government institution. HA HA HA, its a private bank consortium which has the power to issue and print US$, which they then can loan to the US government for interest charges of course. What a racket, you can generate money out of nothing and then loan it to your own government. Look it up its the truth, can only happen in the US. It reminds me of Alice in wonderland, nothing is the way it seems to be.