How will the Earth be by 2050?


King Ivan
Will humans continue to cut down forests until there'll be nothing left to cut down? That'll lead to a mass extinction of animals. Or will they stop cutting down forests, destroy all cities and probably build floating cities or underground cities? Will humans continue to pollute the air and oceans? That'll lead to an extinction of Marine animals. Polluted air will cause cancer. Will the human population increase from 7 billion to 10 or 14 billion people? That'll be a major problem. Will humans continue to release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, land clearing and other human activities? That'll also be a problem. Will we be more technologically advanced? But I have a few questions I hope someone here will be able to answer. Like why do I sometimes see some stupid people throwing plastic bottles or anything out of the car? Why can't they just throw them in the garbage?? And why don't they just somehow build their factories on the moon and dump the garbage in the sun? Like that, there'll no longer be pollution.

What do you think?
