
I love stars

Junior Member

Hello.... :)

This the second time I try to write this. The time before this I write about 20 minute's and then the comp. did stupid and it was gone. :cry:

But I'm new here, and I like to introduce myself.
I'm Denise (I love stars) and I'm from the Netherlands.

So english isn't my mother language, but I try to make my post as readable as I can. I see there's a Spell Check :) .

So as I already said I'm Denise, I'm a dutch girl from 15 and I think I'm one of the youngest here. My hobby is hockey and reading and listening to music. I came here with a link from a others site link :P . I've interest in things like atoms, gravity timetravel. I don't know timetravel is possible. I hope it's possible and on the other hand not, because of the possibility of messing with time.

Hello Denise and welcome to our World.



Welcome to the plantation Denise/I love stars. It was good chatting with you yesterday. One of our members Fringan is from Sweden and he's studying physics. You could possibly have some good conversations with him.


Hello Denise, yes you are sorta young, but hey we youngins' get too.....Learn from the elders :P Anyone 16 and above is an elder, and if you're 50 well then, you're just about on your way out. @);- :unsure: :lol:

Originally posted by PyRo99@Nov 10 2004, 09:06 PM
Hello Denise, yes you are sorta young, but hey we youngins' get too.....Learn from the elders :P Anyone 16 and above is an elder, and if you're 50 well then, you're just about on your way out. @);- :unsure: :lol:
In the US you're are a elder when you're 16? I knew that you may drive a car when you're 16 in the US. In The Netherlands it's 18. So I must bysicle 18 kilometer each day :( till i'm 17. (than I take the train to the university (I hope))
