Part of it is inflation and part is higher taxes. For example, you paid $1/gal for gas in 2001 and in 2008 you paid $4/gal. Yes, there is inflation, but also real costs go up. For example in Indiana the sales tax in the 60's was 2%, but now it is 7% and soon will be 8% because manufacturing is shutting down, like for example, the Hummer plant in South Bend Indiana.
Well actually this is, as par for the course for you, total meaningless crap that says nothing and explains less. The increased demand, coupled with the lower dollar and some speculative dealings are what brought about the $4.00 gas in 2008. BTW braniac, 2001 gas was averaging $1.50 to $1.80 for the year. Last steady $1.00 gas was back in the nineties but why let facts get in the way. Also, while the 60's sales tax in Indiana was 2%, what was the average person's disposable income. Bet it was alot less that it is now. Oh, and the rise in the sales tax really has nothng to do with GM shutting down a Humer plant (which is still open btw). It was actually brought about as an attempt to counter the effects of caps being placed on rising property taxes. But again, why dicker with facts? They only cloud the issue.
Texas has a sales tax of 8.25%, but there is no state personal income tax, and big oil is paying a lot in tax; also in Florida there is no state personal income tax, but there is a tourism tax on hotels. In Florida a trailer lot that paid $200/yr property tax in 2001, now pays $2000/yr in tax.
If you care to check Zipwad, or even if you don't care to check, the sales tax here in Texas is actually 6.25 %. All local taxing authorities are allowed an additional 2% max to add to it for infrastructural costs. Some small towns and communities only have an 8% sales tax. But hey, what do I know I've only lived here most of my sixty plus years. With rgard to your trailer lot example, how much did the trailer lot increase in value in those 7 years?
Prices have gone up, but not ten times, the taxes are going up much faster than inflation. I see a future where people pay much of their salary in tax.
Again, this is one of your idiotic, don't know what the hell I'm spouting, run-on sentences. I'm guessing that instead of price here, you actually mean value. Also, most reasonable and prudent people try and keep inflation at bay so taxes rising faster than inflation means what?
As for the gang members; they go to public school to sell drugs not to study. In private school people are required to get good grades and study hard - those that cause trouble get kicked out.
You know, this would sound much better if you said it while doing a Sgt. Joe Friday impression and ending the sentenece with "Ma'am" Probably wouldn't hurt to have the Dragnet theme playing in the background. It would stil come out as absolute, meaningless idiocy, but it would at least be entrtaining.
In the future gasoline is rationed. It is hard to get even on the black market. Not sure of the price, but I do know that electricity is expensive before they get fusion generators (2080's). It is said that wind generators can create electricity at 40 cents a kw/hr versus 4 cents for a coal plant. Current average price for electricity in US is 8.5 cents per kw/hr. I know that in 2026 a dozen eggs after the war costs 1 oz of pure gold. Also the salary for common labor is 5 gold ouncer coins per day. If the average person now gets $100/day, that would make a dozen eggs cost the equivalent of twenty bucks.
How is it that you've claimed that you can't really see specifics such as lottery numbers but you can pinpoint the cost of a dozen eggs in 2026? BTW, I would go back and re-check your avg US electricity price. Seems a mite low. But you've offset it with your wind generated price from 20 some odd years ago. It's just a tad lower these days. Damn those pesky facts!
Population of US in 2026 was five million due to wars, famine, disease, and an asteriod hitting the earth.
An asteroid! You've added a new twist. Wars, famine, disease AND an asteroid! Now that is some serious doom shit right there.
I saw in the future people were eating algae pellets. Other viewers have seen the same thing, not sure why this will happen.
I saw in the future where algae farms were springing up all over the place because of all the craters left by the wars filling up with water and such. Obviously the dead bodies from famine and disease were put in these craters and served as natural fertilizer. Once the asteroid hit, the atmosphere warmed up the fertilized water and voila!, we got algae growing out our diseased ridden emaciated wazoos. Sopus on!