Schematic How to construct a Hyper-Dimensional Grid Point


Time Enforcement Commission
Time Portals

There are many ways to construct a Time Portal. These portals can vary in height, width, or by the materials with which they are constructed. They can be made into an Orgone Accumulator, or into a large electromagnet which is built in the form of a Mobius Coil. Whatever way you decide to do it, will depend largely on how much time and effort you are willing to spend to make your dream become a reality.

One of the many ways in which to construct a Time Portal is shown in Figure 1. However, before we can begin to build one of these things, we must first find a grid point. To find a grid point, you will probably have to dowse for one. If you're like me, you will probably want to use an Aura Meter which is a highly effective instrument for locating Vortex. If you can't obtain one of these Aura Meters, then the next best thing to use is a pendulum.

When using a pendulum, ask it, (in what direction should I go to find a grid point?). As soon as the pendulum starts to swing, follow the direction in which it is moving. As soon as you hit the grid point, the pendulum will begin to gyrate in a clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation. Once you have found the grid point, you can begin with the construction of the time portal as shown here:


If you are like some people who have a difficult time trying to find a grid point, you may want to construct an artificial grid point yourself. To do this, all that is necessary is to overlap two pieces of copper tubing in an X-type fashion underneath the time portal. This is done in such a way that each piece of copper tubing is pointing towards the north and south, and east and west.

When positioning the copper tubes underneath the time portal, they should be buried at least 7 to 12 inches underneath the ground. The reason for this lies in the fact, that the earth itself contains a tremendous amount of electricity. When the copper tubes have been buried underneath the ground, the copper itself conducts this electricity which sets up an electromagnetic Mobius coil. In other words, the copper tubes create the 1st and 2nd field, the time portal produces the 3rd field, and the 4th field is set into motion when the portal is facing east and west.

Another thing that you can do, which can amplify the 4-dimensional energies, is to insert a copper end cap over each end of the copper tubes. Each of these tubes will then form an air capacitor which will act as an orgone accumulator. Not only that, but the pressure that builds up inside each tube will amplify the gravitational fields that surround the portal.
In getting back to the time portal which is shown in figure 1. This is fine if you want to take the easy way out. However, for those of you who would like to obtain better results, I suggest that you build the portal which is shown in Figure 2.

If we examine the portal in Figure 2, we will find that the cross-piece is approximately 216 cm in length. Also, the uprights are 349.488 cm high. If we now take the number 349.488 and divide it by the harmonic value of 216, we will obtain the PHI value which is 1.618. It is this value and the 216 harmonics, which give the portal super dynamic capabilities. This makes the portal which was described in Figure 1, look like a toy.


Another way to construct a time portal is revealed in Figure 3. There is a lot about this portal which differs from the original design. In other words, instead of using wooden posts as in the previous designs, it uses PVC pipe instead. It also has coils of wire which are wrapped around each pole in the form of a Mobius coil. Not only that but each row of coils is grounded to the earth. Now one of the reasons why these coils are grounded, lies in the fact, that when this is done, an AC and DC field is created around the portal. This AC and DC field pulses at precisely 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. It is this frequency which enables the individual to travel through time when he steps through the portal. It should also be pointed out, that in my other designs on Figures 1 and 2, also create an AC and DC field. But this is not as strong as the field created when coils of wire are wrapped around the portal. Another thing, once the portal becomes fully operational, whoever is in close range of the portal, that person's brain waves will also vibrate at the rate of 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. When this happens, no matter what the person is thinking of, he will still be able to see images within the portal. This is because his mind is now adjusted to the time travel frequency. Therefore, it should become possible for the individual to control the time frame of the place he wishes to travel to.


How to construct a Hyper-Dimensional Grid Point

This device is intended for scientists who wish to obtain maximum results when constructing an artificial grid point. For those of you who would like to learn how to construct this artificial grid point, see Figure 4.

As you can see, all that is necessary to construct this device is to connect two Hyper-dimensional resonators to two electromagnets which are positioned at right angles to that of the first. When constructing these electromagnets it should be pointed out, that the wire used may be wrapped in the form of a Mobius coil. Figure 5 will show you how the coils should be wrapped.

If you do decide to build this artificial grid point, be very careful you do not create an entrance leading into hell. The best way to prevent this from happening is to program the Hyperdimensional resonators while stroking the rubbing plates. In other words, while stroking the rubbing plates, concentrate on the following suggestion: (Do not create entrances leading into hell). Once you obtain the stick, the units will be fully programmed. You should also program the units each time before you activate the artificial grid point. If you don't, then you better watch out. Don't ever underestimate the power of this device. It is extremely dangerous!!!



How to maintain a continuous time frame

It is fairly safe to travel physically through time the danger however exists when one is trying to get back to his present time frame. Now the reason it becomes extremely difficult for the individual to get back to his present time frame lies in the fact, that the time frame within the portal shifts once every two to five minutes. In other words, if the time frame happens to shift after you have walked through the portal, you will end up getting trapped in some other time or dimension. Now the way to avoid this danger is to connect a radionics machine to the portal. When doing this, the wire that extends from the circuit should be wrapped around the portal so that it creates a step-up induction through a transformer. A drawing of what this radionics machine looks like is in Figure 6.

It should also be pointed out, that when you're operating this machine, you should program the portal with the following suggestion: (Create a continuous time frame for the YEAR and DATE). This suggestion or command should be repeated to yourself while stroking the rubbing plate until you get the stick. The dials are also tuned in almost the same way, except for the fact, that while you are turning the dials and stroking the rubbing plate, concentrate on the following question: (What are the rates which will lock onto this time portal?). Once you get the stick for each of the dials, the unit will be fully programmed. Whether you tune the dials first and program the portal last or vice-versa, doesn't matter, just so long as nothing is omitted from these instructions.

As far as other matters are concerned, it is possible to activate a time portal without positioning it over a grid point. There are many ways of doing this, however, the method that I would use to activate a time portal no matter where it is located, is to hook up the radionics machine which is shown in Figure 6, to the time portal. After you have tuned the dials, program the portal with the following command: (Create a time frame for the YEAR and DATE). Once you have done this, it shouldn't take long for the image to appear within the portal. One should remember, however, that the more power that you use, the faster the image will appear. Therefore it may be to your advantage, to use as much power as you can, especially in this type of situation.


There are some other interesting things to consider when dealing with time-space. In other words, since paramagnetic fields on this planet extend from north to south, and the diamagnetic fields from east to west, then time itself must also have diamagnetic properties. Since this is the case, it should be possible to construct an instrument that generates a diamagnetic frequency. To illustrate how these different fields interconnect with one another, see Figure 7.


Things to consider

1. It usually takes anywhere from 2 to 5 days before the time portal becomes activated.

2. One can increase its effects by lining the interior of the portal with copper foil.

3. Don't under any circumstances use aluminum foil. Aluminum foil gives off toxic vibrations which can endanger your life.

4. If one were to examine our universe on a higher plane of consciousness, it would resemble a large crystal orb.

5. The frequency for time travel is 7.853975 Hz. c.p.s. It is this frequency that enables a person to travel physically through time and space when walking through a time portal, but only when an AC/DC field is present.

6. Time is a product of belief. Belief is a product of ectoplasmic, and ectoplasm originates from God.

7. To travel physically through time without faith in Jesus Christ is like walking into the snares of a huge gigantic mousetrap. Not only that, but Satan would roast you like a hot dog.

8. Time portals usually activate on the day of a full moon, and between the hours of 6:00 AM to 12:00 noon in the morning. All things become possible these days!

9. 2 by 4's or 4 by 6's may be used in place of a wooden post. The problem with portals that use wooden posts is the fact, that the posts tend to scatter too much of the time fields, thus causing everything within a hundred-foot radius to be transported physically through time!!!

10. In some cases due to the time fields, the time portal itself may vanish into thin air. A situation like this happened to a friend of mine who lives in Mount Vernon, New York. According to the story, after he had spent over a hundred dollars building his portal, as he was approaching one day, the time portal vanished, right in front of his eyes. So now the money he spent, has gone down the tubes...

11. Be careful when using a time portal constructed out of PVC pipe. When activated, these things have been known to alter past events.

12. After you have been transported physically through time, you must make certain that you mark the spot where you appeared, because if you don't, and you wish to get back to your present time frame, you may have a difficult time finding the portal entrance.

Time Portals Comments

Here are some details which might make a difference in the effectiveness of the time portal. For the wiring, use 14 gauge wire, solid strand, 500 ft. length. This should do for one 5 ft. length PVC tubing, so you will need about 3 500 ft. spools to cover all 3 tubes. Purchasing wire in 500 ft. strands is much less expensive than buying 50 or 100 ft. at a time from a hardware store. Not only that, when you use the 500 ft. strands, you will have quite a bit of wire left over for other projects. This type of wire should be available in any local electrical supply store. Make sure when you make the ground connection for the time portal, that you use either brass or steel rods. Make sure also that the rods are as long as you can get them. Two or three feet long is quite sufficient. Make sure all electrical connections are solid and intact. The bottom of the two tubes which stand erect, can go down a couple of inches into the ground when you set it up for operation.

You may need some wooden stakes spliced thin to hold up the PVC tubing, due to its heavy weight. Make sure also that there are at least 370 turns of wire on each tube. If you follow the instructions of the Time Portals section all the way through, there should be no problem getting results in one form or another. One thing to keep in mind is that there are no time portal repair servicemen that you can call if it might not work the first time. Be patient. You may find that the greatest difficulties may lie in the reality that no one believes in what you are trying to accomplish. You could very easily be pegged as an escapist. The easiest route might be to say that the whole thing is an experiment and you don't know what is going to happen. If you come across as a know-it-all, anyone with half an intellect will see right through you. Best to be on the safe side. Try and realize that this whole endeavor is designed and meant to create a bridge between this world and the next world. This whole realm of research is being conducted by people who are curious and are willing to face the consequences as a result of the experiments to see for themselves if time travel is really possible. If it is possible, and if it is real, and if it could benefit man in some way, then it should be known to all mankind at this time in history as a commonly accepted fact that anyone, who dares to do so, can either witness his or her own destiny or even transcend this time zone and time travel, just like any one person might purchase a plane ticket to another country and arrive there within 8 or 10 hours, which at one other time in history was considered to be impossible. We live in an age now where anything is possible. Time travel is no exception.
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Junior Member

I've read stories about time travel with the montauk project, with the adults going insane for some reason. I think it had something to do with Time Locks? Any ways, If I tried this, I wouldn't worry about my time lock getting broken or some kind of radiation frying my brain would I? Would I have to worry about going insane?


I don't know everything on the Montauk experiment, but I have to believe people involved turning insane did have to do with them losing their time lock. That's the most likely scenario and it goes along some of them having their bodies stuck within the ship's hull.

As for the risk, I can't tell. It's likely dangerous, but how exactly? No idea.


Senior Member
The actual "Time-Locks" were to do with the Philadelphia Experiment" back in 1943 when John Von Neuman was tasked with solving the problem of why some of the Sailors on board the Eldridge destroyer ship during the experiment, went completely missing or were found to be still alive while being stuck half in and half out of the upper deck...Some of the "fortunate" ones ended up in Bethseda Hospital suffering from mental breakdowns...
@StarTraveller94 This is a clip of one of the very best (in my opinion) space travel movies of all time, starring a very young Leslie Nielson :DThe Forbidden Planet...I hope it answers your question, somehow :D.


Junior Member
The actual "Time-Locks" were to do with the Philadelphia Experiment" back in 1943 when John Von Neuman was tasked with solving the problem of why some of the Sailors on board the Eldridge destroyer ship during the experiment, went completely missing or were found to be still alive while being stuck half in and half out of the upper deck...Some of the "fortunate" ones ended up in Bethseda Hospital suffering from mental breakdowns...
@StarTraveller94 This is a clip of one of the very best (in my opinion) space travel movies of all time, starring a very young Leslie Nielson :DThe Forbidden Planet...I hope it answers your question, somehow :D.
Were they able to solve the problem of losing ones time lock?


Senior Member
Yes, the Time Lock problem was brought about by leaving the "Frequency Reference" of our own Universe..
John Von Neuman created an area or "Bubble" around the sailors that consisted of a frequency which matched our own Universe, some called it a "separate reality" of our World..


Junior Member
Yes, the Time Lock problem was brought about by leaving the "Frequency Reference" of our own Universe..
John Von Neuman created an area or "Bubble" around the sailors that consisted of a frequency which matched our own Universe, some called it a "separate reality" of our World..
Just out of curiosity, do you think engaging in multiverse travel would brake someones time lock?


Senior Member
Yes, the Time Lock problem was brought about by leaving the "Frequency Reference" of our own Universe..
John Von Neuman created an area or "Bubble" around the sailors that consisted of a frequency which matched our own Universe, some called it a "separate reality" of our World..
Just put of curiosity, do you think engaging in multiverse travel would brake someones time lock?
Yes, if they didnt protect them, as i mentioned :D


Junior Member
Yes, the Time Lock problem was brought about by leaving the "Frequency Reference" of our own Universe..
John Von Neuman created an area or "Bubble" around the sailors that consisted of a frequency which matched our own Universe, some called it a "separate reality" of our World..
Just put of curiosity, do you think engaging in multiverse travel would brake someones time lock?
Yes, if they didnt protect them, as i mentioned :D
Just for the sake of clarification, what is a time lock?
