I saw a dragon when I was 6..... Need answers


New Member
So where to start. I will try and be as detailed as possible. If I miss anything feel free to ask. Ok so I was around 6 years old. This was my first paranormal experience but definitely not the last. This experience has shaped me. I will never forget. It was around 4am..... dawn was approaching. I could see the light threw the curtains. I was a very active curious child and regularly use to sneak out of bed and play games. This one morning I awoke and decided to sneak downstairs. I remember it like yesterday. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I walked towards the livingroom. The door was open around 15 centemetres wide and as I looked threw I saw a dragon.

The dragon was facing away from me but it clearly filled the livingroom. It looked as tho it was cleaning itself maybe? Its tailwas wrapped around Iits body behind it and its wing were folded in so not sure how big they were. I sensed it knew I was stood there but it didnt move from that position. It reminds me of the classic st georges day type english dragon. Mainly algae green and various shades of green with flecks of gold and red. It had a presence. I could hear its deep breaths and I could see it moving slightly with each breath. The room smelt of smoke. Like a sulphuric bomfire night type smell.

The livingroom had no windows but in all honesty looking back as an adult it couldnt have fit thew any of the windows or door in that house so I assume it was a shape shifter. I stood there for probably 3 minutes kind of awe struck. I cant say I was terrified tho as its almost as tho I knew it ment me no harm. I backed away from the door slowly keeping my eyes on the door and then turned around and quietly sneaked back up stairs where I lay in bed for hours trying to make sense of it all. I know it wasnt a dream and I know it wasnt night terrors or sleep paralysis as iv experienced these aswell and theres a masive difference. I know what I saw sensed heard and smelt....

To this day my biggest regret is not aproaching the dragon or trying to communicate with it. Im now 28 and it never came back.... was it my spirit guide? An entity? Im confused as to what actually happened but also feel honoured to have had this experience. Has anyone else had similar or theories as to what it wanted and why it was there? Never told my mum when it happened but years later I did and found out that altho non of my family saw what I did they all had different paranormal experiences aswell. Thanks for reading. Sorry its so long just so much get across
Definitely wasnt a black mass iv just googled it. It could have been astral travel. Read quite abit in astral travel. Didnt realise time travel could be involved. Its food for thought. Didnt realise one who wasnt skilled could astral travel by accident tho
Definitely wasnt a black mass iv just googled it. It could have been astral travel. Read quite abit in astral travel. Didnt realise time travel could be involved. Its food for thought. Didnt realise one who wasnt skilled could astral travel by accident tho

Astral travel is more likely when you are young. Everyone's pineal gland calcifies up after 20 years of age. But at 6 years of age, that would have been working. You can learn to control this. But lots of people experience astral travel naturally when they are young.
Never thought of that. I am aware of the pineal gland. Would love to develop this threw raw healthy living. See if i can open the third eye and get better clarification. Would love to hear from others who have experienced similar tho. After years of sifting the net i have only found a handful of dragon sightings altho the children were infact all around the age of 6
Wow, that is a crazy awesome memory!!! I've always been fascinated with dragons and I've passed that love for them down to my little girl.

I'm a strong believer in animals as our spirit guides. They are way more tuned into everything " beyond the veil" than we are. I think they live with a foot in each side actually. So if one visits you, makes it presence known....listen and study into the messages. I know it hasn't come back since then, at least physically but you never know.

The fact that a creature so tremendously powerful came to your home....and you know it sensed you watching, and didn't harm you in any way, is truly a gift!!

Whether your dragon was a spirit guide or a shape shifter, I think you are very lucky for such an encounter.
Maybe you unconsciously opened a bridge that put together two different worlds, and you entered in a place where you found a life that shouldn't be there. Or the dragon accidentaly shifted in a world, which represents ours and got stuck there for a while. You thus then shifted in to a same frequency level that you could see the dragon.

Maybe there are no accidents, maybe the Dragon knew what it was doing, and wanted to show you that there are other kind of lifeforms too. Do you remember, have you been thinking about does the dragon exists? Maybe it wanted only to show you that they do exist, in a different level. Perhaps it was an answer to your question :)
I agree with Einstein. Some form of Astral Projection, frequency or dimensional cross over. It could also be a Reptilian of some kind. He would be aware of your presence but you are no threat being so young, it would not be bothered by you being there.

Either that or stop smoking that shit! ;)
