Have you saw a UFO?


Junior Member
A time ago, I was driving into work around 2:30 pm and I glimpsed something cylindrical and metallic hovering well above a field during what was some very clear skied and calm weather.

I pulled to the side of the road as fast as I could to get a better eye view.
With camera in hand I got out of my car....it was GONE.

No airplane or helicopter I know of could move THAT fast.

Not saying I saw aliens...but it was unidentifiable, obviously flying (hovering) and an object.


I put it on my long list of things that make me go> "Hmmmmm......" ;)
Thank you for sharing your story with me


National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 6/1/1980 18:00 (Entered as : 06/01/1980 18:00)
Reported: 4/26/2004
Posted: 4/27/2004
Location: Andover, MN
Shape: Disk
Duration:20 minutes
I heard a humming noise, craft hovered for 20 minutes then zipped away
about 1/4 mile hovered again then dissappeared.
At age 17 I saw a large disk with blue and red lights. Heard a low
hummmm. hovered one football field from house. Brother and father saw it
from outside. I stayed in the house. Shot off very quickly and hovered
again. Sat for 5 mintes more, then shot off and disappeared. I don't
tell people cause they think your crazy.
((NUFORC Note: Date is approximate. PD))

Around this same time of year, two of my friends came crashing on my door to tell me they saw a UFO.

They took me to the exact spot where they'd seen it.
There were two helicopters and several planes flying around in the distance where they saw the thing.

It was in the distance of said MUFON report I've pasted above.


Senior Member
I saw a gigantic glowing rotating rectangle encased in a giant ball floating over my pond. The rectangle
was clearly made of some sort of metal and had symbols on it. I watched it at 3 in the morning
in total shock.
