Have any of you actually had contact with an extraterrestrial?


Senior Member
Neat! I would be okay with going for a ride, experiments not so much.

I do believe it goes hand in hand. I was taken for almost all my life it was only until later in my life i managed the courage to finally be like hey, this isn't just you guys doing what you want i want something. And even then it wasn't always that easy, despite the fact i had it happen so many times it never got easier waking to beings in my room and trying to get my head about me to stop them and demand what i wanted, it only happened a few times. the 2 i mentioned and 1 other are the main ones that came to mind.

But be sure if they take you they are getting something out of it. But sometimes it can be worth it.


Senior Member
If so, in what form is the contact?
Are you still able to communicate with them?
What species are they?
Close proximity and in a family way. 2. If I so desire, but this depends upon social motivation, the weather and other conditions. 3. I'm pretty sure their Pleiadean, however there have been others.
