Hello travelers


New Member
I just found this site after going through some RV related material.

I have done RV and ARV.
I have had some training with it as well.

I am who I am here and elsewhere so some may be familiar with me but most likely, not.

Mostly I joined because of dreams and visions I get from time to time and I wanted to share some to see what others may think.

Some of my other forums are fairly silent as of late but you never know when they'll kick up again.

Not as interested with ghosts or aliens. The time travel thing looks interesting and I find it hard to believe it is not a thing. Especially with a lot of things happening lately.

Thank you for welcoming me here.
Looks like an interesting community and I look forward to reading a lot of what is already here and interacting with you.


Hazzie Hippie

Hi there :)

welcome to Paranormalis :)

I call those dreams Trippy dreams lol :) Cuz Most of the time is about something based on what’s going on in my life.

Anyways you will have fun around here :)



New Member
Most dreams are like that but every now and then I get one that is so intense and real that it shakes me to the core.
I had a couple that several spanned years in somebody's life and a series of three in a row that spanned at least twenty years which brought me to tears.

In these dreams, I am not myself and have no memory of me as I am.
I am totally this other person and they bring me a story that almost demands writing down.

I keep a dream journal for such dreams and I am writing books on these two.
There is that much data.

The last time I recalled one of them for my wife it took me 2 and a half hours to describe the events and that wasn't even half of what I experienced. I'm sure the dream lasted maybe 10-15 minutes but it was more like a download of somebody else's memories.

I also have prophetic dreams that come true later.
One of which I had about 15 years ago where I saw what is known as the Tesla Roadster.
The electric super car.
I saw it in red as the advertising shows. It was the same exact car I saw.
And there is more to it that has yet to come true.

I get visions of events that happen in the near future and have avoided several accidents and tragedies as a result and I have found I can change things if I don't like what is going to happen.

I want to know if anybody else has had these experiences but I would like to know about connecting to the source of them.
These are wonderful and amazing stories.
They shouldn't die with me.

Thank you for "listening"



@Abstract1dea Welcome to the forum! My apologies for not wishing a warm welcome right away, as I somehow missed this thread for some reason.

You remind me that I should think about keeping a dream journal. I dream quite a lot as of lately, so it could be an interesting experience to conduct. I could even have such a journal as a forum thread, for everyone to comment and analyze.

What form is your dream journal? Is it handwritten on paper or in an actual book? Or is it digital?

See you around!


New Member
It's just a notebook. I usually date my entries as I don't write in it every day.
Some dreams are simple and more about what I am doing or processing things in my life.

Every now and then I hit one that has to be written down because I don't want to forget them.

I actually have several journals that I write things down in.
I think at least one is going to make it as a book when it gets full. It's about 1/3 filled.
A few dreams and visions have gotten in two of them.
