Creativity HDR Adventures: Short Stories of Time Travel


Senior Member
A certain one never found humour in the laughter.

What ensued became quite troublesome for the time travel group having a nice picnic.

Bundled into an old mail van on route to an undisclosed destination.

On arrival interrogations began, to be continued..................

In the dungeon of steaming heat and humidity, @TimeFlipper was forced to strap on the headcoils to his displeasure but under duress there was nothing he could do.

The Timecops had his story all figured out beforehand, his feeble attempts at council were quashed in moments.

@DoctorZ was granted an argument but that was left for the white light to determine, he was going and that was it.

The sweating man had one advantage the time coils had slipped off his bald head, and the procedure had not been completed, less to be known to his aggressors.

A flash a bang, smoke @TimeFlipper had exited the establishment. Unbeknown's to him rather than time travelling he had a a invisible one riding shotgun.

To be contined.........................


Senior Member
Fortunately, i possess an automatic shielding thats implanted into my autonomic nervous system, which protects my brain against high voltage and current...after 21.5 seconds, the shielding reverses the voltage back into the device it came from, thus permanently damaging that device :p.......To be continued? :unsure: :LOL:..


Senior Member
In the dungeon of steaming heat and humidity, @TimeFlipper was forced to strap on the headcoils to his displeasure but under duress there was nothing he could do.

The Timecops had his story all figured out beforehand, his feeble attempts at council were quashed in moments.

@DoctorZ was granted an argument but that was left for the white light to determine, he was going and that was it.

The sweating man had one advantage the time coils had slipped off his bald head, and the procedure had not been completed, less to be known to his aggressors.

A flash a bang, smoke @TimeFlipper had exited the establishment. Unbeknown's to him rather than time travelling he had a a invisible one riding shotgun.

To be contined.........................

On reflection stepping into the void and with @TimeFlipper new friend he became a quite agitated soul.

It had seemed he had been a target over some of his experiments, whether that was true its hard to gauge.

After the flash bang he ended up in Sedona of all places, and the Cassadaga witches were there to aid him.

Help me he cried, and they laughed, you have been possessed your activities however you have deemed them natural or innocent have left you in a quandary.

He was directed to Stonehenge on a full moon, |

To be continued.....................


Time travel confessions, but written as fiction so people will actually read it.

Tell someone you've changed history and they look at you like you're nuts. Tell them Jim in your story changed the history within that story, and they actually listen.

Isn't it curious how when we look at things day to day everything seems the same. But when we look back so much is different?


Senior Member
Time travel confessions, but written as fiction so people will actually read it.

Tell someone you've changed history and they look at you like you're nuts. Tell them Jim in your story changed the history within that story, and they actually listen.

Isn't it curious how when we look at things day to day everything seems the same. But when we look back so much is different?
Welcome back, ive missed you :)..


Thanks uwu. I poke my head in here every now and again. I'm bad at keeping habits. Never have much to say. I started looking again recently because I was considering sharing some thoughts on time travel conlanging and coming up with better ways of speaking about the subject.

Doc 05

Active Member
Thanks uwu. I poke my head in here every now and again. I'm bad at keeping habits. Never have much to say. I started looking again recently because I was considering sharing some thoughts on time travel conlanging and coming up with better ways of speaking about the subject.
This is a good way to do it, without invoking the standard odd looks and ridicule, and you can have fun doing it.
Write a story, thought, one liner, poem, fake news story, dirty limerick, etc.
Hope to read some of your ideas.

Doc 05

Active Member
HDR Deep Thoughts:
It's a Hyper Dimension Resonator
Implying hyper-dimensions
Implying multi-verses
Implying that there is a multi-verse time-line for any possible scenario

So is there a multi-verse time-line where No multi-verses exist? ;)


Hyper means more than 3 dimensions, i.e. a Hyper cube or Tesseract, namely a 3D cube at right angles to itself. The Masonic Altar is a classic example of a Tesseract in plain sight.

I do believe in the multiverses, and also that there are certain special universes which are guided on specific trajectories because they serve a purpose to someone.

The other timelines would not be contained within the bounds of the hypothetical timeline, so perhaps it cannot preclude the existence of things outside of its scope. Although it could be argued that a timeline could exist in which the laws of physics were such that any escape from it would be physically impossible and perhaps the general concepts unknowable..
