Have You Ever Spoken To A Time Traveler?


I also talked to the friend of Time Traveler. And as I recall he posted the basic facts of his tale on other TT sites including Anomalies. It was about his friend and his attempt to build a super powerful radio to talk to people in far away places. Perhaps some of you know the story? Or can find it?


And there is also something strange and wonderful. A truly amazing and incomprehensible magical device that works wonders through unknown forms of mystical energy to provide true enlightenment. Few seem to know how to handle it`s limitless powers. But if you dare seek out this most powerful of magiks it is called...(looks around to see if anyone is watching)....the Google Search Engine. Good luck in your quest for knowledge!
"..the Google Search Engine. "

Created....By someone whom stood firmly upon Terra Firma**

** Definition of TERRA FIRMA **

It's not as> " incomprehensible " As you think.


As to my Original humoresque post....

If not for a bit of this^^ in life....Methinks we would've all gone mad a very long time ago.

I shall address no further Obtuse, Meandering Scribbles of Subversive Ineptitude
as they are now Obviated.

Good Day.
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Senior Member
View attachment 10416


Years ago.........I spoke to a kid on the old Anomalies forum and he told me this story.

He was setting up his video game system (old Atari?) and he had the end of the connector in his mouth.

His mother walked in with groceries, asked how his day was going and walked into the kitchen.

He plugged it in and got zapped.


A minute later...

His mother walked in with groceries, asked how his day was going and walked into the kitchen.

He visited Anomalies to see if anyone else had a similar experience.

He did not try to repeat the event.


I spoke only once to a man whom claimed to have travelled in time.

He was a fellow employee whom brought up the subject of living a "Paradoxical existence"
as, he was a Time Traveler and wanted just to go home.

He hesitantly asked me if a mystical puppy could time travel forward fast enough to catch his own tail,
would the puppy become immortal?

I brought up Schrodinger's Cat. Schrödinger's cat - Wikipedia

It all led to a lengthy discussion that was quite involving and personal.....but nothing to do with time travel, at all.
During this, he confessed to never having time travelled ever in this lifetime.

He was let go some time later that same day.

We unfortunately, never finished the conversation.

Life brings us all colloquies, it is within us to determine the barometers of truth amongst
the paradigm of deception through the utility of knowledge....And knowing also that we are Human.


I briefly spoke to Andrew Basiago while at the 9/11 10th anniversary in NYC.

He was handing out pamphets for his democrat NY state senate run.
Basiago claims he travelled through time via the US Governments project pegasus and there is a photo of him online supposedly at the Gettysberg address.

Honestly, he's got a better chance of having done it than the majority of people who have claimed it in here over the years.


I used to be able to track down the story about a man that built a short-wave radio in his attic and made it dangerously powerful. And he slipped back in time after using it. I spoke to his neighbor and we had many lengthy conversations through the messenger service on the old Anomalies forum. But everything disappeared when the forum did. He told me a lot of of information that he did not post. At any rate he was convinced that his neighbor truly believed what he told him was true. They spent a lot of time getting everything they could find on Time Travel and comparing it to his experiences. And he was surprised that he never ran into his younger self while at home.


New Member
I doubt it. I've met some psychics that made some super detailed predictions about my life that came true. Personally I think precognition is a form of time travel {Information traveling from a possible future to the past.}

As for actual time travelers utilizing technology to do it? I don't think so. I do believe some arrive on this worldline however.


Senior Member
Try it at work instead. :D

Joking aside, it reminds me a little bit about the story of Tesla getting a high voltage shock from one of his machines. He said he was able to see the immediate past & future but was unable to move. Fortunately, his assistant was there to save his life.
he wasn't shocked as he clearly said if the assistant didn't turn off the machine at that exact moment he would've and died. Was right before the equipment was going to short into him. Means he was subjected to a large voltage field pulse. Tesla worked on oscillating systems. Edison on DC.
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Senior Member
I used to be able to track down the story about a man that built a short-wave radio in his attic and made it dangerously powerful. And he slipped back in time after using it. I spoke to his neighbor and we had many lengthy conversations through the messenger service on the old Anomalies forum. But everything disappeared when the forum did. He told me a lot of of information that he did not post. At any rate he was convinced that his neighbor truly believed what he told him was true. They spent a lot of time getting everything they could find on Time Travel and comparing it to his experiences. And he was surprised that he never ran into his younger self while at home.
yup that happens
usually only in the presence of an ELF signal which are found upon vortexes. Perhaps his house was on one
this is Steven Gibbs' 2nd zero vector equation....high and low frequencies.


Senior Member
the atari experience was likely due to the voltage field, not the shock itself.
remember, the arc itself is an electric current, voltage drops and you get a magnetic field.

being shocked in the mouth is interesting, it's near his brain. So the energy didn't have to go far for his brain to cause the time warp.
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