Creativity HDR Adventures: Short Stories of Time Travel

Doc 05

Active Member
Hyper means more than 3 dimensions, i.e. a Hyper cube or Tesseract, namely a 3D cube at right angles to itself. The Masonic Altar is a classic example of a Tesseract in plain sight.

I do believe in the multiverses, and also that there are certain special universes which are guided on specific trajectories because they serve a purpose to someone.

The other timelines would not be contained within the bounds of the hypothetical timeline, so perhaps it cannot preclude the existence of things outside of its scope. Although it could be argued that a timeline could exist in which the laws of physics were such that any escape from it would be physically impossible and perhaps the general concepts unknowable..
It was more of a "stoner" question.
Like; dude, could God make a rock so big that he couldn't lift it? ;)
But I do enjoy your response, Thanks.

Doc 05

Active Member
“DARN IT, I can’t get this “stick”. I said aloud.
My frustration grew as the dial hit it’s maximum and stopped.
“All right, just relax; you’re trying too hard, you’re rushing it.”
“Take a deep breath, just relax, relax.”
I took in a long deep, diaphramic breath, filling my lungs, held, and then exhaled a long slow “Ohmm”.
“Relax, 3, 2, 1…”
My finger lightly circling the rubbing plate on the HDR; as I slowly turned the dial with my other hand.
I now concentrated on the Intention Statement;

What are the Rates and Frequencies to wish @Mayhem , @FarOutThere , @Sonix , @KeyHolder777, @Einstein , @DoctorZ , @HDRKID , @Num7 , everyone on Paranormalis, and especially @TimeFlipper ; a very Merry Christmas and the most prosperous and adventurous New Year, filled with peace, love, and happiness?”

My finger came to an abrupt stop, as I hit the “mark”.
“Done; this baby is tuned.”
“Now; let’s make this HDR rock!”

Doc 05

Active Member
HDR Deep Thoughts:
When working with the Fabric of Space/Time
Is that "Hand Wash Only",
Or can you "Machine Wash"?


HDR Deep Thoughts:
When working with the Fabric of Space/Time
Is that "Hand Wash Only",
Or can you "Machine Wash"?
Ah...Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy...nice!!

If two different types of time fabric were used as one each for pants and shirt, would wearing them both cause a paradox?

Would you be saved by your socks?


Doc 05

Active Member
HDR Deep Thoughts:
Don't you hate when you travel so far down a "rabbit hole" you end up back at the beginning.
At least it "looks" like the beginning. ;)


Senior Member
well hdr is legit.
it does work according to the rules of time travel

organic matter is one of only a handful of materials that absorbs time energy as delinated by nikolai kozyrev.
it works well. Not fiction.


Senior Member
Going to have to get mine back in operation been ages since i fired it up, at one stage well for a week used it morning and night.

Missed the recent full moon.
