

New Member

If using a HDR you would want to watch the clock on the wall spinning faster than
time normally goes by if the watch inside the HDR's field is the same time as the
clock on the wall time travel has happened.
Re: Hdr

A big question..have you all tried the so-called HDR...using a digital watch?....does it happens the same as in the video? I mean in the video is clearly a mechanical watch, that could be inlfuenced by any sort of magnetic fields....so any one could make the experiment using a digital and mechanical watches, in sync...right?
Re: Hdr

Oh and another one...anyone have tryed using the HDR with two chronometers, one mechanical and the other digital also in synch?...I guess it could be very impressive...if works...
Re: Hdr

Personally, I'll wait for the cereal to come out with the time travel watch that has the two wires attached to the side as a prize. At least by then, Something associated with it will have been tested by reputable people. If the Sugar does not kill you why then it must be ok.
Re: Hdr

The HDR stands for Holy Dummy Reaction....in other words buy it and make the man wealthier...any 9vdc battery and a nail with cooper wire can do the trick performed by the so called HDR....long live the magnetic fields...
as the electricity man said: well I guess is TIME to run...that lighting melt my copper key and burned my kite...Boohooho (sighs)....
Re: Hdr


Sorry, I don't follow........

BTW your 9V battery gets REAL hot if you short the end with copper wire. :lol:
Re: Hdr

Hi hdrkid it's frog I just wanted to say could you please reply back to me I gave you three questions in a private message I sent to you today could you please answer them if your too busy then I won't bother you again thanks for your time and patience and listening too!
