I am sorry if this has little to do with time-


I am sorry if this has little to do with time-

I have found a way to find the frequency of a mass if it was a wave, and vice versa.

m=f x (7.366499973 x 10^-51)

f=m x (1.357496781 x 10^50)
I am sorry if this has little to do with time-

Yep. I think h is the lowest energy of a photon. I'm not too sure.

I am sorry if this has little to do with time-

Can you put that in a context that a musician could understand? Bercause I have to tell you, your on to something. All matter, all forms of energy have their own distinct resonance/sounds. All matter is actually a wave form if I am not mistaken.

If you could spend some time on it, what note would it be. This is a serious question.
I am sorry if this has little to do with time-

Ok for one the number 7.366499973 x 10^-51
unfortunately is not a frequency it is a constant to convert the frequency of light to um grams???

If we used to in terms of say middle A 440 Hz
a beam of light going at that frequency would be a u.l.f (ultra low frequency)
and would have a mass of 3.24125998812e-48 grams.

here is the mass of other frequencies of the 3rd octive

440 A 3.24125998812e-48
466.16376151809 A# 3.43399533663659e-48
493.883301256124 B 3.63819132536839e-48
523.251130601197 C 3.85452943944594e-48
554.365261953744 C# 4.08373168721439e-48
587.329535834815 D 4.32656300986927e-48
622.253967444162 D# 4.58383383437656e-48
659.25511382574 E 4.85640277819742e-48
698.456462866008 F 5.14517951484412e-48
739.988845423269 F# 5.45112780983081e-48
783.990871963499 G 5.77526873715136e-48
830.60939515989 G# 6.11868408701888e-48

Well since the constant is not a frequency itself lets go with the frequencies of visible light.

visible light has a frequence from dim red of 4.2827494e+14hz to faint violet of 7.49481145e+14 Hz

On a music scale visible light in in the 43th octive.

This is derived by taking the log base 2 of 440 which is about 8.78 noting that this represents the third octive and subtracting it from log base 2 of dim red 48.61 and adding three getting 42.83.

now we can do colors to notes and notes to colors.

1st Colors to notes
Magenta is G
Blue is D#
Cyan is C#
Green is C
Yellow is A#
Red is A

Now notes to colors
A is a dim red
A# is yellow with a faint hint of orange
B is a lime color
C is a green
C# is cyan
D is a sky blue
D# is blue
E is an indigo
F is a purple
F# is a violet
G is magenta
G# is rose

Now in terms of sympathetic viberations. It is true that a higher frequency can create resonance in structure that has it length or a harmonic multiple of it, but it needs at lease half a wave length for a closed pipe or a full wavelength for an open pipe for there to be nodes. Thus the 43rd octive would have to be achieved to get visible light.

The thing is even if you did make these 43rd octive waves you would be making mechanical waves and not electromagnetic waves.
I am sorry if this has little to do with time-

Originally posted by Phoenix@Sep 1 2004, 01:52 AM
Ok for one the number 7.366499973 x 10^-51
unfortunately is not a frequency it is a constant to convert the frequency of light to um grams???

If we used to in terms of say middle A 440 Hz
a beam of light going at that frequency would be a u.l.f (ultra low frequency)
and would have a mass of 3.24125998812e-48 grams.

here is the mass of other frequencies of the 3rd octive

440 A 3.24125998812e-48
466.16376151809 A# 3.43399533663659e-48
493.883301256124 B 3.63819132536839e-48
523.251130601197 C 3.85452943944594e-48
554.365261953744 C# 4.08373168721439e-48
587.329535834815 D 4.32656300986927e-48
622.253967444162 D# 4.58383383437656e-48
659.25511382574 E 4.85640277819742e-48
698.456462866008 F 5.14517951484412e-48
739.988845423269 F# 5.45112780983081e-48
783.990871963499 G 5.77526873715136e-48
830.60939515989 G# 6.11868408701888e-48

Well since the constant is not a frequency itself lets go with the frequencies of visible light.

visible light has a frequence from dim red of 4.2827494e+14hz to faint violet of 7.49481145e+14 Hz

On a music scale visible light in in the 43th octive.

This is derived by taking the log base 2 of 440 which is about 8.78 noting that this represents the third octive and subtracting it from log base 2 of dim red 48.61 and adding three getting 42.83.

now we can do colors to notes and notes to colors.

1st Colors to notes
Magenta is G
Blue is D#
Cyan is C#
Green is C
Yellow is A#
Red is A

Now notes to colors
A is a dim red
A# is yellow with a faint hint of orange
B is a lime color
C is a green
C# is cyan
D is a sky blue
D# is blue
E is an indigo
F is a purple
F# is a violet
G is magenta
G# is rose

Now in terms of sympathetic viberations. It is true that a higher frequency can create resonance in structure that has it length or a harmonic multiple of it, but it needs at lease half a wave length for a closed pipe or a full wavelength for an open pipe for there to be nodes. Thus the 43rd octive would have to be achieved to get visible light.

The thing is even if you did make these 43rd octive waves you would be making mechanical waves and not electromagnetic waves.

Ahhh, Phoenix, you were definately missed here. ;)
